The George Floyd Monument

I think butterfingers are good AF!

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But they should still be held accountable. Do you propose eliminating all laws that aren’t 100% effective?
I propose eliminating all laws that are not moral, such as giving the government the right to kidnap people for owning their own bodies.
I understand you don't want to see the inconvenient truth directly in front of you. You need the govt to tell you what is good and what is bad.

What? I know drugs are bad. Even though your deflection is irrelevant I know alcohol abuse is also bad. I don’t need the government to tell me anything and I don’t mind laws that police drugs or alcohol abuse.
What? I know drugs are bad. Even though your deflection is irrelevant I know alcohol abuse is also bad. I don’t need the government to tell me anything and I don’t mind laws that police drugs or alcohol abuse.
Your shift was irrelevant but it did demonstrate that bad things happen with legal and illegal drugs. No matter how much you want to control others, sometimes bad things will happen.
But they should still be held accountable. Do you propose eliminating all laws that aren’t 100% effective?

Hold them accountable for abusing the child. No law is 100% effective, drug laws I would guess are barely 10% effective.
I propose eliminating all laws that are not moral, such as giving the government the right to kidnap people for owning their own bodies.

Your rights end where someone else’s begins. If someone is geeked out on bath salts threatening people they should be held accountable. If someone is cooking meth they are endangering other people. I just don’t see where all these chill meth heads and drug addicts relaxing at home are being corralled up unless they’ve given a reason to be.
Your rights end where someone else’s begins. If someone is geeked out on bath salts threatening people they should be held accountable. If someone is cooking meth they are endangering other people. I just don’t see where all these chill meth heads and drug addicts relaxing at home are being corralled up unless they’ve given a reason to be.

It doesn’t matter if they’re “geeked out on bath salts“ or drank too much coffee when a person harms another they should be held accountable. If I’m cooking meth or cooking spaghetti and harm someone else I should be held accountable.
It doesn’t matter if they’re “geeked out on bath salts“ or drank too much coffee when a person harms another they should be held accountable. If I’m cooking meth or cooking spaghetti and harm someone else I should be held accountable.

I’ll go out on a limb and say drugs are directly connected to more crimes than coffee or even alcohol.
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I think we all recall the continued wave of alcohol related murders after prohibition was repealed. Legend has it they're still shooting each other over Canadian whiskey and bathtub hooch.
I think the alcohol weapon of choice for murder is now the automobile
Actually a drug user can get clean and then lead a life where that doesn't follow them around. Licking then up did the opposite and creates a lifetime of hardship

Violent crime followed because it has been made an illegal act and allows people to prey on others.
75-85% of all drug addicts never recover
It not BS. I’ve witnessed it myself and have spoken to the chief, he knows exactly what’s going on.
Im talking about your small limited experience of a podunk department and extrapolating that most police officers are using steroids, are “punks” or are looking for a fight.
Actually a drug user can get clean and then lead a life where that doesn't follow them around. Licking then up did the opposite and creates a lifetime of hardship

Violent crime followed because it has been made an illegal act and allows people to prey on others.

Very few users of heroin or meth recover long term
Im talking about your small limited experience of a podunk department and extrapolating that most police officers are using steroids, are “punks” or are looking for a fight.

I didn’t say most police officers. I said most young ones, under 30.

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