The evil of Replacement Theory

I don't know that he did. I would hope he would at least be smart enough to keep that unsaid on Fox. He'll leave that up to the fringe sites.

So we have to read between the lines with Tucker but with you we have to be extra literal with every word you say?
Why do you lie to us and more importantly why do you continue to lie to yourself? Your posting history absolutely proves you firmly believe that skin color determines political leanings.
The truth is that I believe that to be true to a much lesser degree than most every poster in the PF.
And that's the truth that truly chaps your butt.
If republicans are trying to increase black birth rates by limiting abortion which disproportionately impacts black birth rates, that harms your argument too that all these evil republicans are just racist and fear becoming minorities.

You assume they have thought it through.

All evidence to the contrary.
Illegal immigrants don't vote. Latest polling is that legal immigrants and Hispanics generally are tending Republican. That fact is conveniently ignored in the conspiracy theory.

Again, it's about generating views and clicks by fomenting distrust and anxiety.
Who is generating views and clicks?
So we have to read between the lines with Tucker but with you we have to be extra literal with every word you say?
Just saw your response to LG. I'll let Tucker's words and your interpretation of those words be conclusive.
Totally absurd.
Only an idiot would conclude that immigration does not help the left.
That in no way whatsoever means the left supports mass immigration. That's a leap that can't be made no matter how hard you may try.
And I in no way think it would EVER lead to dominance. I stated my belief earlier in some thread that with a two party system it will always hover around 50 / 50.

Your conclusions are anything but logical, but I'll gladly move into the next stage.
The fact that immigration helps the left would obviously make the left more pro immigration than the right.
You could equally say that since repubs know that immigrants are more likely to vote D, they are anti immigrant.
Both positions would have equal validity.
The last part you are leaving out is also critical. The right wing propaganda narrative is that the goal is the defeat of the white race and its replacement with people of color.

The right wing propaganda has nothing to do with “replacing the white race” that’s the part that a handful of people in a trailer park believe and you try to apply it to the whole demographic disingenuously.

32% of people do not believe in a conspiracy to overthrow the white race.

It would be like saying because most people disapprove of congress and some of those people also believe congress is full of reptilians, that the majority of people believe reptilian overloads control congress.

It’s an additional criteria you’re intentionally trying to smuggle in, that’s simply not there
I truthfully said the same thing about ANTIFA and was repeatedly called a liar by multiple posters. You seem to be getting off a little easier with your ignorance.
I had heard of Antifa. I also had heard or Replacement theory.

So maybe that’s just a ‘me’ problem.
Illegal immigrants don't vote. Latest polling is that legal immigrants and Hispanics generally are tending Republican. That fact is conveniently ignored in the conspiracy theory.

Again, it's about generating views and clicks by fomenting distrust and anxiety.

That is a recent phenomena, don't invite someone to go back through your post history to find some of yours proclaiming how the growth of the Hispanic population was going to relegate Republicans to the trash heap.
What do you mean? Prices were stable as Trump left. Gas was barely 2.50 a gallon and I could buy a steak dinner without taking out a second mortgage. And American infants were actually able to obtain their next meal. I really think you folks just live in an alternate reality most of the time.
Please give actual numeric evidence to support your wild eyed assertion

Love you right wingers. Republican economic theory is that the government needs to stay out of business. But you blame Biden for baby formula shortages? Which way do you want it?

Most basic economic number is unemployment rate when Trump left (6.3%) versus now (3.5%). If you want to complain about inflation go see the Federal Reserve for the last 15 years for "quantitative easing" whereby they pumped money into the economy.

Gas prices, have you noticed there is a war going on and that Europe is having to draw off non-Russian oil, thereby causing scarcity in the supply (remember supply and demand)? Maybe you would have preferred Trump there, he would have sided with Putin and undercut NATO even further. But the war would probably be over.
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Love you right wingers. Republican economic theory is that the government needs to stay out of business. But you blame Biden for baby formula shortages? Which way do you want it?

Most basic economic number is unemployment rate when Trump left (6.3%) versus now (3.5%). If you want to complain about inflation go see the Federal Reserve for the last 15 years for "quantitative easing" whereby they pumped money into the economy.

Gas prices, have you noticed there is a war going on and that Europe is having to draw off non-Russian oil, thereby causing scarcity in the supply (remember supply and demand)? Maybe you would have preferred Trump there, he would have sided with Putin and undercut NATO even further. But the war would probably be over.

Biden's FDA shut down the largest formula plant and have been slow-walking the inspections to reopen it.
Biden's FDA shut down the largest formula plant and have been slow-walking the inspections to reopen it.

And the FDA halted imports due to some labeling issues. And the government hoards baby formula via the WIC program and other programs. And we have double digit tariffs on imported formula.

This is a classic example of the government interfering with the market and resulting consequences
It's an absolutely correct comment. You and LG believe that black and brown skin people automatically gravitate towards the democrats. If you didn't you wouldn't celebrate the changing demographics.

That's such a load of crap. DC might want to direct his dishonesty detector in your direction.
I don't believe they automatically gravitate towards the democrats, but I know that the majority vote democrat.
I don't believe every rural redneck automatically gravitates to the republicans, but I know the majority vote republican.
I don't believe every old, bitter, southern white male automatically gravitates toward republicans, but I know the majority vote republican.

I have measured Hog’s comment against my continuum and have judged his comments to be factually accurate.
And the FDA halted imports due to some labeling issues. And the government hoards baby formula via the WIC program and other programs. And we have double digit tariffs on imported formula.

This is a classic example of the government interfering with the market and resulting consequences

But the government holds no responsibility
Gas prices, have you noticed there is a war going on and that Europe is having to draw off non-Russian oil, thereby causing scarcity in the supply (remember supply and demand)? Maybe you would have preferred Trump there, he would have sided with Putin and undercut NATO even further. But the war would probably be over.
Gas was WAY up before the war started.
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