The George Floyd Monument

That’s a good idea and possibly one not a lot of bar owners think about or can afford. I imagine those breathalyzers aren’t cheap and it would take a LONG time to get everyone out of a club if you only had like 5ish. The wait alone would probably not be worth knowing to most. Not to mention the germaphobes that wouldn’t want to blow into something that several others have just seconds before them. But I like where you’re going with that. At least they had the option.
Duck Duck says (A good one for about $200):

Alcohol Breathalyzers - For Personal and Professional Use On Sale : breathalyzer
Verify your identity

Edit: Here's one that the bars can even get revenue from
Coin operated breathalyzer
THere's actually a business idea there. for a $1 test, the 'profit' is listed as $.94. Buy the machine, get the bar owner to place it in his bar and cut him in for $.25 per test and errybody makes bank.
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Also let me explain “entrapment”. It’s not waiting outside a bar for a stumbling driver and then pulling him/her. Entrapment is when/if there’s contact made with a drunken pedestrian and he/she is encouraged by an officer to drive. For example: cop tells guy to move his car to a different spot because he’s too drunk to drive and his car would be in the way if the trash guys show up. Then arresting him for DUI.
I always wondered about those hooker stings you see on cops. How can that NOT be entrapment?

I had a girl come across the street one time in Tampa to 'converse'. She asked me if I was interested in a date. Knowing full well what was going on I said that sure I was interested. She said how about $20. I said to her... oh no honey, you don't have to pay me anything, I'd go out with you for free. She got that look.... you know the one....

Duck Duck says (A good one for about $200):

Alcohol Breathalyzers - For Personal and Professional Use On Sale : breathalyzer
Verify your identity

Edit: Here's one that the bars can even get revenue from
Coin operated breathalyzer
THere's actually a business idea there. for a $1 test, the 'profit' is listed as $.94. Buy the machine, get the bar owner to place it in his bar and cut him in for $.25 per test and errybody makes bank.
You may be on to something but that’s on the bar owners rather than police. Maybe they should pass legislation that bars are required to give the option and get the machine. Bar owners have nothing to lose at .94 profit.
I always wondered about those hooker stings you see on cops. How can that NOT be entrapment?

I had a girl come across the street one time in Tampa to 'converse'. She asked me if I was interested in a date. Knowing full well what was going on I said that sure I was interested. She said how about $20. I said to her... oh no honey, you don't have to pay me anything, I'd go out with you for free. She got that look.... you know the one....

😂 at your story! That der some funny chit!
You may be on to something but that’s on the bar owners rather than police. Maybe they should pass legislation that bars are required to give the option and get the machine. Bar owners have nothing to lose at .94 profit.
Wonder what the profit on one more drink that'll put them over 0.08 but they could still drive without a noticeable "wobble"
I always wondered about those hooker stings you see on cops. How can that NOT be entrapment?

I had a girl come across the street one time in Tampa to 'converse'. She asked me if I was interested in a date. Knowing full well what was going on I said that sure I was interested. She said how about $20. I said to her... oh no honey, you don't have to pay me anything, I'd go out with you for free. She got that look.... you know the one....

Because they offered or implied something specific.
Wonder what the profit on one more drink that'll put them over 0.08 but they could still drive without a noticeable "wobble"
That’s a Grey area. A seasoned drinker can handle more alcohol than someone not so experienced. They had to set a limit somewhere
You may be on to something but that’s on the bar owners rather than police. Maybe they should pass legislation that bars are required to give the option and get the machine. Bar owners have nothing to lose at .94 profit.
If I owned a bar, I would have one and and an attendant. If I saw someone walking out of my bar obviously drunk and they declined the offer.. and then subsequently hurt someone, I would testify at their trial.
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If I owned a bar, I would have one and and an attendant. If I saw someone walking out of my bar obviously drunk and they declined the offer.. and then subsequently hurt someone, I would testify at their trial.
I actually agree with you. Probably the best idea anyone’s come up with. But out of respect for a thread we are eating up a lot of it talking about law when this thread is here for George Floyd and leftist to call us racist if we don’t agree with their agendas.
I actually agree with you. Probably the best idea anyone’s come up with. But out of respect for a thread we are eating up a lot of it talking about law when this thread is here for George Floyd and leftist to call us racist if we don’t agree with their agendas.
George Floyd is still dead and I still don't care.
George Floyd is still dead and I still don't care.
I’ve actually changed my position on how I feel about Chauvin getting convicted. What he did was within department policy and they did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the reason he died. This country is becoming a “bitch” and bowing down to the demands of terrorist. Dont be surprised if he’s let out on appeal.
No it wouldn't

Of course it would, there is a reason the Romans perfected the art of execution and public displays. Everyone knew what the punishment was for going against the empire which is why it ruled so many different peoples for a relatively long period of time. Most criminals in the US prison system on death row realize it is extremely unlikely they will ever be executed unless they are in Texas or a handful of other states
Of course it would, there is a reason the Romans perfected the art of execution and public displays. Everyone knew what the punishment was for going against the empire which is why it ruled so many different peoples for a relatively long period of time. Most criminals in the US prison system on death row realize it is extremely unlikely they will ever be executed unless they are in Texas or a handful of other states
And the ones that do see their execution get lethal injection in most cases. Which is said to be “peaceful and humane”. Did their victims die peacefully and in a humane manner? 🤦‍♂️. No wonder murder isn’t such a big deal these days. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime.
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Of course it would, there is a reason the Romans perfected the art of execution and public displays. Everyone knew what the punishment was for going against the empire which is why it ruled so many different peoples for a relatively long period of time. Most criminals in the US prison system on death row realize it is extremely unlikely they will ever be executed unless they are in Texas or a handful of other states
If it worked, why did they have to 'perfect' it. Don't get me wrong, I am all for public hangings. Like I said, I would love to see Eric Boyd burn at the stake on PPV. We could put a huge dent in the deficit if we did that sort of thing. But it makes no difference to those that gonna thug.

I do like Ron White though...

If it worked, why did they have to 'perfect' it. Don't get me wrong, I am all for public hangings. Like I said, I would love to see Eric Boyd burn at the stake on PPV. We could put a huge dent in the deficit if we did that sort of thing. But it makes no difference to those that gonna thug.

I do like Ron White though...

Meaning they improved upon what other civilizations attempted to do and became quite good at it
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Why? If they didn't hurt anybody what is the problem?

They're driving recklessly. Might be for any number of reasons.

IMO our traffic enforcement focuses on the wrong things and driver training in this country is woefully inadequate.
They're driving recklessly. Might be for any number of reasons.

IMO our traffic enforcement focuses on the wrong things and driver training in this country is woefully inadequate.
So? If they are driving recklessly but not hurting anyone how is that different from drunk driving and not hurting anyone?
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George Floyd Mural Crumbles after witnesses say lightning hit it

A mural in remembrance of George Floyd in Toledo, Ohio, was reduced to rubble after a reported lightning strike.

Witnesses told Toledo Police that a lightning strike destroyed the mural, and doppler radar shows a strike hit at about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday near where the mural was painted.

George Floyd mural crumbles after witnesses say lightning hit it

CNN is now reporting that lightning has longstanding ties to racism as evidenced by moonshine often referred to as "White Lightning."...more to come.

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