The evil of Replacement Theory

The left champions mass immigration. The left proclaims mass immigration will lead to their political dominance.

Why is it a conspiracy to believe the left wants to win elections?
The left doesn't do either of those things.

But they do want to win elections.
Because of the roots of the theory and how it is viewed in the less mainstream right-wing media. It's easing its way from fringe to mainstream.....with Tucker's knowing assistance.

In agreement with what? That you’re labeling reality as conspiracy?

Here’s what you’ve done. You’ve taken x% of crazies who believe in a Jewish conspiracy and then accused people who are not talking about that of “sanitizing their message”.

It’s no different than saying those on the left who promote the idea that Black Lives Matter are simply sanitizing the message of the Dallas BLM shooter.

Or those on the left who promote the idea that Palestinians are victims are just sanitizing anti Semitic talking points.

It’s all the same dishonest game. The only difference is you see this dishonest game as the gospel because it reflects your world view that “republics are evil racists”

Edit: Bernie Sanders and the squad are just sanitizing the message of the congressional baseball shooter

I'll just bump this again. The same nonsense you're accusing Tucker Carlson of, I could accuse every member of the left. It's a nonsensical and disingenuous game but you support it because you think it makes the other guy look bad.
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Well seriously Luther - how could anyone look at the data and dispute:
  1. flood the country with foreigners (presumably and preferably non-Euro ethnic ones) via open immigration and high birthrates
? Lets start with that.
The "elites" are doing that? Nonsense.
High seems it's the repubs intent on making those higher.
You completely lose #1.
We can move on to #2 if you wish.
The left doesn't do either of those things.

But they do want to win elections.

This is from MSNBC. There's countless similar articles. But this is clearly people on the left proclaiming that their key to victory is the shifting demographic. You still intend on pretending this isn't the case?


Edit: I'll add more

This is from MSNBC. There's countless similar articles. But this is clearly people on the left proclaiming that their key to victory is the shifting demographic. You still intend on pretending this isn't the case?

I see that as nothing more than an accurate and fair reading of the data.
The "elites" are doing that? Nonsense.
High seems it's the repubs intent on making those higher.
You completely lose #1.
We can move on to #2 if you wish.

If republicans are trying to increase black birth rates by limiting abortion which disproportionately impacts black birth rates, that harms your argument too that all these evil republicans are just racist and fear becoming minorities.
If republicans are trying to increase black birth rates by limiting abortion which disproportionately impacts black birth rates, that harms your argument too that all these evil republicans are just racist and fear becoming minorities.
I've always seen the conflict in their positions.
The left champions mass immigration. The left proclaims mass immigration will lead to their political dominance.

Why is it a conspiracy to believe the left wants to win elections?

The left doesn't do either of those things.

But they do want to win elections.

I see that as nothing more than an accurate and fair reading of the data.

You just did the thing you said the left wasn't doing....
This is from MSNBC. There's countless similar articles. But this is clearly people on the left proclaiming that their key to victory is the shifting demographic. You still intend on pretending this isn't the case?


Edit: I'll add more

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That just seems like truthful and straight forward analysis. Those trends have been growingly evident for decades.
That just seems like truthful and straight forward analysis. Those trends have been growingly evident for decades.

So you too proclaim shifting demographics will lead to left wing political dominance? Seems you’re contradicting yourself at this point
You just did the thing you said the left wasn't doing....
Nowhere in any of that was political dominance or mass migration mentioned. The trends obviously benefit the left, but that's a far cry from claiming it as the ticket to political dominance.

If you removed the words "mass" and "dominance" from your statement, it would have more validity.
So you too proclaim shifting demographics will lead to left wing political dominance? Seems you’re contradicting yourself at this point
I never said DOMINANCE. Until you leave that word out, you automatically lose the argument.
That just seems like truthful and straight forward analysis. Those trends have been growingly evident for decades.
So you too are an obvious believer in replacement theory?
It seems like everyone agrees it is happening. The only thing we seem to think that is incorrect is the crazed belief of a small number of idiots that it is a Jewish conspiracy
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I never said DOMINANCE. Until you leave that word out, you automatically lose the argument.

You’ve already lost. By accepting the notion that immigration helps the left than mass immigration would obviously be more helpful. And enough of it in your eyes would lead to dominance.

It’s merely the logical conclusion of your own stated stance. So instead of playing your semantic game how about we move into the next stage?

Why would it be a conspiracy to believe the left would do something that proclaim will help them win? Especially given we hear left wing politicians champion immigration often and obviously they want to win.

