The Church of England

I refuse to become involved here in the minutiae of arguments about wherever or not homosexuality is a sin. That has been covered Ad nauseum elsewhere and the Bible is unambiguous on the matter. People will believe what they will believe.
My only point is that the Church of England has chosen to disassociate itself from 2000 years of Christian teaching and 3500 years of Jewish tradition. They can call themselves a church but they just basically decided to become a glorified social club with ceremonially dressed hosts.
The Bible has a term…..Ichabod
I didn't say that. I think that inconsistent teachings will be the downfall. There are also teachings incompatible with an advancing culture that is nothing like the one that put the Bible together. Then there are the followers...
Adapting to advancing culture is deciding that women no longer have to cover their head in church. Ignoring something that the Bible calls an abomination is not a question of culture.
So abhorrent that they sent the offenders right back into the church to find more children. It's really not a tough choice for any decent human
The good thing about this is we know what you'll do if ever placed in that position. How many of these situations were you personally involved in? Not being a smart tail, but if you knew everything about the circumstances, why did they send them back in? Did they really feel it was not that big a deal? Did you hear that directly from parties involved?

Make no mistake, I'm not defending them. I am suspicious of anyone stating "they would do X" or "so-and-so should have done Y" in a given situation they have never been in. If you have been in similar circumstances, then I apologize and perhaps you could enlighten us as to how you handled it.

If some harm befell one of my grandkids at the hands of someone, I can easily project I would be in a murderous rage. However, that does not mean I'm going to commit homocide. Don't know if I would and hope to hell I never find out.
The good thing about this is we know what you'll do if ever placed in that position. How many of these situations were you personally involved in? Not being a smart tail, but if you knew everything about the circumstances, why did they send them back in? Did they really feel it was not that big a deal? Did you hear that directly from parties involved?

Make no mistake, I'm not defending them. I am suspicious of anyone stating "they would do X" or "so-and-so should have done Y" in a given situation they have never been in. If you have been in similar circumstances, then I apologize and perhaps you could enlighten us as to how you handled it.

If some harm befell one of my grandkids at the hands of someone, I can easily project I would be in a murderous rage. However, that does not mean I'm going to commit homocide. Don't know if I would and hope to hell I never find out.
I'm really sure what to tell you except I know if I find out a subordinate was molesting kids at their job I would do everything in my power to ensure they never touched another child. Of that I have no doubt.
Adapting to advancing culture is deciding that women no longer have to cover their head in church. Ignoring something that the Bible calls an abomination is not a question of culture.
No just head coverings but having any say or leadership position whatsoever. That has been defended in VN before
I'm really sure what to tell you except I know if I find out a subordinate was molesting kids at their job I would do everything in my power to ensure they never touched another child. Of that I have no doubt.
And I feel certain you would do so as would I.
You’re just trolling at this point. “I’m going to go to the Christian thread and start talking about catholic priests molesting kids”
It was a Terence to sin of you read it again. The claim is always that no sin is above another but history shows that not to be true
It was a Terence to sin of you read it again. The claim is always that no sin is above another but history shows that not to be true

You’re confusing man and god. Men are fallible. Christian men are no different. But to put that sin on Christianity as a whole or god is ignorant.

Yes, no sin is above another in the eyes of god. To proclaim that’s not true because some men did something horrible is about as ignorant of an opinion as one could ever have
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(What I write below has as its point of reference the historical norms of those churches that have a claim to apostolic succession -- in particular, of the Eastern Orthodox Church, of which I am a communicant.)

Right but a marriage is the blessing of the union.

A union that has as a primary purpose the procreation of children. This purpose can only be fulfilled by a man and a woman.

The union is blessed even though the relationship is in sin.

Not every union can be blessed. Unions involving adultery, consanguinity, or serial marriage, for instance, cannot be blessed.

Straight couples get a do over

"Straight" couples don't get a do-over (their premarital lapses may require the fulfillment of a penance). What they have different from a same-sex couple is a sine qua non of marriage -- the possibility of producing children.

Marriage is simply a convenient get out of hell free card

Marriage is a sacrament instituted by God for the procreation of children and the sanctification of the couple.

that is denied for those who are made gay by their creator

A man should not be identified (nor should he identify himself) with his appetites. The inclination to sin was not implanted in us by the Creator, but is the fruit of our race's turning away from God.

The Christian faith is a matter of revelation. One can choose to accept or to reject that revelation and consequently to accept or to reject the Christian faith, but the Church wasn't instituted by Christ as a deliberative body. He who is the same yesterday, today, and forever has given us an unchanging doctrine.
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IDK, maybe the people in here who are mad for faith-based reasons that somebody else's church is welcoming gays.


I will always love my children, no matter their choices.

However, certain acts would never be allowed by them in my home. If one becomes some kind of an addict, they are still welcome in my home. But they will not be acting on that addiction while there nor will we glorify said behavior while they are there.

I will always love my children, no matter their choices.

However, certain acts would never be allowed by them in my home. If one becomes some kind of an addict, they are still welcome in my home. But they will not be acting on that addiction while there nor will we glorify said behavior while they are there.

This analogy would make sense if the church of England were having people pray to gays as they have sex in front of everybody.

Gay people are just a church now.
What the absolute heck????
Church of England approves 'prayers for God's blessing' on same-sex couples: 'A long road'
well, it IS a church created in response to the to Henry VIII being unwilling to accept Church Teaching on marriage so I guess this is totally par for the course.
But it has been a solid and steadfast church until recently.
When you say, "Church Teaching", you're directly referencing the Catholic church that Henry VIII broke away from because they wouldn't let him divorce, a common practice today.

This is also the church (Catholic) that attempted to cover up one of the worst sexual abuse cases in history.

I wonder how telling anyone who has been divorced they're going to Hell would go over in today's world?
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IDK, maybe the people in here who are mad for faith-based reasons that somebody else's church is welcoming gays.

A refusal to bless a same-sex union does not equal a refusal to welcome to church the individuals that comprise that union. God demands certain things of us, however, and we are obliged to conform our conduct to his commandments. The Church is a haven of repentance, not a reinforcement of our self-satisfaction.
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I wonder how telling anyone who has been divorced they're going to Hell would go over in today's world?

How would it have gone over in antiquity or the middle ages? I'm not aware of this contingency having ever been put to the test.
When you say, "Church Teaching", you're directly referencing the Catholic church that Henry VIII broke away from because they wouldn't let him divorce, a common practice today.

This is also the church (Catholic) that attempted to cover up one of the worst sexual abuse cases in history.

I wonder how telling anyone who has been divorced they're going to Hell would go over in today's world?
I am no longer going to respond to posts where people talk about „sin x“ sending someone to hell. That’s not how any of this works 🙄

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