The George Floyd Monument

Case in point, legalized marijuana. I'm ambivalent toward marijuana but I don't buy for a second that the value will go down if legalized.

Medical marijuana is extremely effective for certain medical treatments with cancer patients, I have seen it firsthand. It is more effective than opiates with little to no side effects. It’s an absolute disgrace that it hasn’t been legalized in all states for it. THC rubs are also very effective for pain relief
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Which doesn’t go away with legalization

Yeah it does. I can sell gallon of good corn liquor for $100-$125, guys my wife works with in NYC $200. If alcohol were illegal it would go for twice that at least.
Medical marijuana is extremely effective for certain medical treatments with cancer patients, I have seen it firsthand. It is more effective than opiates with little to no side effects. It’s an absolute disgrace that it hasn’t been legalized in all states for it. THC rubs are also very effective for pain relief
I'm sure it is and has. I'm all for medicinal marijuana. Just ambivalent toward legalization for the public. My point was that legalizing won't affect the value/price. It won't for other drugs either and that was what some people point to as the driver of crime, the driver of crime is the addiction itself.
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Yeah it does. I can sell gallon of good corn liquor for $100-$125, guys my wife works with in NYC $200. If alcohol were illegal it would go for twice that at least.
Isn't it illegal? Unless you are a licensed distributor.
Yeah I do.
It floors me that someone could think a better world is a world where cops kick back and wait for easy. A world where all drugs are legal and people are walking around begging, stealing and selling themselves to support a habit. Needle tracks are now running down nearly every vein of half the hands you shake. Syringes becomes common roadside litter and you have no choice but to lock up everything you own because anything not bolted down and welded WILL be gone by morning. 🤦‍♂️
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It floors me that someone could think a better world is a world where cops kick back and wait for easy. A world where all drugs are legal and people are walking around begging, stealing and selling themselves to support a habit. Needle tracks are now running down nearly every vein of half the hands you shake. Syringes becomes common roadside litter and you have no choice but to lock up everything you own because anything not bolted down and welded WILL be gone by morning. 🤦‍♂️

You honestly believe you are making a difference in the amount of drugs being used? You’re not.

The amount of abusers wouldn’t go up because drugs are legal.
You honestly believe you are making a difference in the amount of drugs being used? You’re not.

The amount of abusers wouldn’t go up because drugs are legal.
Every time an arrest is made the obvious answer is yes. By the time most heroin users or meth users get out of jail, it’s a choice to go back to using. Not a need. So it all depends on the individual and what THEY want for their lives.

Also Let me remind you I’m not in the field anymore. So you’re not insulting me.
Every time an arrest is made the obvious answer is yes. By the time most heroin users or meth users get out of jail, it’s a choice to go back to using. Not a need. So it all depends on the individual and what THEY want for their lives.

Also Let me remind you I’m not in the field anymore. So you’re not insulting me.

Wasn’t trying to insult you.
Wasn’t trying to insult you.
Just seems at times you’re taking a bit of a shot at police.

What’s funny is the video from the riots of a woman leading a defunding the police movement. Needless to say the police pulled out and things got violent. Next thing you know she’s calling for the police. It was great! You should look it up. Funny chit.
Just seems at times you’re taking a bit of a shot at police.

What’s funny is the video from the riots of a woman leading a defunding the police movement. Needless to say the police pulled out and things got violent. Next thing you know she’s calling for the police. It was great! You should look it up. Funny chit.

We need the police, I have no desire to get rid of you guys.
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We need the police, I have no desire to get rid of you guys.
I wasn’t telling you that because I thought you wanted them gone. It was more about the unfair treatment they get until the situation calls for them. The same holds true in the situations we were talking about earlier with warrants and how they’re carried out.
This is BS.
Some are though. There’s no doubt those that do give an entire department a bad rap. Which is what I assume happened with Hogg. He probably got that vibe from one or two and tied it to an entire department
Some are though. There’s no doubt those that do give an entire department a bad rap. Which is what I assume happened with Hogg. He probably got that vibe from one or two and tied it to an entire department

