The original law passed by Fl did not in any way effect Disney. It may have hurt the feelings of Disney employees, but it did not have any material effect on the Disney corporation. When the Disney corporation and its leadership weighed in on the political issues involved in passed bill to appease their employees, they opened themselves up to renunciation from both investors and potential customers. There was no reason for Disney to do this other than to pander to their employees that appear to be on the wrong side of this issue to a lot of people that they supposedly covet as customers.
Disney could have simply issued a short statement on the new law and moved on. Instead, Disney appeared to double down. At some point as a company, you have to listen to your employees, but you cannot run your business model based on the unwarranted emotional demands of employees. Disney will either have a change in leadership or they will end up paying much higher taxes in the long run to offset any debt that the counties incur. Either way, this is a lose-lose for Disney. They have already alienated a portion of their consumer base and they are losing a political battle that they should have never involved themselves in.