The George Floyd Monument

There are currently a lot of monuments and statutes, still standing, of people who lead a much worse life than GF.
And some monuments of men like I mentioned above. He actually saw the wrongs of his life and helped those who he oppressed later in life. He changed. NBF should be applauded for seeing the wrongs and trying to make them right......not vilified.

People need to read and learn history before making judgments.
And some monuments of men like I mentioned above. He actually saw the wrongs of his life and helped those who he oppressed later in life. He changed. NBF should be applauded for seeing the wrongs and trying to make them right......not vilified.

People need to read and learn history before making judgments.
Do you think his statutes are a nod to this change you mention? Also, how can you see past his issues and not GF?
Maybe this goes to your point but why in the world should he have any monuments? What am I missing?
He did exactly what BLM is trying to do. He changed. He helped those he oppressed earlier in his life........when most didn’t change.

Think about it. Want people to see equality? NBF did exactly what you want today. He saw he was wrong
Do you think his statutes are a nod to this change you mention? Also, how can you see past his issues and not GF?
Doesn’t matter why they are up. Think big picture.
And I guess I get the GF statues. I can see what you mean.
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What the majority of the people who posted in this thread are missing, is that it’s not the person who is being revered but all the things his death signifies.

What does it signify?

That a police officer who broke the law was arrested by other police officers and the system worked when he was found guilty?

Doesnt the statue of Lady Justice already signify this?
Definitely not here but I know where I am posting.

Why in the world would a white person find a monument of GF done in good taste offensive?

Why would a blacks person find the statue of a civil war general offensive?

As for me, I don’t think a deadbeat drug addict who had active warrants out for his arrest deserves a statue.
Definitely not here but I know where I am posting.

Why in the world would a white person find a monument of GF done in good taste offensive?
Because we shouldn’t recognize druggy felons who beat on women and try to kill their illegitimate kids?
Did you really just ask that question? Or is one of those blue font things?

COMPLETELY unrelated question but do you think Jews would find a statue of Goebbels, Himmler or Goring offensive?
Context is important
I absolutely want to remember those ****tards and reminded people of the tactics they used. There’s a lot of similarities between that Democratic socialist party and the ones claiming the same name today.
Believe it or not Jews collect a lot of dead Nazi stuff. it’s our way of saying “scoreboard” we’re here and you’re not. So they can go ahead and put up their statues of the shitbags. The younger Jews need to make sure that that exil is never “white washed” by history.

for example DF1D0743-47FF-4C5C-83CB-9E696B59334F.jpeg
Context is important
I absolutely want to remember those ****tards and reminded people of the tactics they used. There’s a lot of similarities between that Democratic socialist party and the ones claiming the same name today.

Statues of Confederate Generals are monuments for a positive commemoration. I have a feeling that no one in Tel Aviv needs a statue of Himmler to remember the atrocity's he committed any more than black folks need to see General Lee posed majestically on horseback to remember what he was fighting for.

I agree, context is important.
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Statues of Confederate Generals are monuments for their commemoration. I have a feeling that no one in Tel Aviv needs a statue of Himmler to remember the atrocity's he committed any more than black folks need to see General Lee posed majestically on horseback to remember what he was fighting for.

I agree, context is important.

Have You been there?
We’ve got a museum.
Have You been there?
We’ve got a museum.

No, but I'm quite sure I wouldn't see the thirty foot bronze statue of Henrich giving the the Nazi salute in Rabin Square.

I'm quite sure you understand the difference between remembrance of the Holocaust and reverence to it's authors for the same reasons black folks don't want to see County's, Forts and town squares paying homage to a group of people who fought against their emancipation.
No, but I'm quite sure I wouldn't see the thirty foot bronze statue of Henrich giving the the Nazi salute in Rabin Square.

I'm quite sure you understand the difference between remembrance of the Holocaust and reverence to it's authors for the same reasons black folks don't want to see County's, Forts and town squares paying homage to a group of people who fought against their emancipation.
Some care. Most do not.
Go walk around Stone Mountain park and see all the people there having a good time together.
I don’t care one way or the other….beyond preserving history. Move the status to a museum. But right now that’s not what’s happening. Even you just spouted off historical inaccuracies. The civil war did not begin over slavery. And emancipation was a ploy by a white supremacist president to swing that war.

The real force behind ending slavery was US Grant. But nobody cares about actual history. Just their feelings
Some care. Most do not.
Go walk around Stone Mountain park and see all the people there having a good time together.
I don’t care one way or the other….beyond preserving history. Move the status to a museum. But right now that’s not what’s happening. Even you just spouted off historical inaccuracies. The civil war did not begin over slavery. And emancipation was a ploy by a white supremacist president to swing that war.

The real force behind ending slavery was US Grant. But nobody cares about actual history. Just their feelings

Fine, send them to museums but don't pee on the black folks legs and tell them the statues, forts and counties that were named after them and that symbolize reverence is rain.

I don't think I said anything inaccurate since I made no commentary on why the CW started or the motivations of Lincoln, only that the Confederate actors weren't likely symbols that black people would ever want to revere.

Also, I find your "some care, most do not" narrative unconvincing. If a German waltzed into Israel or any other Jewish community around the globe and erected a 30 foot bronze statue of Himmler doing a Nazi solute - the community would (rightfully) be livid.
Fine, send them to museums but don't pee on the black folks legs and tell them the statues, forts and counties that were named after them and that symbolize reverence is rain.

I don't think I said anything inaccurate since I made no commentary on why the CW started or the motivations of Lincoln, only that the Confederate actors weren't likely symbols that black people would ever want to revere.
Maybe we let people decide for themselves instead of you telling black people what they should think

I agree, I'm, simply pointing out it's actually the black communities asking for the removal of these monuments.

I see you found an video of an old black guy equating the X on the Rebel flag as a Christian symbol, I'm not sure what that's supposed to be convincing me of.
I agree, I'm, simply pointing out it's actually the black communities asking for the removal of these monuments.

I see you found an video of an old black guy equating the X on the Rebel flag as a Christian symbol, I'm not sure what that's supposed to be convincing me of.

I see a lot of white people at the statue protest not a lot of black people in those videos.

the point is there’s more than one opinion in the black community. You whitesplaing what black people think has little to no value. That black mans opinion on that subject carries a lot more weight than yours.
Did you really just ask that question? Or is one of those blue font things?

COMPLETELY unrelated question but do you think Jews would find a statue of Goebbels, Himmler or Goring offensive?
I will not defend slavery. It is wrong and should not be a part of any culture, but it has been a part of EVERY culture/civilization at some point in time.

With that being said.......Southern AND Northern slave owners were not trying to systematically wipe blacks off the map...............Like those you mentioned. BIG difference.
And .....the Great Emancipator wanted to gather all blacks and ship them back to Africa
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I see a lot of white people at the statue protest not a lot of black people in those videos.

the point is there’s more than one opinion in the black community. You whitesplaing what black people think has little to no value. That black mans opinion on that subject carries a lot more weight than yours.

Spare me the indignation of repeating "whitesplaining" what the black community is openly pissed off about.

The black guy was talking about the stars and bars being a christian symbol, but yeah - hang your hat on a black guy cosplaying a confederate soldier rambling about the christian pillar of the confederacy.

You trying to frame this about me not having the cred to repeat what the black community is OPENLY pissed off about is disingenuous to the conversation.
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