The George Floyd Monument

Do you really care about those buildings, SCV?

You got him now. Haha buildings.

Unfortunately a lot of those buildings represented small businesses that lost everything that they worked and sacrificed for. Some of those buildings were homes to black people who lost everything in the fires and looting . Some of those buildings represented jobs that were lost and will never come back to those communities.
You obviously don’t know real history to have made such a stupid statement. All three of those men help cement that “the war is over” had you been in charge the war would have rekindled in less than 20 years. Martyrs make heroes,

What do monuments do?
The biggest mistake during reconstruction was not putting Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and every other leading confederate figure's head on a spike.

Perfect example of why the black community will never fix itself.
Haven't you seen the 100ft bronze mushroom cloud the Japs erected in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to remember the thumping they took?

I know after 9-11 I was one of the one's who petitioned to have a 767 with an American Airlines livery positioned in downtown Manhattan.
Angela Merkel's crowning achievement as German chancellor was convincing the Polish government to erect a statue of Hitler outside Auschwitz.
Angela Merkel's crowning achievement as German chancellor was convincing the Polish government to erect a statue of Hitler outside Auschwitz.
I had family who died there. Maybe you should visit so you’d possibly have a clue what you were talking about and how moronic your comparison is.
I had family who died there. Maybe you should visit so you’d possibly have a clue what you were talking about and how moronic your comparison is.
Idiots like him don't have any personal involvement in the history of our country so they just middle finger people that do.
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I had family who died there. Maybe you should visit so you’d possibly have a clue what you were talking about and how moronic your comparison is.
Weird, it's like you find statues that honor people who enslaved and murdered your family and fought for the ability to continue to do so in bad taste. Especially when it looks over them.
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Weird, it's like you find statues that honor people who enslaved and murdered your family and fought for the ability to continue to do so in bad taste. Especially when it looks over them.

The dishonest start with “it seems “ or “it’s like…”.
Maybe it’s just a lack of intelligence that’s causing your problems.
Maybe you should just respond to what I posted instead of what you wanted me to post.
COMPLETELY unrelated question but do you think Jews would find a statue of Goebbels, Himmler or Goring offensive?
I tried to make a similar comparison in another thread. We all know they would go crazy if such a statute existed in this country.
The dishonest start with “it seems “ or “it’s like…”.
Maybe it’s just a lack of intelligence that’s causing your problems.
Maybe you should just respond to what I posted instead of what you wanted me to post.
I responded to what you posted. It's clear you only show sympathy towards things that directly affected you or your family. That is standard red hat jargon.

Enslavement and supremacist thinking of any kind is wrong. Honoring people who fought to continue that practice is idiotic. Apparently the only way you can understand this is if it directly impacts you, which puts you in the same category of every other delusional red hat here.
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I tried to make a similar comparison in another thread. We all know they would go crazy if such a statute existed in this country.
Thank gawd we have you white liberal women to tell us all what to think. We’d never make it without you.

I realize you’re not smart so that’s sarcasm
What does it signify?

That a police officer who broke the law was arrested by other police officers and the system worked when he was found guilty?

Doesnt the statue of Lady Justice already signify this?
It is an acknowledgment of GFs sacrifice and a reminder that we still have a long way to go in this country in regards to race relations.
I responded to what you posted. It's clear you only show sympathy towards things that directly affected you or your family. That is standard red hat jargon.

Enslavement and supremacist thinking of any kind is wrong. Honoring people who fought to continue that practice is idiotic. Apparently the only way you can understand this is if it directly impacts you, which puts you in the same category of every other delusional red hat here.

History lesson.
so you think the civil was was about slavery?
It wasn’t.
Who owned slaves when the war began?
Both north and south.
Who was freed in the emancipation proclamation?
Only the slaves in the states where Lincoln had no control.
Who’s plan was it to export all black people to Africa?
Yet nobody wants to take down the Lincoln memorial.
Well that’s odd.

I don’t care one way or the other about monuments. Put them in museums. Whatever all the white people want to do. Because I know many black people and none of them care about this.

And finally to compare the civil war to what the Nazis did is beyond moronic.

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