The George Floyd Monument

You raise a good point. I agree. 70-55 with no traffic is about revenue and not necessarily safety. What I’m trying to get across is the fact that they go hand in hand. Without the revenue there is no safety and the average civilian doesn’t understand how one feeds the other. I think they’re getting pissed but I’m only trying to explain the deeper details of why things are they way they are.

But just like with all government - it needs to start at cutting cost, not increasing revenue. Why this is so hard for any government official to see is mind-boggling. The ledger has two sides. How about getting rid of the MRAPs, tanks, soldier tactical gear to start?

And this is more about revenue generation than safety. And yes, it is a racket. Tickets are handed out, insurance goes up, more resources are gained to hand out more tickets, increasing insurance again. Furthermore, some companies that manufacture RADAR and LIDAR equipment are subsidized by insurance companies to provide equipment at lower cost and the kicker is many of these companies are also the ones that manufacture the RADAR and LIDAR detectors.

It's one big racket and at the end of the day has very little to do with actual safety. We already pay taxes - figure out where cuts can be made and leave us alone unless we are being an actual safety concern.
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It would be but that’s where “rights” come in. Cops can’t do that. They have to let you do what you’re going to do on your own free will.

Nowhere did I mention cops forcing people to take sobriety tests, I said offering them.
If safety was their concern they would be pulling over the people in the left lane doing 60 in a 70. They are much more dangerous than people doing 80 in a 65.

Agree with you on the rest.

I agree with that too. Keeping up with traffic should never warrant a ticket and impeding traffic should.

The old adage that gets thrown around is "Well would you jump off a bridge if everyone was doing it?".

The answer is YES. Because if EVERYONE is doing it then at that moment it is probably the safe thing to be doing, and moreover, by not doing it you are the one being unsafe because you are impeding the progress of those that are.

There is a lot about traffic law that makes no sense from a safety standpoint, and having cops regurgitate the accepted talking points doesn't make any less so.
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Nowhere did I mention cops forcing people to take sobriety tests, I said offering them.
Name one person that would willing take one. If you’re drunk you know you’re drunk. Why would you volunteer a sobriety test? I mean seriously. If you planned to drive in that condition you may as well cuff yourself and throw yourself in the back of his car.
But just like with all government - it needs to start at cutting cost, not increasing revenue. Why this is so hard for any government official to see is mind-boggling. The ledger has two sides. How about getting rid of the MRAPs, tanks, soldier tactical gear to start?

And this is more about revenue generation than safety. And yes, it is a racket. Tickets are handed out, insurance goes up, more resources are gained to hand out more tickets, increasing insurance again. Furthermore, some companies that manufacture RADAR and LIDAR equipment are subsidized by insurance companies to provide equipment at lower cost and the kicker is many of these companies are also the ones that manufacture the RADAR and LIDAR detectors.

It's one big racket and at the end of the day has very little to do with actual safety. We already pay taxes - figure out where cuts can be made and leave us alone unless we are being an actual safety concern.
Especially in today’s society where there is a growing lack of support of police, in a job that’s always been one of the more if not THE most dangerous job in the world, you suggest they don’t need tactical gear? SWAT team doesn’t need MRAPs? No bullet proof vests? That seriously sounds like you’re saying “I know there’s a universal bullseye on your chest but take the vest off so I can get a clearer shot”
Especially in today’s society where there is a growing lack of support of police, in a job that’s always been one of the more if not THE most dangerous job in the world, you suggest they don’t need tactical gear? SWAT team doesn’t need MRAPs? No bullet proof vests? That seriously sounds like you’re saying “I know there’s a universal bullseye on your chest but take the vest off so I can get a clearer shot”

No - small Podunkville municipality doesn't need an MRAP, or a tank. It's overboard. Some equipment is needed, but stuff that is used during paramilitary and cartel type actions is largely not needed. Most of this stuff is military grade equipment that is actually a hazard to roads, infrastructure, and citizens.
No - small Podunkville municipality doesn't need an MRAP, or a tank. It's overboard. Some equipment is needed, but stuff that is used during paramilitary and cartel type actions is largely not needed. Most of this stuff is military grade equipment that is actually a hazard to roads, infrastructure, and citizens.
First of all I don’t know of a single department that has its own tank. So let’s get that clear.
But we understand that MRAPs are needed in certain cities but not small towns. In this regard the city streets are no different than the prisons. Criminals get wind that the neighboring town doesn’t have those things and that a cop from the major city he deals in can’t cross his jurisdiction. So what’s that mean? The criminal takes up residency in the small town and commutes to the big city. Meanwhile, said criminal now has a safe haven. You’ve now essentially created a “base” for him because the town he lives in doesn’t have the resources to take him down.

You gotta think beyond your suggestions. I’m sure there’s a better way to do a lot of things but we’re not there yet.
First of all I don’t know of a single department that has its own tank. So let’s get that clear.
But we understand that MRAPs are needed in certain cities but not small towns. In this regard the city streets are no different than the prisons. Criminals get wind that the neighboring town doesn’t have those things and that a cop from the major city he deals in can’t cross his jurisdiction. So what’s that mean? The criminal takes up residency in the small town and commutes to the big city. Meanwhile, said criminal now has a safe haven. You’ve now essentially created a “base” for him because the town he lives in doesn’t have the resources to take him down.

