Thanks for all the suggestions.
@ slice appreciate the details on AVL.
Someone mentioned something about 800’ from a dwelling, something like that, don’t know which city. FWIW, we live in a neighborhood with 1/6 acre lots, 50’ wide. It’s an old millworker neighborhood; think Cooper-Young in Memphis. A neighbor is a broody drunk, and I’m pretty happy with him not being allowed to shoot off a gun when he’s having a Special Evening. Live in the country or other area with huge lots? —cool. Fire away.
Trapping: think I posted before that NC allows year-round trapping of nuisance animals, but it’s illegal to drive them elsewhere and release them.

So even if we could catch it, I would then… strangle it? Stab it to death with my santoku knife? Read the newspaper to it until it suicides itself? Interestingly, NC DOES license some wildlife trappers. Wonder if they had input into this trap and no release law… $$$
Not gonna rip up the deck to address any possible tunneling.
Off to statistics, which I wish someone would trap and release far, far away