The George Floyd Monument

Nope. Here for your education.
Did you know that racism and oppression did not end in 1865? Did you know that there are still vestiges of that time period that affect AAs today? Do you not see their marginalization in this very thread. I mean, most AAs in society today do not even know their true last name or where they actually come from. Do you not think that takes a toll on their mentality? Sheesh, I can sadly keep going

Most people dont know their true last names.

People named butcher, Baker, smith, cook etc got that name because at some point a relative hundreds of years ago had a profession. Names are changed all the time.

My last name was changed when my great grandfather left Germany because some person on Ellis island pronounced it americanized.

And most people dont know where they are from past 2 generations.

Adopted kids dont even know 1 generation if the court sealed it.
Austin is not doing fine now.

The citizens are furious about the changes.

“Among the 30 largest cities in the U.S., Austin's violent crime rate ranks 28th. And among the 25 largest cities in Texas, Austin ranks 13th.”
Fact-check: Is Austin one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S.?

The fact is the poor areas have had a huge uptick in crime and it's not the pandemic. That's a cop out.

It's because they know they can commit a crime and even if they are caught they are released without bail. The local officials have basically made it ok to break the law.
Kinda scared to ask, but what poor areas are you referring to?
Most people dont know their true last names.

People named butcher, Baker, smith, cook etc got that name because at some point a relative hundreds of years ago had a profession. Names are changed all the time.

My last name was changed when my great grandfather left Germany because some person on Ellis island pronounced it americanized.

And most people dont know where they are from past 2 generations.

Adopted kids dont even know 1 generation if the court sealed it.
I’m sorry, but can you not even acknowledge the differences in your comparison?
“Among the 30 largest cities in the U.S., Austin's violent crime rate ranks 28th. And among the 25 largest cities in Texas, Austin ranks 13th.”
Fact-check: Is Austin one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S.?

Kinda scared to ask, but what poor areas are you referring to?

The uptick in violence in Austin started very recently.

Inner city Detroit, baltimore, st louis are very poor for the most part.

Poor is family income of less than 35k per year if you have a dependent. 35k to 55k lower middle. 55k to 85k middle. This is average American areas, not coastal.
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Because some elements of the Confederacy, were contemplating a guerilla war. The Union knew this and was a significant reason for them being gracious to Confederate leadership post war. Had they not been what option do you believe there would have been for Confederate leaders?
There were several issues. Taxation, supervision, unpreparedness, federal courts, a general unwillingness to continue the war. I can go on. I don’t think the south would have been as gracious.

I'm no civil war expert but I know enough about it and human nature to understand what not accepting the South back into the country gracefully would have meant..... Everything I mentioned before would have absolutely come to fruition.
More should have been done. Reconstruction was a joke.
There were several issues. Taxation, supervision, unpreparedness, federal courts, a general unwillingness to continue the war. I can go on. I don’t think the south would have been as gracious.

More should have been done. Reconstruction was a joke.

Reconstruction was a joke. Separate but equal was a total fallacy and the Jim Crowe laws set the AA community back decades. But during this time the Irish were also being treated horribly and asians whom many were indentured servants treated as slaves.
Nope. Here for your education.
Did you know that racism and oppression did not end in 1865? Did you know that there are still vestiges of that time period that affect AAs today? Do you not see their marginalization in this very thread. I mean, most AAs in society today do not even know their true last name or where they actually come from. Do you not think that takes a toll on their mentality? Sheesh, I can sadly keep going
Thats what you get when your ancestors sell you for some seashells and copper pots.

Good non answer though. So at what point does the "vestiges of slavery" not impact their "mental health" anymore? Seems like every other race has gotten over theirs and moved on (successfully).
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Yes I agree. I’ll tell you a story. Once a cop I know was doing traffic in a school zone. A speeder passed by and he had to give chase. Here in Florida it’s 25 mph when the lights are flashing and he had to do 50 to catch up. He wrote the guy his citation and then proceeded to show the guy the one he wrote for himself. That doesn’t happen too often but you gotta understand these cops are human and their jobs require them to drive constantly. Ever been in a traffic jam? You spend an hour and you’re beside yourself pissed off and get even more heated if you see a cop turn on his lights to get through. Right? What you’re failing to realize is you’ve only been in it an hour where if he’s there, he’s working his area which involves that traffic jam. Meaning he’s been it up to 12 hours. Who cares if they turn on their lights and get through? Spend 12 hours in that crap and you’d do the same if you could. I’ll also admit that any traffic citation IS indeed hypocritical because all cops know they break a traffic law at least three times a day. That’s all they do is drive so naturally that’s true. But it’s still their job to give tickets. If the department doesn’t make money, they don’t exist and none of want to spend a day in a lawless city no matter how much we think we do. Ever seen “The Purge”? Let cops disappear and you’ll live it.

So it’s not always a blue wall. It’s understanding the difference in daily lives in comparison.

Wow. Just wow.
There were several issues. Taxation, supervision, unpreparedness, federal courts, a general unwillingness to continue the war. I can go on. I don’t think the south would have been as gracious.