You gotta think beyond your suggestions. I’m sure there’s a better way to do a lot of things but we’re not there yet.
This post is complete nonsense. It's tv show stuff
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First of all I don’t know of a single department that has its own tank. So let’s get that clear.
But we understand that MRAPs are needed in certain cities but not small towns. In this regard the city streets are no different than the prisons. Criminals get wind that the neighboring town doesn’t have those things and that a cop from the major city he deals in can’t cross his jurisdiction. So what’s that mean? The criminal takes up residency in the small town and commutes to the big city. Meanwhile, said criminal now has a safe haven. You’ve now essentially created a “base” for him because the town he lives in doesn’t have the resources to take him down.

You gotta think beyond your suggestions. I’m sure there’s a better way to do a lot of things but we’re not there yet.
I don't know how other states operate, but in Tennessee every county has a sheriffs office that patrols the entire county. There is nothing to be gained from a small town having its own police force when they generate most of their revenue from traffic stops. If someone lives in a small community and has a crime problem, that's on the sheriffs department.
I think there is a hole in this line of thinking. School zones, construction zones, residential zones - I would agree are 100% about safety.

If I'm going 70mph in a 55mph zone, on a clear day with no traffic and I get a ticket, it is about revenue. In that instance, am I really being unsafe? Really, be honest. In that case it is absolutely a racket.

Furthermore, if I'm going 70mph in a 55mph zone and I'm keeping up with the flow of traffic and get a ticket, not only is it a racket - it is 100% about revenue because in that instance I am actually being more safe then going the speed limit.

Speed limits are needed for safety - but certainly not everywhere, and certainly not all the time. The fact that we have speed limits everywhere and all the time clearly points toward what pj was saying - its a revenue generating racket enforced by bullies.
I drive a lot (mostly in TN) and haven't gotten ticketed for either situation. For going 73 when everybody else was 70 yes. Also in TN if it's not a 70 zone there is usually a reason you should not be doing 70.... of course this is after I caught myself doing 85 coming back from lunch in my wife's car.
Name one person that would willing take one. If you’re drunk you know you’re drunk. Why would you volunteer a sobriety test? I mean seriously. If you planned to drive in that condition you may as well cuff yourself and throw yourself in the back of his car.

Why wouldn't I? Or should I feel that if I blew a .09 I'd be arrested for drunk in public?
Why wouldn't I? Or should I feel that if I blew a .09 I'd be arrested for drunk in public?
Just remember this if you're mowing your grass whilst drinking a beer, apparently it's no beuno and can get you a DUI in the soviet socialist republic in podunk city.
This post is complete nonsense. It's tv show stuff
Complete nonsense? A cop can NOT arrest you outside of his jurisdiction. Fact. Nor can he follow you outside of his jurisdiction unless you’re currently involved in a felony (which he witnessed) and he’s in what they call “hot Pursuit”. So no..... it’s not nonsense. It’s spot on
Why wouldn't I? Or should I feel that if I blew a .09 I'd be arrested for drunk in public?
Because if you did blow .09 and you got in your car you could be arrested. Why would anyone with half a brain willingly give a cop his ammo? Makes no sense.
Complete nonsense? A cop can NOT arrest you outside of his jurisdiction. Fact. Nor can he follow you outside of his jurisdiction unless you’re currently involved in a felony (which he witnessed) and he’s in what they call “hot Pursuit”. So no..... it’s not nonsense. It’s spot on

And neighboring police forces never work together.
Because if you did blow .09 and you got in your car you could be arrested. Why would anyone with half a brain willingly give a cop his ammo? Makes no sense.

Ok, I'll slow walk this for you since you are having trouble understanding.

If the cops were giving sobriety tests outside the bar I might not feel drunk but when the test shows that legally I am I just might decide to take a cab instead of being a complete dumbass and get in my car and drive away.
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I don't know how other states operate, but in Tennessee every county has a sheriffs office that patrols the entire county. There is nothing to be gained from a small town having its own police force when they generate most of their revenue from traffic stops. If someone lives in a small community and has a crime problem, that's on the sheriffs department.
Here in Florida you have county sheriffs offices that patrol outside the city limits and municipal police patrol within. Sheriff can come inside the city (as long as it’s within the county) whereas municipal can not go outside.
Ok, I'll slow walk this for you since you are having trouble understanding.

If the cops were giving sobriety tests outside the bar I might not feel drunk but when the test shows that legally I am I just might decide to take a cab instead of being a complete dumbass and get in my car and drive away.
Call your local representative and suggest it. Maybe they can “slow walk” you through what I’m trying to tell you. They can’t do that
And neighboring police forces never work together.
I know when there is a chase across county lines where I live the chased goes free as soon as they cross into another county and they are free. This guy is either a mall cop or a junior cop on a 3 man police force.
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Complete nonsense? A cop can NOT arrest you outside of his jurisdiction. Fact. Nor can he follow you outside of his jurisdiction unless you’re currently involved in a felony (which he witnessed) and he’s in what they call “hot Pursuit”. So no..... it’s not nonsense. It’s spot on
It's complete nonsense that a criminal will go to a neighboring small town to establish his criminal enterprise because they don't have an mrap

And did you really just quote Roscoe? Not shocked
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I know when there is a chase across county lines where I live the chased goes free as soon as they cross into another county and they are free. This guy is either a mall cop or a junior cop on a 3 man police force.

But in the Dukes of Hazzard all the Duke boys had to do was get to the county line and Roscoe would stop chasing them....
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I know when there is a chase across county lines where I live the chased goes free as soon as they cross into another county and they are free. This guy is either a mall cop or a junior cop on a 3 man police force.
Lol. I’ve stated repeatedly that I’m no longer a cop. And what you just said is the exact same thing I just said in post 638

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