The Golf Thread

That's a bit exaggerated.
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Yet true. No point in taking this jihad to the press. You want to moan about being fired over the phone? Talk it over at the tourney this week. I detest Tiger woods, but he made Stevie a household name for all of the golf world.
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Yet true. No point in taking this jihad to the press. You want to moan about being fired over the phone? Talk it over at the tourney this week. I detest Tiger woods, but he made Stevie a household name for all of the golf world.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Its not true. One douchebag move doesn't equate to an entire narcissistic life that Tiger has put together.

BTW, what's the point you guys are trying to make with him being a "household" name? Is there some brand of Stevie Williams golf gear out there that everybody is buying that made him rich?
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Its not true. One douchebag move doesn't equate to an entire narcissistic life that Tiger has put together.

BTW, what's the point you guys are trying to make with him being a "household" name? Is there some brand of Stevie Williams golf gear out there that everybody is buying that made him rich?
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Before Tiger only a few on here could tell you who he was.

And Tiger has built his own reputation. Be the bigger man and shut your pie hole. Afterall, all you come across as being is a bitter, jilted caddie. A caddie. A caddie. A dang caddie. Tiger has completed his own share of demise. No need to complain about loyalty and being a man to the media. Just a bit ironic to me. And a whole bit of stupid.
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Before Tiger only a few on here could tell you who he was.
And your point? This is a Tennessee message board and we have some of the most ignorant fans in the country. The fact few on here knew who Stevie was before Tiger is not a real shocker. The more important thing is that everyone who follows golf knew who he was. Stevie was a nobody before Greg Norman.

And Tiger has built his own reputation. Be the bigger man and shut your pie hole. Afterall, all you come across as being is a bitter, jilted caddie. A caddie. A caddie. A dang caddie. Tiger has completed his own share of demise. No need to complain about loyalty and being a man to the media. Just a bit ironic to me. And a whole bit of stupid.
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That still doesn't make him the same as Tiger. He's butthurt. It shows. He should've waited. Its still entertaining.
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And your point? This is a Tennessee message board and we have some of the most ignorant fans in the country. The fact few on here knew who Stevie was before Tiger is not a real shocker. The more important thing is that everyone who follows golf knew who he was. Stevie was a nobody before Greg Norman.

That still doesn't make him the same as Tiger. He's butthurt. It shows. He should've waited. Its still entertaining.
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Not just this board. If you think that Tiger didn't greatly enhance Stevie's name, then there is nothing anyone can tell you. Of course he's butthurt. All I'm saying is keep your mouth shut with the constant whining and barbs. Don't stoop to Tiger's level. Be grateful for the change he put in your pocket and move on.
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We talkin bout a caddy man. A caddy. A caddy? A caddy? A caddy man. Not a golfer. Not a tourney. A caddy.
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Not just this board. If you think that Tiger didn't greatly enhance Stevie's name, then there is nothing anyone can tell you. Of course he's butthurt. All I'm saying is keep your mouth shut with the constant whining and barbs. Don't stoop to Tiger's level. Be grateful for the change he put in your pocket and move on.
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No one said that Stevie is not more recognizable from caddying Tiger. Explain why that matters.
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Nobody? I knew who he was when Tiger picked him up. Was Butch Harmon also a nobody before Tiger?

Who cares if he took a shot at Tiger? Tiger is an arrogant prick who is destroying his golf game. I find his candid speech a nice change of pace in the golf world.
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Haha why do you have to be such a prick? You could have just answered the question.

Go ahead and spin that statement to where you somehow don't agree with what he did. I'll wait.
Haha why do you have to be such a prick? You could have just answered the question.

Go ahead and spin that statement to where you somehow don't agree with what he did. I'll wait.

You've already quoted that once, and I've already responded. Keep up Einstein.
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Its not true. One douchebag move doesn't equate to an entire narcissistic life that Tiger has put together.

BTW, what's the point you guys are trying to make with him being a "household" name? Is there some brand of Stevie Williams golf gear out there that everybody is buying that made him rich?
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Hey GBO, you missed this one. Should I draw pictures?
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So you can't keep up with what side your on? The best part is you believe yourself. I love it.
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And go back to where you supposedly responded to that quote cause you didn't answer anything. Your ignorance is awesome.
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The assumption Williams makes when making the comments is that it is necessary for him to explain how they came to part ways, or even that its interesting.

Woods hasn't been nearly as vocal about it as Williams, and surely would have let by gones be by gones. I don't care if Woods handled it poorly -- Williams is an employee and made millions working for Woods.

Williams was a total douche about this, imo.
A bunch of you guys need to quit letting sports talk hosts tell you what you think.

Plus the value of a caddie is completely lost on some of you. He doesn't just carry a bag.
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A bunch of you guys need to quit letting sports talk hosts tell you what you think.

Plus the value of a caddie is completely lost on some of you. He doesn't just carry a bag.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

He's the caddie. He hauls the bag. Seems you've let the media tell you too much about how invaluable they might be. They make an incremental difference, but it's ridiculously slight because everyone out there has one. The caddie does what the player asks him to do. The player hits the shots, short games it close and makes putts. Caddies don't do any of that.
Woods hasn't been nearly as vocal about it as Williams, and surely would have let by gones be by gones. I don't care if Woods handled it poorly -- Williams is an employee and made millions working for Woods.

If Williams got fired after two years of no paychecks for picking up Scott's bag as a filler to get one, he has a huge, legit gripe. He should be free to voice it to any caddie considering the job, to any new potential employer, to Tiger, to his wife and parents.

Voicing it to any media outlet that will listen in the wake of a big victory by his new employer is bushleague.
Dang cc, you have some of the most ignorant posts on here, right up there with Vegas and gibbs.

It may be hard for you to believe but loyalty actually occurs in other arrangements outside of marriage. Look it up.
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Strong irony in the first paragraph.

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