The George Floyd Monument

How so? It’s your foot on the gas of your car. It’s your hands on the wheel. It’s your decision and you know the risks. Why does it matter where the money goes after it’s left your hands?
How so? It’s your foot on the gas of your car. It’s your hands on the wheel. It’s your decision and you know the risks. Why does it matter where the money goes after it’s left your hands?

Because it incentivizes the enforcement with almost zero avenue for defense.

Come on dude, you are seriously hurting the image of all police with these posts. Your attitude increases the us v you attitude.
Yes I agree. I’ll tell you a story. Once a cop I know was doing traffic in a school zone. A speeder passed by and he had to give chase. Here in Florida it’s 25 mph when the lights are flashing and he had to do 50 to catch up. He wrote the guy his citation and then proceeded to show the guy the one he wrote for himself. That doesn’t happen too often but you gotta understand these cops are human and their jobs require them to drive constantly. Ever been in a traffic jam? You spend an hour and you’re beside yourself pissed off and get even more heated if you see a cop turn on his lights to get through. Right? What you’re failing to realize is you’ve only been in it an hour where if he’s there, he’s working his area which involves that traffic jam. Meaning he’s been it up to 12 hours. Who cares if they turn on their lights and get through? Spend 12 hours in that crap and you’d do the same if you could. I’ll also admit that any traffic citation IS indeed hypocritical because all cops know they break a traffic law at least three times a day. That’s all they do is drive so naturally that’s true. But it’s still their job to give tickets. If the department doesn’t make money, they don’t exist and none of want to spend a day in a lawless city no matter how much we think we do. Ever seen “The Purge”? Let cops disappear and you’ll live it.

So it’s not always a blue wall. It’s understanding the difference in daily lives in comparison.
How's that boot taste?
Because it incentivizes the enforcement with almost zero avenue for defense.

Come on dude, you are seriously hurting the image of all police with these posts. Your attitude increases the us v you attitude.
Once again. A broke department doesn’t exist. If you have a problem with where the money comes from you’re suggesting no police is preferred.

And you’re speaking for yourself. I’d bet my left arm not many agree with you that I’m “hurting the image”. My money is on most knowing and understanding that police need revenue to survive.
Once again. A broke department doesn’t exist. If you have a problem with where the money comes from you’re suggesting no police is preferred.

And you’re speaking for yourself. I’d bet my left arm not many agree with you that I’m “hurting the image”. My money is on most knowing and understanding that police need revenue to survive.

The money comes from our taxes. Cities shouldn't be counting on punitive revenue for funding.
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The money comes from our taxes. Cities shouldn't be counting on punitive revenue for funding.

You need to do some homework my man. Not all states have “state tax”. And those that do move to Florida. Speaking from Florida, our taxes go to the federal government. Not the state and certainly not the city. So what you’re saying is the only cities that deserve a police department is the ones that pay state tax? What if that goes to the STATE? I’ll be damned...... that would mean no police for the cities too. Ok..... we’re screwed in your policy.
You need to do some homework my man. Not all states have “state tax”. And those that do move to Florida. Speaking from Florida, our taxes go to the federal government. Not the state and certainly not the city. So what you’re saying is the only cities that deserve a police department is the ones that pay state tax? What if that goes to the STATE? I’ll be damned...... that would mean no police for the cities too. Ok..... we’re screwed in your policy.


You have no state/local taxes in FL? That's gotta be news to all FL residents I know.
How so? It’s your foot on the gas of your car. It’s your hands on the wheel. It’s your decision and you know the risks. Why does it matter where the money goes after it’s left your hands?
Because it's an admission that tickets are about revenue not safety. It's a racket enforced by bullies. There would be much less pushback if they were about solving real crimes
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Should be. Drunk crashing should be punished harshly though.
I’m sure many many people that have had their loved ones killed by drunk drivers would take offense to this. A friend of mine has a son that was driving drunk just two weeks ago. He was going over 100 mph when he lost control. Killed his GF (21) and her friend in the back seat (16). He broke his back but now he has to live with what he’s done. But hey...... drunk driving should be legal so there’s absolutely NO deterrent from doing so. Good idea!
I’m sure many many people that have had their loved ones killed by drunk drivers would take offense to this. A friend of mine has a son that was driving drunk just two weeks ago. He was going over 100 mph when he lost control. Killed his GF (21) and her friend in the back seat (16). He broke his back but now he has to live with what he’s done. But hey...... drunk driving should be legal so there’s absolutely NO deterrent from doing so. Good idea!

I've also had a loved one killed by a drunk driver. The deterrent is the harsh punishment if you crash while drunk. Your friends son should spend the majority of his life in prison.
Because it's an admission that tickets are about revenue not safety. It's a racket enforced by bullies. There would be much less pushback if they were about solving real crimes

Or maybe the revenue used from traffic law enforcement is used by that department? Would it make you feel better if you paid a 100$ speeding fine to a generic local government fund that was in turn distributed to the local PD? I haven’t had a speeding ticket in 25 years of driving neither has my Asian wife. Quit driving like a teenage girl while texting
Because it's an admission that tickets are about revenue not safety. It's a racket enforced by bullies. There would be much less pushback if they were about solving real crimes
I understand what you’re saying but you’ve got tunnel vision. Tickets double as revenue AND safety. Do you seriously not understand that by giving tickets, they are making the streets more safe? Not from everyone but without the threat of a ticket every road would be the autobahn. Picking up on the second part of your response, there are no detectives to solve real crimes without revenue to provide the resources to solve those crimes.
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I've also had a loved one killed by a drunk driver. The deterrent is the harsh punishment if you crash while drunk. Your friends son should spend the majority of his life in prison.
And he will. But if drunk driving was legal like you suggest there would SO MANY more deaths as a result of those crashes. In many cases no one to pay for those losses because everyone died. Not to mention the innocent people they hit and killed.
Like it or not, these cities need revenue to survive. Dont like it? Slow down

That’s an interesting post . So are you saying that these speed traps you guys set up isn’t actually for the safety of the citizens, but for generated revenue so the city can survive ?🤔
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That’s an interesting post . So are you saying that these speed traps you guys set up isn’t actually for the safety of the citizens, but for generated revenue so the city can survive ?🤔
If you can prove a speed “trap” it can be fought and won.

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