More should have been done. Reconstruction was a joke.
The south would not have been as gracious, there were issues with taxes and equal distribution of revenue issues for decades leading up to the war, and was a main factor in many states decisions to join the Confederacy.

Also factor in many families ancestral homes being raised to the ground, we all know what similar actions bought us in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Of course they wouldn't have been as gracious.

Reconstruction was full of issues, but that has nothing to do with your original statement I responded to. The north welcomed the south and it's leaders back because it was the prudent thing to do. In their minds it was the right thing for a number of reasons.
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There were several issues. Taxation, supervision, unpreparedness, federal courts, a general unwillingness to continue the war. I can go on. I don’t think the south would have been as gracious.

More should have been done. Reconstruction was a joke.

The Confederacy didn't have conquest of the north as a goal.
I really do not even know where to start here. You seem incredibly lost.
What do you think we should do about the clear disproportionate treatment and ongoing racism in this country?
Imagine that. A BLM supporter telling a conservative he’s “lost”.

Look. I’m white and I’m as proud to be white as as any black man/woman should be to be black. If I get pulled over and I’m immediately uncooperative and combative I understand my chances of being slammed on the hood of my car just went up. If MY lack of cooperation leads to being detained and I resist, I understand it has nothing to do with the color of my skin but rather how I acted when I get taken down. So we can start with common sense. Common sense will tell you that 90% of what the left claim as “police brutality” had nothing to do with the color of a mans skin and everything to do with HIS lack of cooperation. Ever asked yourself why the media only shows the half of a video where the take down begins? And why do they only do so with black men as if it doesn’t happen to anyone else?

The next step would be stop teaching kids that the entire world is against them and cops lead the race. Teach them the TRUTH that in EVERY ENCOUNTER (including police) that you have to GIVE respect to get respect.

Stop being so damn sensitive and understand the black community has every opportunity any of us do. If you think you’re oppressed it’s because you’ve been programmed to think that way when in fact you’re just too lazy to reach your goals. Every race has lazy people and every races lazy people don’t have much as a result. I’ve never heard a lazy white man scream oppression nor have I heard it from the Spanish community. Only black. Why is that? If you didn’t reach your goals in life here in the USA, it’s on YOU. I accept that within myself as well. I was too lazy to reach my fullest capability.

How about stopping the double standards? What if we created an all white college? Would that be racist? Yet there are hundreds of all black colleges around the nation. BLM tore down multiple statues that supposedly symbolizes racism. What if a white man hooked up to George Floyd, ripped it out of the ground and dropped it in the lake? Racist? If any of the above would be considered racist then stop preaching now because BLM puts the race in racism and you don’t truly want equality. You want dominance and superiority.

This may come across as harsh but it needs to be said. Our nation’s history is dark and regardless of how we feel about it we can’t change it. You guys are not fighting racism in 2021 anymore. You’re creating it. All those statues should serve as a symbol of how far we’ve come since slavery and should’ve been honored. Not destroyed. Much the same as the George Floyd statue, you’re not honoring the “man” but rather what he represents as a part of our history. The fact that his is standing now and the others are not is a direct example of the double standard and is a symbol of where the TRUE racism really lies. At YOUR feet.

If you truly want equality and end racism then STOP TRYING TO START A WAR and accept how far we’ve come naturally. Just listen to yourselves in this video and tell me I’m wrong.

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Dont understand the response. Did I say something out of line?

Yes. You admitted that much of what police do is revenue collection. You also defended police using their lights to get through traffic because they are in a car all day, so are truck drivers.

If you can't see the problems in your post I can't help you.
Yes. You admitted that much of what police do is revenue collection. You also defended police using their lights to get through traffic because they are in a car all day, so are truck drivers.

If you can't see the problems in your post I can't help you.
There’s much less wrong with that than you may realize. A police department doesn’t make its money in court rooms like judges and lawyers. But the police departments DO have to appear in court. Where would you suggest they earn the money it takes to convict felons or defend themselves? Do you think every city has a pot of gold at the end of an imaginary rainbow?
There’s much less wrong with that than you may realize. A police department doesn’t make its money in court rooms like judges and lawyers. But the police departments DO have to appear in court. Where would you suggest they earn the money it takes to convict felons or defend themselves? Do you think every city has a pot of gold at the end of an imaginary rainbow?

I seriously can't see how you don't see the flaws in your posts or the problem with the police self funding by writing tickets.
I seriously can't see how you don't see the flaws in your posts or the problem with the police self funding by writing tickets.
Why would I see a flaw? Is there something wrong with a city making money off of your personal decisions to speed, run red lights or drive recklessly? That’s on you if you want to contribute or not.
Why would I see a flaw? Is there something wrong with a city making money off of your personal decisions to speed, run red lights or drive recklessly? That’s on you if you want to contribute or not.

Why would I see a flaw? Is there something wrong with a city making money off of your personal decisions to speed, run red lights or drive recklessly? That’s on you if you want to contribute or not.

What about designed speed traps and cops who sit at speed traps.

There is a road in TN that is 50 than suddenly 45 for about 500 feet and 50 again. Unless you live here you hinestky can miss it and there is a cop who sits right at it hidden and bust people for 5 over all day.

That is the stuff that gives police bad names.

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