How is that a “conspiracy?”
Its behind the paywall but I thought the basic gist of "replacement theory" is that the elites are trying to
  1. flood the country with foreigners (presumably and preferably non-Euro ethnic ones) via open immigration and high birthrates
  2. this "brown/yellow/black horde" with non-American cultures will be used to outbreed and replace the population of the relatively religious/culturally homogenous "whites" that are here now and until recently were thought of as "the typical American"
  3. the elites use this cultural/religious/ethnic fragmentation to keep and increase political power to themselves while supposedly representing the interests of "all the people", meanwhile having their thralls in the media bleat that those who do not accept this are racists.
  4. the elites then use the increased political power to dispossess the largely middle and working-class whites, giving pilfered trinkets to the newcomers but with the intention to rule both newcomers and "dying whites" alike in neo serfdom

If that is the basic tenants of "replacement theory", I am trying to look at each point and see how the preponderance of evidence would disprove it - yet without success.

Perhaps some of you who so dismissively shrug it off as the rantings of racist incel proud boys raging while hiding in their mothers basement on the loss of their coveted job at the local Dairy Queen - could you take a whack at the individual points and disprove them for me?

Mind you, I am not asking whether or not this should be but rather how is it untrue? After all, the "white man" took it from the indians (who took it from each other), as has happened to every peoples since Adam.
I heard a quote from a historian once (although I can not remember whom to give proper attribution) that “demographics is destiny”. That seems to accurately fit just about every historical case to which I could apply it.
We can pretty much start with Homo sapiens replacing Neanderthal and go effortlessly onward from there
So you too are an obvious believer in replacement theory?
It seems like everyone agrees it is happening. The only thing we seem to think that is incorrect is the crazed belief of a small number of idiots that it is a Jewish conspiracy
There is no denying the obvious trends. And I would think most of us (or at least some of us) have extrapolated those trends.

The right wing propaganda narrative being pushed is that it is an orchestrated conspiracy by leftist global elites to eliminate the white race and replace it with people of color. Surely you can see the difference.
There is no denying the obvious trends. And I would think most of us (or at least some of us) have extrapolated those trends.

The right wing propaganda narrative being pushed is that it is an orchestrated conspiracy by leftist global elites to eliminate the white race and replace it with people of color. Surely you can see the difference.

Show me where Tucker said that
That's such a load of crap. DC might want to direct his dishonesty detector in your direction.
I don't believe they automatically gravitate towards the democrats, but I know that the majority vote democrat.
I don't believe every rural redneck automatically gravitates to the republicans, but I know the majority vote republican.
I don't believe every old, bitter, southern white male automatically gravitates toward republicans, but I know the majority vote republican.

Why do you lie to us and more importantly why do you continue to lie to yourself? Your posting history absolutely proves you firmly believe that skin color determines political leanings.
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The left champions mass immigration. The left proclaims mass immigration will lead to their political dominance.

Why is it a conspiracy to believe the left wants to win elections?

Illegal immigrants don't vote. Latest polling is that legal immigrants and Hispanics generally are tending Republican. That fact is conveniently ignored in the conspiracy theory.

Again, it's about generating views and clicks by fomenting distrust and anxiety.
You’ve already lost. By accepting the notion that immigration helps the left than mass immigration would obviously be more helpful. And enough of it in your eyes would lead to dominance.

It’s merely the logical conclusion of your own stated stance. So instead of playing your semantic game how about we move into the next stage?

Why would it be a conspiracy to believe the left would do something that proclaim will help them win? Especially given we hear left wing politicians champion immigration often and obviously they want to win.

How is that a “conspiracy?”
Totally absurd.
Only an idiot would conclude that immigration does not help the left.
That in no way whatsoever means the left supports mass immigration. That's a leap that can't be made no matter how hard you may try.
And I in no way think it would EVER lead to dominance. I stated my belief earlier in some thread that with a two party system it will always hover around 50 / 50.

Your conclusions are anything but logical, but I'll gladly move into the next stage.
The fact that immigration helps the left would obviously make the left more pro immigration than the right.
You could equally say that since repubs know that immigrants are more likely to vote D, they are anti immigrant.
Both positions would have equal validity.
The last part you are leaving out is also critical. The right wing propaganda narrative is that the goal is the defeat of the white race and its replacement with people of color.
There is no denying the obvious trends. And I would think most of us (or at least some of us) have extrapolated those trends.

The right wing propaganda narrative being pushed is that it is an orchestrated conspiracy by leftist global elites to eliminate the white race and replace it with people of color. Surely you can see the difference.
I can. But from a pragmatic point of view, I am concerned much more with the effect than the motivation. If it is happening, does it really change anything if it is a conspiracy or a random occurrence? And by conspiracy, would you define that as including Democrat plans to use the Demographic shifts to their political advantage? I would argue that one very real consideration in Biden’s obvious abandonment of any meaningful border enforcement is a naked attempt to hasten the already occurring shift. Does that make me a conspiracy theorist in your eyes? Honest question
Illegal immigrants don't vote. Latest polling is that legal immigrants and Hispanics generally are tending Republican. That fact is conveniently ignored in the conspiracy theory.

Again, it's about generating views and clicks by fomenting distrust and anxiety.

I actually agree with you here. But the mainstream narrative is that Hispanics vote democratic.

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