The Golf Thread

Virgil Herring talked about tiger this morning. Said most great players hit putts with a little closed face and slight draw. Also said tigers transition puts a lot of pressure on his toes, which affects the knee. If the weight is towards the heel, the hip takes the torque and the hip is better suited for rotation vs the knee.
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Virgil Herring talked about tiger this morning. Said most great players hit putts with a little closed face and slight draw. Also said tigers transition puts a lot of pressure on his toes, which affects the knee. If the weight is towards the heel, the hip takes the torque and the hip is better suited for rotation vs the knee.
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The squat on the downswing coupled with violently straightening the front leg at impact will tear a knee apart.
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Jason Day has a beautiful swing. Violence makes it look less smooth than others, but it's awesome.

Fowler looks like an idiot again in the prison gear. Irons are rolling early, though.
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Jason Day has a beautiful swing. Violence makes it look less smooth than others, but it's awesome.

Fowler looks like an idiot again in the prison gear. Irons are rolling early, though.
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I like day a lot. Fowler dresses so awful it's hard to take him seriously.

I don't see him winning too much as his swing has too many flaws I think for a real pressure situation.
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The Asian. And WTF is that armband thing all about? He has them in colors to match his ridiculous getups.
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He lacks class. He didn't need to say this was his best week ever. Tiger put him on the map. It was a shot.
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Because he's a caddy and didn't hit a single shot in any victory he has been associated with. The garbage about "greatest" victory needs to be shoved up his ass. He's wealthy and has notoriety solely because he caddied for Tiger. Otherwise, he's another schlep with a heavy ass sack to tote for a living.
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Tiger made Stevie a very wealthy man. And as far as his whining about not being kept on retainer when Tiger was injured goes - isn't that standard practice for ALL tour caddies (they only get paid when their player plays)? I would think that dipping into some of the $10 million plus Stevie's made carrying Tiger's bag might have tided him over for a while.

I'm thinking Notah Begay might be a solid choice for Tiger's next full-time caddie. The guy played the game at the highest level, his career is toast, and him and Tiger are tight going back to college.

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