Try about 10. 8 for sure
I wasn’t telling you that because I thought you wanted them gone. It was more about the unfair treatment they get until the situation calls for them. The same holds true in the situations we were talking about earlier with warrants and how they’re carried out.
Is it unfair to expect the police to police themselves rather than maintain the blue wall? The police are often reticent to take care of their own bad apples. And they generally know who the bad apples are. Let's be honest, not every cop is a good cop. Many are. I think most are. But it only takes one to tarnish the badge, and when police refuse to police themselves, they are complicit in the actions of the bad ones. Cops don't want to be seen talking to or helping IAB lest they be labeled snitches. Police are supposed to enforce the law, but sometimes they fail to do so amongst their own ranks. That has to change. Blindly defending every officer and every police action needs to change. They need to do better and be better, because that's what their position demands. I'm gonna quote Stan Lee from his days of writing Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility." Police are given authority and a great deal of responsibility should come along with wielding that authority. It's not just another job. If guys cannot handle what the job asks of them, if they cannot do it with integrity and fairness, if they cannot obey the law while enforcing the law, they shouldn't be cops. The bad apples get the attention, and too often, we find out other cops knew they were bad apples. That has to stop.
Is it unfair to expect the police to police themselves rather than maintain the blue wall? The police are often reticent to take care of their own bad apples. And they generally know who the bad apples are. Let's be honest, not every cop is a good cop. Many are. I think most are. But it only takes one to tarnish the badge, and when police refuse to police themselves, they are complicit in the actions of the bad ones. Cops don't want to be seen talking to or helping IAB lest they be labeled snitches. Police are supposed to enforce the law, but sometimes they fail to do so amongst their own ranks. That has to change. Blindly defending every officer and every police action needs to change. They need to do better and be better, because that's what their position demands. I'm gonna quote Stan Lee from his days of writing Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility." Police are given authority and a great deal of responsibility should come along with wielding that authority. It's not just another job. If guys cannot handle what the job asks of them, if they cannot do it with integrity and fairness, if they cannot obey the law while enforcing the law, they shouldn't be cops. The bad apples get the attention, and too often, we find out other cops knew they were bad apples. That has to stop.
Yes I agree. I’ll tell you a story. Once a cop I know was doing traffic in a school zone. A speeder passed by and he had to give chase. Here in Florida it’s 25 mph when the lights are flashing and he had to do 50 to catch up. He wrote the guy his citation and then proceeded to show the guy the one he wrote for himself. That doesn’t happen too often but you gotta understand these cops are human and their jobs require them to drive constantly. Ever been in a traffic jam? You spend an hour and you’re beside yourself pissed off and get even more heated if you see a cop turn on his lights to get through. Right? What you’re failing to realize is you’ve only been in it an hour where if he’s there, he’s working his area which involves that traffic jam. Meaning he’s been it up to 12 hours. Who cares if they turn on their lights and get through? Spend 12 hours in that crap and you’d do the same if you could. I’ll also admit that any traffic citation IS indeed hypocritical because all cops know they break a traffic law at least three times a day. That’s all they do is drive so naturally that’s true. But it’s still their job to give tickets. If the department doesn’t make money, they don’t exist and none of want to spend a day in a lawless city no matter how much we think we do. Ever seen “The Purge”? Let cops disappear and you’ll live it.

So it’s not always a blue wall. It’s understanding the difference in daily lives in comparison.
Yes I agree. I’ll tell you a story. Once a cop I know was doing traffic in a school zone. A speeder passed by and he had to give chase. Here in Florida it’s 25 mph when the lights are flashing and he had to do 50 to catch up. He wrote the guy his citation and then proceeded to show the guy the one he wrote for himself. That doesn’t happen too often but you gotta understand these cops are human and their jobs require them to drive constantly. Ever been in a traffic jam? You spend an hour and you’re beside yourself pissed off and get even more heated if you see a cop turn on his lights to get through. Right? What you’re failing to realize is you’ve only been in it an hour where if he’s there, he’s working his area which involves that traffic jam. Meaning he’s been it up to 12 hours. Who cares if they turn on their lights and get through? Spend 12 hours in that crap and you’d do the same if you could. I’ll also admit that any traffic citation IS indeed hypocritical because all cops know they break a traffic law at least three times a day. That’s all they do is drive so naturally that’s true. But it’s still their job to give tickets. If the department doesn’t make money, they don’t exist and none of want to spend a day in a lawless city no matter how much we think we do. Ever seen “The Purge”? Let cops disappear and you’ll live it.
Not sure what this has to do with good cops turning a blind eye to bad cops over some misplaced sense of loyalty?
Not sure what this has to do with good cops turning a blind eye to bad cops over some misplaced sense of loyalty?
I actually thought that’s what you were referring to because that what I hear the most complaining about. Truth is it doesn’t happen as often as you think. A cop is 5x more likely to go to jail than your average citizen believe it or not. There is a 0 tolerance at every department I’ve ever encountered. However that’s not the case so much with DUIs. I’ll admit that and yes there’s a reason which I’ll explain if you like but every other law is strictly enforced to the letter. Look at Chauvin. We just talked how he was overcharged. I know about 5 cops that are currently in jail or went at some point and lost their certificate while on duty. At one point several years ago the Windermere (Near Orlando) police department fired nearly half their department within a months span. Keep in mind we don’t see what goes on behind the scenes unless it’s made public by the media but there’s a reason you see new faces all the time.
Medical marijuana is extremely effective for certain medical treatments with cancer patients, I have seen it firsthand. It is more effective than opiates with little to no side effects. It’s an absolute disgrace that it hasn’t been legalized in all states for it. THC rubs are also very effective for pain relief

It's the only thing that works on my phantom pain. I refuse to use opiates, and gabapentin almost destroyed my marriage.
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I've attempted conversation with you on multiple occasions. It's proven to be a waste of time. You're either too close minded to attempt to see things through multiple lenses, or you're a troll. Either way, I don't see the point in continuing.
More dodgery, and no, you just can’t defend your stupid comment.
Dont sit there and act like you don’t know what you’re doing. BLM is pushing the exact narrative that they claim to be fighting against. You only see color. Not the man. Not the situation. Color. Black man dies in the hands of police and it’s a riot. White man dies in the hands of police and it’s just another day. BLM and CRT is creating a racial divide that could prove extremely dangerous in the near future. You think the Portland riot team will be the only officers to say enough is enough? Give it a little more time and you guys may get just what you’re asking for. BLM is a cancer to what you’re trying to accomplish. It’s a mob, not a movement.
I really do not even know where to start here. You seem incredibly lost.
What do you think we should do about the clear disproportionate treatment and ongoing racism in this country?
Ignorance? What blacks in our society have had the atrocity of slavery committed against them? Are you unable or unwilling to answer the question due to ignorance?
Nope. Here for your education.
Did you know that racism and oppression did not end in 1865? Did you know that there are still vestiges of that time period that affect AAs today? Do you not see their marginalization in this very thread. I mean, most AAs in society today do not even know their true last name or where they actually come from. Do you not think that takes a toll on their mentality? Sheesh, I can sadly keep going

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