I don't personally know of anyone advocating chinese policies? Did someone do that? Or you are just using your usual strawman argument attack?
With regards to the second statement, happens all the time and our history is replete with companies that have punished for voicing opinions. Tobacco companies voiced their opinions smoking was a good thing through advertising. We know how that eventually turned out.
In this case, a corporation has stated they will actively seek to overturn a state law. I have no problem with that. More power to them. Maybe it was not clear to you, and I apologize for it not being more understandable, so I'll clarify.
My point was that Disney as a company appears to be virtue signalling their moral character. However, they seem to completely ignore morality when it comes to the Chinese or any of the countries they do business with that have explicit laws against homosexuality. They do not seem to lose any sleep at all over that, but heaven forbid the state of Florida outlaws discussing the various aspects of human sexuality with our children in 3rd grade or lower. I propose they do this because the Chinese would quash their profits virtually overnight. They do not fear the state of Florida. Maybe they need a little fear of the government that was elected by the good people of Florida.