The Church of England

It makes sense for any church that is sending the message that the behavior is ok.

So let's turn your analogy on you, then...if you welcome your drug addict son into your home, you're sending a message that the behavior is OK?
A refusal to bless a same-sex union does not equal a refusal to welcome to church the individuals that comprise that union. God demands certain things of us, however, and we are obliged to conform our conduct to his commandments. The Church is a haven of repentance, not a reinforcement of our self-satisfaction.

You're modifying the events to deflect. Nobody is saying a refusal to bless is a refusal to welcome. We are saying you guys are against their welcoming actions.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we shouldn't welcome gays and pray for their blessing. In no way is the church reinforcing their self-satisfation anymore than it does in welcoming alcoholics, or gamblers, or straight people who have sex outside of marriage, etc. The church is still teaching marriage is between man and woman. You guys are changing the rules of engagement with one specific type of sinner to be mad about this.
Saying that a thing is forbidden is not the same as saying that the one who has done it is consigned to gehenna. The Lord taught us that there is but one unforgivable sin, and it's not divorce.
It's not homosexuality either.
So let's turn your analogy on you, then...if you welcome your drug addict son into your home, you're sending a message that the behavior is OK?

How am I doing that? I am always open to helping him and encouraging him to live a better life.

My home, which really isn’t 4 walls and a roof in this discussion, is about showing him the better path.
It's not homosexuality either.
True, but it is often believed to be the inability to see sin as sin but as virtue (ie blasphemy against the Spirit of God). The modern LGBQXXXXXX lobby is awfully close to crossing that particular Rubicon. One who is incapable of seeing their actions as wrong will never seek forgiveness.
True, but it is often believed to be the inability to see sin as sin but as virtue (ie blasphemy against the Spirit of God). The modern LGBQXXXXXX lobby is awfully close to crossing that particular Rubicon. One who is incapable of seeing their actions as wrong will never seek forgiveness.

You just described almost everyone. The inability to see when you are wrong applies to more than just the LGBTQ community.

I live my life and try to let other people live theirs. In the end, God will decide who is right and who is wrong. It's not for me to say, IMO.
This issue is tearing the Methodist Church apart as we speak. It’s not the only issue but it’s a key one. And it will come to a head in 2024. [VIDEO=][/VIDEO]
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This issue is tearing the Methodist Church apart as we speak. It’s not the only issue but it’s a key one. And it will come to a head in 2024. [VIDEO=][/VIDEO]

Oh it won’t stop there. It is aiming for the entire society. This lack of self control, misunderstanding of the idea of love, erasing of boundaries, etc. This, sex changes for kids, federal government spending money out of control. They may seem like separate issues but they all have similar root causes.
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Oh it won’t stop there. It is aiming for the entire society. This lack of self control, misunderstanding of the idea of love, erasing of boundaries, etc. This, sex changes for kids, federal government spending money out of control. They may seem like separate issues but they all have similar root causes.
Oh it won’t stop there. It is aiming for the entire society. This lack of self control, misunderstanding of the idea of love, erasing of boundaries, etc. This, sex changes for kids, federal government spending money out of control. They may seem like separate issues but they all have similar root causes.
Oh it won’t stop there. It is aiming for the entire society. This lack of self control, misunderstanding of the idea of love, erasing of boundaries, etc. This, sex changes for kids, federal government spending money out of control. They may seem like separate issues but they all have similar root causes.
You're modifying the events to deflect.

What events am I modifying? What am I trying to deflect? This discussion from the beginning has been about a church blessing same-sex unions.

Nobody is saying a refusal to bless is a refusal to welcome. We are saying you guys are against their welcoming actions

What are these welcoming actions that "we guys" are against? (For that matter, who are "we guys"?)

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we shouldn't welcome gays and pray for their blessing.

Nowhere in the Bible is "gay" a category of human identity (certainly not one determined by a person's thoughts, feelings, or appetites rather than by his deeds). The Apostle Paul states quite plainly, however, that homosexual acts are among the mortal sins.

In no way is the church reinforcing their self-satisfation anymore than it does in welcoming alcoholics, or gamblers, or straight people who have sex outside of marriage, etc.

Does the Church of England have prayers for blessing alcoholics, gamblers, and fornicators qua alcoholics, gamblers, and fornicators? If not, why not?

The church is still teaching marriage is between man and woman.

It is also giving its blessing to conduct contrary to the commandments of God.

You guys have to change the rules of engagement with sinners to be mad about this.

What are the rules of engagement and how have "we guys" changed them?

(I suppose it would benefit the discussion if we were to locate the actual text of this blessing and not rely on a description contained in a Fox News article.)
Where's all the complaining about the church blessing marriages for people that have been married and divorced like 5 times already?

The gays are a huge distraction issue and yall just keep eating it up.
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Where's all the complaining about the church blessing marriages for people that have been married and divorced like 5 times already?

In the Christian communities that uphold (more or less) the ancient discipline of the Church regarding marriage, such a scenario as the one you propose above simply isn't permitted.
In the Christian communities that uphold (more or less) the ancient discipline of the Church regarding marriage, such a scenario as the one you propose above simply isn't permitted.

Interesting we don't hear about that though, it's always about the gays
Again, can anybody point to the Bible teaching that says don't bless gays (or any type of sinner) or welcome them to church. If you can't, don't respond. I'm not looking for 500 words of deflection again.
Again, can anybody point to the Bible teaching that says don't bless gays (or any type of sinner) or welcome them to church. If you can't, don't respond. I'm not looking for 500 words of deflection again.
I think the issue here is how we are defining the word „bless“. If we mean a sincerely wish and prayer for one‘s health and happiness in life, I don’t think many people would object. If we mean a more formal invocation of God‘s sanction and grace on an activity then that would be expecting God to contradict Himself by condoning what He has forbidden. To do so would be to be no longer God

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