The evil of Replacement Theory

The right wing propaganda has nothing to do with “replacing the white race” that’s the part that a handful of people in a trailer park believe and you try to apply it to the whole demographic disingenuously.

32% of people do not believe in a conspiracy to overthrow the white race.

It would be like saying because most people disapprove of congress and some of those people also believe congress is full of reptilians, that the majority of people believe reptilian overloads control congress.

It’s an additional criteria you’re intentionally trying to smuggle in, that’s simply not there
No it's not. That's what replacement theory is.
You can say the dems like more immigration and the changing demographics because they believe that gives them an election advantage. No one in the world would disagree with that. But that IS NOT what replacement theory is.
You can say that the percentage of America that is white is going to continue to decline. No one in the world is going to disagree with that. But that IS NOT what replacement theory is.
I had heard of Antifa. I also had heard or Replacement theory.

So maybe that’s just a ‘me’ problem.
I think my problem is more of a memory thing. I'm sure I've heard of a lot of things that I've just forgotten.
I didn't remember having heard of replacement theory but when BB starting talking about the Charlottesville tiki guy discussion I remembered.

I'm pretty sure I had probably heard of ANTIFA in some passing way but I honestly didn't remember having heard of them at all.
I guess the fact that so many want to instantly call me a liar could be taken as a compliment. They obviously think I know and/or remember more than I actually do. Plus it's a clear indication that I'm agitating them in all the right ways.
I have measured Hog’s comment against my continuum and have judged his comments to be factually accurate.
I realized why you got away with being ignorant much more freely than did I.
Your hypothesis was ignorant by the way. (Imbedded hint)
They’re remembering that Biden declined to visit Waukesha in the aftermath.

I believe Psaki said it was too difficult logistically.
We all misremember.
I probably should just call them liars.
I imagine Biden was going through an extended "senior" moment and needed to stay out of the public eye.
Love you right wingers. Republican economic theory is that the government needs to stay out of business. But you blame Biden for baby formula shortages? Which way do you want it?

Most basic economic number is unemployment rate when Trump left (6.3%) versus now (3.5%). If you want to complain about inflation go see the Federal Reserve for the last 15 years for "quantitative easing" whereby they pumped money into the economy.

Gas prices, have you noticed there is a war going on and that Europe is having to draw off non-Russian oil, thereby causing scarcity in the supply (remember supply and demand)? Maybe you would have preferred Trump there, he would have sided with Putin and undercut NATO even further. But the war would probably be over.
I am so sorry basic economics was so difficult for you. Inflation is the direct result of printing several Trillion Dollars then dumping them into the economy and the vast majority of the gas price increase ocured before the first Russian boot stepped into Ukraine, primarily due to our loss of status as a net energy producer due to Biden’s fealty to the Environmentalists. But keep reading. You will eventually master the topic of you work at it.
Enjoy November. It should be a great part of your education as well.
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Biden Refuses to Mention Tucker Carlson By Name when asked if he is 'partly to blame' for the Buffalo rampage - but says 'ANYBODY who echoes replacement theory' is complicit

President Joe Biden on Tuesday would not call out Tucker Carlson or any other official by name even as he criticized them for touting 'replacement theory.'

'I believe anybody who acts as a replacement is to blame - not for this particular crime, but it's for no purpose, no purpose, except profit and/or political benefit. And it's wrong. It's just simply wrong,' he told reporters as he prepared to leave Buffalo.


Tucker Carlson said the document written by Buffalo grocery store shooting suspect Payton Gendron was 'crazy' and the product of a 'diseased mind

Biden refuses to mention Tucker Carlson by name when asked on replacement theory | Daily Mail Online
No it's not. That's what replacement theory is.
You can say the dems like more immigration and the changing demographics because they believe that gives them an election advantage. No one in the world would disagree with that. But that IS NOT what replacement theory is.
You can say that the percentage of America that is white is going to continue to decline. No one in the world is going to disagree with that. But that IS NOT what replacement theory is.

Yet the thing you’re defining is what 32% of people believe in as defined by the survey in the link from the OP (npr I think?)
I am so sorry basic economics was so difficult for you. Inflation is the direct result of printing several Trillion Dollars then dumping them into the economy and the vast majority of the gas price increase ocured before the first Russian boot stepped into Ukraine, primarily due to our loss of status as a net energy producer due to Biden’s fealty to the Environmentalists. But keep reading. You will eventually master the topic of you work at it.
Enjoy November. It should be a great part of your education as well.

You're being condescending and you're also wrong. He's right that quantitative easing is part of the problem. In fact, the money supply increase that is fueling inflation was not printed. It was created electronically.

And inflation is a lot more complicated than increase money supply = inflated prices. You can increase the money supply and see the value of money increase.

Gas prices are up because of inflation, in my opinion, but gas prices are up over 200% vs. 2 years ago, and that's greatly outpacing inflation, so clearly there are other factors.
So it seems you responded directly to a post specifically about replacement theory months ago.

13 months ago. I didn’t even recognize the name.

So this theory, according to the linked article, is Democrats flooding the country with immigrants to replace the white vote? Is that the basics of it?
13 months ago. I didn’t even recognize the name.

So this theory, according to the linked article, is Democrats flooding the country with immigrants to replace the white vote? Is that the basics of it?
Only partially. The theory is that it's orchestrated by liberal global elites (it's a global movement) trying to ruin the white race and replace it with people of color..
Only partially. The theory is that it's orchestrated by liberal global elites (it's a global movement) trying to ruin the white race and replace it with people of color..

Sounds ridiculous. I would Jane remembered hearing that one.
Good find. I did not remember this.
It wasn’t hard to find because you were basically right. Nearly all of the actual references to it were from this thread. I just thought it was too funny that you were one of the only responses from before.

I’m pretty surprised there weren’t more since I thought it came up as part of the New Zealand mass shooting in 2019 and adjacent to a couple of US mass shootings since then, like the one in El Paso, I think.

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