The Golf Thread

It has it's place but it's not on a golf course or anywhere outside the home or church IMO.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

But a logo from any company is ok? Thanking sponsors for supplying coozies and concessions is cool, yet thanking God for keeping you calm needs to remain in the home or church? That's ridiculous thinking, imo.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
But a logo from any company is ok? Thanking sponsors for supplying coozies and concessions is cool, yet thanking God for keeping you calm needs to remain in the home or church? That's ridiculous thinking, imo.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

God didn't have a damn thing to do with him winning the golf tournament.
But a logo from any company is ok? Thanking sponsors for supplying coozies and concessions is cool, yet thanking God for keeping you calm needs to remain in the home or church? That's ridiculous thinking, imo.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So now business is the same as religion? God didn't get him his sponsors & god doesn't pay him for winning or playing. If you wanna thank god that's fine but national tv isn't the place. I'm sure he doesn't thank god when he misses a cut. Athletes thanking god has become a mockery of religion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
He said God helped him stay calm. Who the **** are you to tell him he's wrong.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Maybe you need to publicly make a post asking for forgiveness for the **** curse word.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So now business is the same as religion? God didn't get him his sponsors & god doesn't pay him for winning or playing. If you wanna thank god that's fine but national tv isn't the place. I'm sure he doesn't thank god when he misses a cut. Athletes thanking god has become a mockery of religion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You sure do know a lot about when someone should be allowed to speak or not, and what topics are allowed. You don't know when or how the guy prays or how his faith is. Get over yourself.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
With the current wars, poverty, global warming, and economic issues that are occurring, I don't think god was worried about a wealthy white dude playing a game.

If that's gods main focus, we need a new god.

Just my opinion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So now business is the same as religion? God didn't get him his sponsors & god doesn't pay him for winning or playing. If you wanna thank god that's fine but national tv isn't the place. I'm sure he doesn't thank god when he misses a cut. Athletes thanking god has become a mockery of religion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Religion has been a business for 2000 years, where the heck have you been?
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If a guy finds peace in a stressful situation in letting his mind escape to thoughts of something bigger than he is, what's the big deal?
If a guy finds peace in a stressful situation in letting his mind escape to thoughts of something bigger than he is, what's the big deal?

It's not but it's become a mockery with everybody doing it. Religion should be a personal thing. The dude defending by dropping an F bomb made an even bigger mockery of it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
If a guy finds peace in a stressful situation in letting his mind escape to thoughts of something bigger than he is, what's the big deal?

I don't really care or get offended, just think it's a little weird. To each their own.
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I don't really care or get offended, just think it's a little weird. To each their own.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Yea it is weird that god would help some young rich kid who has probably been handed everything in his life & although he may be grateful there are bigger issues in this world than finding peace in the lord to play golf. There are plenty of other people in this world looking for that same peace in much much more stressful situations than winning a golf tournament & won't ever have it. Take part of that money & help some people that really need it & give somebody else a real reason to thank god.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's not but it's become a mockery with everybody doing it. Religion should be a personal thing. The dude defending by dropping an F bomb made an even bigger mockery of it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

What are you talking about? You were being some religion/media dictator in judging when a man should be allowed to speak his mind, what he should or shouldn't be allowed to say, and questioning if the guy prays when he doesn't make the cut. Who does that? You are full of ignorance. Then you say my 4 letter word makes a "mockery" of religion? What a joke.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yea it is weird that god would help some young rich kid who has probably been handed everything in his life & although he may be grateful there are bigger issues in this world than finding peace in the lord to play golf. There are plenty of other people in this world looking for that same peace in much much more stressful situations than winning a golf tournament & won't ever have it. Take part of that money & help some people that really need it & give somebody else a real reason to thank god.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yea it is weird that god would help some young rich kid who has probably been handed everything in his life & although he may be grateful there are bigger issues in this world than finding peace in the lord to play golf. There are plenty of other people in this world looking for that same peace in much much more stressful situations than winning a golf tournament & won't ever have it. Take part of that money & help some people that really need it & give somebody else a real reason to thank god.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So God has a limited time offer for peace or peaceful thoughts only reserved for those short on cash. Keep em coming. This is funny. If you believe, I advise asking for wisdom and understanding. You were shortchanged and He may owe you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So God has a limited time offer for peace or peaceful thoughts only reserved for those short on cash. Keep em coming. This is funny. If you believe, I advise asking for wisdom and understanding. You were shortchanged and He may owe you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You kidding me? cc is rolling in cash and spitting in the face of college grads everywhere.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So God has a limited time offer for peace or peaceful thoughts only reserved for those short on cash. Keep em coming. This is funny. If you believe, I advise asking for wisdom and understanding. You were shortchanged and He may owe you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Nobody said that. It just sounds stupid when the first thing out of somebody's mouth is thanking god after winning a golf tournament & about a million bux. Sports in general has made a mockery of it. Yesterday wasn't the first time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

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