The Case for Reparations

I think the reason I keep coming back is the sheer absurdity of the posters; truly, I cannot fathom how people living in 2014 can be so poorly informed and categorically unintelligent.

You're trying to argue that the inherent difficulty in doling out reparations is reason enough to not provide them. If you can't see how that's just completely asinine then, well, it's par for the course.

I'm just trying to comprehend how you could logically deduce paying reparations for those who endured slavery to those who had nothing to do with slavery from those who had nothing to do with slavery.

The mental gymnastics are going to be fun to watch.
I'd be interested in starting "negotiations" at $50,000 per black individual who can trace their lineage back to slavery within the United States, and $25,000 to any black individual who can trace their lineage back to an ancestor living in the United States prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

I'm open to amending those amounts and any qualifiers, perhaps up to and including a gradual end to Affirmative Action.

You realize that would include someone like Obama who's father lived in the US, but wasn't a citizen.

You should just stick with your first criteria.
I'd be interested in starting "negotiations" at $50,000 per black individual who can trace their lineage back to slavery within the United States, and $25,000 to any black individual who can trace their lineage back to an ancestor living in the United States prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

I'm open to amending those amounts and any qualifiers, perhaps up to and including a gradual end to Affirmative Action.


Taxed at 50%.. and u can pay back the room and board food clothing etc any white that can trace their linage back to slave owners
Uh, constructive discourse regarding the issue of reparations? Was that really a question?

Yes troll boy. By negotiations, that can mean that number can be higher or lower.

Try some critical thinking here, might help your case.
I'd be interested in starting "negotiations" at $50,000 per black individual who can trace their lineage back to slavery within the United States, and $25,000 to any black individual who can trace their lineage back to an ancestor living in the United States prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

I'm open to amending those amounts and any qualifiers, perhaps up to and including a gradual end to Affirmative Action.

Why $50K

My opinion is that reparations are impractical and unwanted. It's too burdensome on our already bankrupt government, and handouts hurt socioeconomic progress, IMO.

That being said, it's hard to argue reparations aren't owed. I would guess everyone here who opposes reparations believes businesses that behave badly should be subject to fines and lawsuits. Shouldn't we hold government to the same standards?
Yes troll boy. By negotiations, that can mean that number can be higher or lower.

Try some critical thinking here, might help your case.

I'm well aware of what negotiations means. You, if you'll recall provided you can remember a post made by you mere minutes who, were the one who asked what is included in negotiations.

If Affirmative Action were to be progressively phased out, the numbers would be higher.
50,000.00 taxed - room and board to the owners... and deport you back to Africa.. since u didn't want to come here to begin with!
Why $50K

My opinion is that reparations are impractical and unwanted. It's too burdensome on our already bankrupt government, and handouts hurt socioeconomic progress, IMO.

That being said, it's hard to argue reparations aren't owed. I would guess everyone here who opposes reparations believes businesses that behave badly should be subject to fines and lawsuits. Shouldn't we hold government to the same standards?

$50k seemed like as good an arbitrary starting point as any, frankly. High enough as to not be insulting ie. $50, but still low enough as to not be ridiculous.

Reparations are certainly impractical, yes, though I'd assume they're hardly unwanted. You raise a wonderful point about the financial burden on the government, which would obviously play into any actual implementation of said reparations.
It makes perfect sense, actually. Are you looking to occlude people from deceiving reparations based on wealth?

before we go any further with our negotiations, I have received a memo from a descendant of a Chinese railroad laborer seeking reparations demanding similar concessions from the US
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Why $50K

My opinion is that reparations are impractical and unwanted. It's too burdensome on our already bankrupt government, and handouts hurt socioeconomic progress, IMO.

That being said, it's hard to argue reparations aren't owed. I would guess everyone here who opposes reparations believes businesses that behave badly should be subject to fines and lawsuits. Shouldn't we hold government to the same standards?

But if we were to apply the same standards across the board to business, the government would be fining ArcelorMittal for violations of the Clean Air and Water Act for pollution created by J&L Steel in the 1890s.
before we go any further with our negotiations, I have received a memo from a descendant of a Chinese railroad laborer seeking reparations demanding similar concessions from the US

Me too from an Indian.. and Germany is getting letters from Jews!
It makes perfect sense, actually. Are you looking to occlude people from deceiving reparations based on wealth?

No, just trying to wrap my head around how Obama's father, who wasn't a US citizen and furthermore, wasn't involved in slavery in the United States, deserves reparations. He was a college student and a Kenyan national that went BACK to Kenya when he finished his education...

So what's your argument again? Or are we negotiating?
Motion to table until a future meeting.

very well, now we should move on to blacks who have been the beneficiaries of programs enacted to alleviate discrimination.

dammit, another memo, this one is from a coalition of Native American tribes demanding reparations from blacks because, in their words, "it isn't fair that we got stuck on reservations, shut off from society, while the black peoples enjoyed the right to be fully integrated into American society."
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Motion to table until a future meeting.

Why would u make people pay that can trace their ancestors back to non-slave owners?

Or that came here after black freedom?

And how much of that 50k are you going to give to the people of ancestors that were killed fighting to free your ancestors?
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very well, now we should move on to blacks who have been the beneficiaries of programs enacted to alleviate discrimination.

dammit, another memo, this one is from a coalition of Native American tribes demanding reparations from blacks because, in their words, "it isn't fair that we got stuck on reservations, shut off from society, while the black peoples enjoyed the right to be fully integrated into American society."

Tell the Native Americans that we need to settle the reparations issue with African Americans first so that they are hypothetically able to pay the Native Americans, would you? Better yet, just ignore any further memos.
Tell the Native Americans that we need to settle the reparations issue with African Americans first so that they are hypothetically able to pay the Native Americans, would you? Better yet, just ignore any further memos.

And how much of that 50k are you going to give to the people of ancestors that were killed fighting to free your ancestors?
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Tell the Native Americans that we need to settle the reparations issue with African Americans first so that they are hypothetically able to pay the Native Americans, would you? Better yet, just ignore any further memos.

so you're saying that blacks have a better case than the indigenous peoples? Why is that?
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