Even assuming that “quasi-Marxian” can apply to a profit-driven free market system, state prescription of culture and norms is not western. It’s illiberal at best, and authoritarian at worst.
In the instance of public schools, we're literally discussing the diktats of state forcing illiberal gender/sex ideology (and CRT tenets) upon children. In the instance of public and private school, I maintain that it is abusive, illogical mind-screwing of children with long-term implications to the child and society. And that market or no and notwithstanding what a portion of private school parents may want, it should not stand. One can only disagree if one disagrees it is abuse, or
uncertain that it is which is your position.
Defending the argument that is illogical and anti-scientific, therefore psychologically and physiologically harmful:
We're binary XX and XY. You may change appearance to affect being the other sex - or poly something - but you will never be a menstruating or ejaculating "person". Like not being racist isn't enough - one must be anti-racist - the bourgeoning orthodoxy demands gender and pronoun affirmation. It is not enough to call Jimmy, "Jill", but refer to him as her - or a singular person as plural non-binary - you must, despite your religious objection or right to observe immutable biology. Otherwise is is gender discrimination. The state is effectively imposing a government approved dialect upon admin, teachers, and students. For the moment, coercion appears as (but not exclusively) tacit prodding for PK-12 students, mandatory for adults, while some portion of universities actively demand it of students.
I've already mentioned entire school systems have adopted a privacy policy that assumes autonomy from the parents and essentially has a double-life lived at school; DC Public Schools is an example of this.
The District of Columbia Public Schools issued guidance (“DCPS Guidance”) noting that “students may choose to have their parents participate in the transition process, but parental participation is not required.” The guidance further 3 recommends different developmentally appropriate protocols depending on grade level. The DCPS Guidance suggests that the school work with a young student’s family to identify appropriate steps to support the student, but recommends working closely with older students prior to notification of family. The guidance also provides a model planning document with key issues to discuss with the student or the student’s family.
From Obama's DOE, which was the accelerant for broad-based imposition of gender/sex ideology:
https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/oshs/emergingpractices.pdf This is a usurpation of parental rights by the at-best illiberal state.
But, it's worse than that. The National Association of Independent Schools:
A nearly hour-long training workshop at NAIS’ flagship conference in 2020, reviewed by Breitbart News, features a discussion about how to talk to kids about “gender, and sexuality, and identity,” including how to talk to kids in Pre-K about “their bodies,” “penises and vaginas,” and “what they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl.” The conference covers how to teach sex, sexuality, and “gender identity” from Pre-K to Grade 8.
“Starting in Pre-K we talk about their bodies, the parts that they were born with, about penises and vaginas and whether they make somebody a boy or girl. But also their feelings, what do they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl? What does their head say? Do their heart and their body match up,” the lecturer explains. Exclusive Footage — Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K
I consider this abuse, private or public. This is inducing doubts - psychological shotgunning - about gender/sexuality at ages children may still be peeing the bed. The same cartoon Gender Unicorn is widely used in K-onward public schools and is effectively pull-advocacy. Small wonder that:
According to Oregon’s Department of Education Sexual Health and School Health Specialist, Ely Sanders, “We have more and more kindergartners coming out and identifying.” Parents opposed to the plan say this is proof that the whole thing is ridiculous. They claim it’s ridiculous to have five-year old’s who can’t tie their shoes, can barely read, and can’t even remember their home address, making life-changing decisions about identifying as the opposite sex or as a non-gender. What Is The Gender Unicorn And How Is It Being Used In Schools?
The American College of Pediatrics has an array of articles on the psychological and physiological abuse:
8. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to “gender clinics” where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures they will “choose” a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.
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They challenge the emotional cudgels used by this activist pull movement- such as risk of depression, suicide, and need for affirmation - for not indulging these most often transitory childhood insecurities, with everything other than psychological counseling. Which 20 illiberal, not Western-like states and a host of municipalities have banned.
CRT tenets in PK-12 mirrors this coercive, government-issue dialect. They're all using the same source material from the same leftist activist groups tailoring and peddling it to education officials.