The GOP and Minority Rule

Are Democrats Dangerous to Your Health? Are Democrats Dangerous to Your Health?

First, blacks per 100,000 population were substantially MORE likely to die from COVID-19 if they reside in blue states with a Democratic governor than in red states with a Republican governor. Of the 10 states with the highest rates of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 black residents—led by New York, New Jersey, and Michigan—most have Democratic governors. Eight of the 10 states with the lowest death rates for blacks have Republican governors.

What makes these results doubly amazing is that these same Democratic politicians were also much more likely to enforce strict and prolonged lockdowns of schools and businesses, which were advertised as ways to keep minorities safe. Whoops! Now we know that the Democratic strategy of shutting down their local economies not only put minorities into unemployment lines but also put minorities at greater risk of hospitalization and death.

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Are Democrats Dangerous to Your Health? Are Democrats Dangerous to Your Health?

First, blacks per 100,000 population were substantially MORE likely to die from COVID-19 if they reside in blue states with a Democratic governor than in red states with a Republican governor. Of the 10 states with the highest rates of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 black residents—led by New York, New Jersey, and Michigan—most have Democratic governors. Eight of the 10 states with the lowest death rates for blacks have Republican governors.

What makes these results doubly amazing is that these same Democratic politicians were also much more likely to enforce strict and prolonged lockdowns of schools and businesses, which were advertised as ways to keep minorities safe. Whoops! Now we know that the Democratic strategy of shutting down their local economies not only put minorities into unemployment lines but also put minorities at greater risk of hospitalization and death.

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Let’s add that the defunding of police and the increased scrutiny of them has made black neighborhoods less safe over the last year.
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Reactions: VolinWayne
Then why is the left acting so upset about GA? It actually increased access

Some of those new England states are very restrictive so I expect to see some major effort directed up there right?
The American public is so damn foolish.

I lean right but dislike both parties because they suck and don't represent us in 85% of what they do. They've filmed is by ramping up these wedge issues that constitute very little of our ideals and successfully use those to keep power. We literally cute against our own interests for a try party system that is very similar save the extreme fringe.

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