The Church of England

The Christian faith is all about forgiveness and I think everyone is deserving of being blessed. Same sex folks probably need the blessings more than most. I have no problem blessing them or anyone else but they should stop short of blessing their marriage. That does go against church doctrines
So a sexual relationship of any type outside of marriage is a sin. Does that prevent a blessing as well?

Carnal relations outside marriage have historically been an impediment to participation in Holy Communion and to ordination to the priesthood. They remain so in the practice of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
It could be but they go on the assumption that it's not. Just as a hetero is given the benefit of the doubt.

That church will be fine in 100yrs so no real skin off my back. Just pointing out the hypocrisy required to conduct one and not the other

You believe they’re giving hetero sexual marriages the benefit of a doubt of being abstinent?

No one is assuming that.
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Carnal relations outside marriage have historically been an impediment to participation in Holy Communion and to ordination to the priesthood. They remain so in the practice of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Who is checking?
Couple vs marriage. Yes. We are talking about homosexual marriage are we not?
Right but a marriage is the blessing of the union. The union is blessed even though the relationship is in sin. Straight couples get a do over

Marriage is simply a convenient get out of hell free card that is denied for those who are made gay by their creator
Right but a marriage is the blessing of the union. The union is blessed even though the relationship is in sin. Straight couples get a do over

Marriage is simply a convenient get out of hell free card that is denied for those who are made gay by their creator
I think perhaps you have a misunderstanding of what does or does not send a person to hell. If it is the absence of sin is required for heaven, ain’t ANY of us getting in
Who is checking?

The reception of Holy Communion is bound closely with the examination of conscience and the confession of sins (as the Apostle Paul teaches us). An ordinand must give a confession of all his life's sins to the ordaining bishop prior to ordination. Is it possible for the unscrupulous to conceal their sins from men and to partake of Holy Communion or of the priesthood? Certainly, but they do so to the peril of their souls, as they're not able to conceal their sins from the just Judge.
Right but a marriage is the blessing of the union. The union is blessed even though the relationship is in sin. Straight couples get a do over

Marriage is simply a convenient get out of hell free card that is denied for those who are made gay by their creator

So we agree only heterosexual marriages should be blessed and it’s not putting one sin above another because heterosexual marriages are not a sin?

Calling marriage a get out of jail free card is just ignorant because it ignores the overall point that sex is a requirement for survival and that marriage is optimal for children. It’s the basical liberal thing of tearing down fences (marriage in this case) without asking the obvious question of what purpose does this fence serve
I think perhaps you have a misunderstanding of what does or does not send a person to hell. If it is the absence of sin is required for heaven, ain’t ANY of us getting in
No I know how it works. It just seems that absolving a certain sin thru marriage while not offering marriage to every couple is a convenient way to work the system. But I'm sure a creator who created gay people is cool with the church excluding them
No I know how it works. It just seems that absolving a certain sin thru marriage while not offering marriage to every couple is a convenient way to work the system. But I'm sure a creator who created gay people is cool with the church excluding them

Because sex itself is not a sin. The same creator created murders, rapists, etc and they are all responsible for their actions. We are all born with different propensities for sin. That doesn’t absolve us from our actions.

For example men are far more likely to behave in a violent manner than women. That doesn’t excuse them from violence
So we agree only heterosexual marriages should be blessed and it’s not putting one sin above another because heterosexual marriages are not a sin?

Calling marriage a get out of jail free card is just ignorant because it ignores the overall point that sex is a requirement for survival and that marriage is optimal for children. It’s the basical liberal thing of tearing down fences (marriage in this case) without asking the obvious question of what purpose does this fence serve
I don't care who's blessed but can realize that choosing to marry one st of sinners but not another is picking and choosing.

Do couples who can't or won't further the survival of the species get to stay wed?

I'm not interested in tearing anything down I am simply pointing out the interesting inconsistencies. I would prefer the church do what they wish and govt get out. But we all know neither the govt nor the church will ever allow that to happen
The leadership of the catholic church did just that
Don't believe that one iota. I think they found it abhorrent, did not know what to do and made some absolutely awful decisions. Not the first time in human history.
I don't care who's blessed but can realize that choosing to marry one st of sinners but not another is picking and choosing.

Do couples who can't or won't further the survival of the species get to stay wed?

I'm not interested in tearing anything down I am simply pointing out the interesting inconsistencies. I would prefer the church do what they wish and govt get out. But we all know neither the govt nor the church will ever allow that to happen

The issue is a marriage is sanctioned by the church. A homosexual marriage automatically implies homosexual sex which is a sin. It would be no different than asking a priest to bless your brothel before it opens.

Stay wed? What does any of this have to do with staying married? That’s up to the couples. The issue here is that you’re expecting the church to condone it. Staying married and having your marriage condoned by the church are separate things.
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Don't believe that one iota. I think they found it abhorrent, did not know what to do and made some absolutely awful decisions. Not the first time in human history.
So abhorrent that they sent the offenders right back into the church to find more children. It's really not a tough choice for any decent human
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If a church adjusts its teaching to prevent people from leaving, it is no longer a Church.
I didn't say that. I think that inconsistent teachings will be the downfall. There are also teachings incompatible with an advancing culture that is nothing like the one that put the Bible together. Then there are the followers...

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