The Fact that most

I just want to see this once in my life . The absolute worst nfl team vs the clear cut no.1 cfb team.

They used to let the worst NFL teams play the senior all americans IIRC.

It stopped in the 60s because of injuries or something.
When all reason fails, digress.

Who's digressing? You state it was the D's fault they lost by 3; I say it was the offense's fault for not scoring 4 more points.

Reason states that your assertion that the Ducks have a subpar D is silly. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one in this thread disagreeing with you.
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please explain what is wrong with thinking or more like hoping Tennessee wins every game every time they take the field??? I will defend our football team period. As bad as we have been the last 5 years, i have hoped and believed we could win every game we played even after the heart breaking losses we had i expected and hoped we would win the next one. what is wrong with this attitude?? We are Tennessee we should fear no one we play on the football field here on earth. Yes others fearing and saying we are horrible irritates me why because i care about the team, the players, and the university. And i am sure most of you do too, but the automatic loss before they play ain't the right way to go about showing that support. It's like telling your wife she looks great in that ugly dress and sling back heels and too much make up. You do it because you love her, not because of what you might get afterwards.

Who said there was anything wrong? Do you even understand why some took issue with your post?
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Who's digressing? You state it was the D's fault they lost by 3; I say it was the offense's fault for not scoring 4 more points.

Reason states that your assertion that the Ducks have a subpar D is silly. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one in this thread disagreeing with you.

Good grief.
Anytime you want to make a relevant point, you go right ahead. Simply stating that you obviously made one doesn't mean you actually have.

Want a point on relevance? Go back and read each post I made on this thread and your replies.
Want a point on relevance? Go back and read each post I made on this thread and your replies.

I did. And the point you tried to make is still silly.

I also read others disagreeing with you as well. But I did realize that they had the sense to ignore you. Lesson learned.
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please explain what is wrong with thinking or more like hoping Tennessee wins every game every time they take the field???

Thoughts and hopes are two different things. It's not exactly a deep concept.
Let me put it to you this way.....

Is Georgia Southern a good football team? Yes.. if they played WKU who would PROBABLY win? WKU.. GS is good for what they are.. they are not at the same level as WKU...

Is WKU good? Especially in their division? YES.. they will have success.. but they are NOT UT... as we saw on Saturday.

Is UT Good? Yes.. but UT is NOT = to Oregon.

anything... I mean.. Anything can happen... but its like saying that Georgia Southern has a shot against UT... The FACT is that there is a CHANCE that Georgia Southern can beat UT. The reality is, it probably will not happen.

Same thing for Oregon... Can UT beat Oregon? Yes.. does UT have a better chance of beating Oregon than GS has against UT? Yes... but the probability simply doesn't favor UT.

Talent level and experience is not equal between UT and Oregon.. flat not there yet.

Make me a Nega? Nope.. I hope for a WIN... but it will not destroy my day if we lose... not to the #2 in the nation.


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Everybody hopes we win. You just can't seem to grasp that thoughts and hopes are two different things. It's not exactly a deep concept.

I'll say this for you, you don't give up.

I fear your efforts are wasted, but darn if you don't give it the ole college try.
if we lose to Oregon i will be upset but no where near as upset as i will be with another loss to Florida the streak has to stop no excuses anymore should have never started.

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