The Democratic Party cheated the 2020 election

If you don't care enough to spend a couple hours voting then you shouldn't vote.

People will wait in line 30 minutes for a crappy coffee but HOLY Chit once a year (or 4) you have to wait in line to exercise your franchise.

The same reason I don't use a typewriter instead of computer. We've advanced beyond that waste of time. We've been doing it for years, but now that Trump lost it is a travesty.
The same reason I don't use a typewriter instead of computer. We've advanced beyond that waste of time. We've been doing it for years, but now that Trump lost it is a travesty.

We haven't been doing unsolicited vote by mail for years except in just a couple of states.

And your typewriter analogy is just dumb.
Voting is a mess. I bet the accuracy of even valid votes is 95% and there is no reason in this day that it isn’t 99.9999. Don’t ever tell me my vote matters. And we certainly don’t need proprietary software to count integers.
No evidence it mattered. That has always been the main shortcoming. Absent evidence it was reasonably likely to have changed a result it is a fool's errand.
There was 270k in the 1 case alone.. but being after thr elections there no closer of action act the fact.. hence the law and interpretations were changed to stop it happening again
I'm not on the "election was stolen" bandwagon. But you and I both know all you need for an expert, on any subject to agree with you, is money. Whole legal system has created a cottage industry for this.
On the whole there are just better ways to the voting, but the goal isn't to do it better the goal is always to gain an advantage. This directed towards both parties. Why not just do it like they do you credit cards? Credit card one day and pin number on some other?

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