The GOP and Minority Rule

Reconciliation through political control.

I don't do the best job of summarizing. Here are two incredible short reads that explain most of it. I'm also reading a book called "Jesus and John Wayne" that discusses more of the religions implications of the marriage of American Fundamentalist Evangelicalism with politics in the 70s and 80s.

How Corporate America Invented Christian America

The Real Origins of the Religious Right

Like I said..I have no problem. As both you and I said, religion can be political. And it is not just the "right", so stop pretending.
Like I said..I have no problem. As both you and I said, religion can be political. And it is not just the "right", so stop pretending.

Having grown up AFE Independent Baptist, I'm a little sensitive to that side of the equation. I'm sure there are churches in every region that are the opposite equivalent.
Tom Berenger was great in that role.
I dont disagree with you on the tax exempt stuff. I also wonder if the same rule applies to secular non-profits that want to provide rides.

Probably should cover all non-profits. There's always motive behind "free" stuff.
I disagree with @AM64. There is no way one can use separation of church and state to call out political views from the puilpit with the the 1st Amendment. One often uses their religious views on how thay vote, no separation.

Now we could get into the non profit part, but as far as I am concerned, PACs are tax exempt. LGBT and woke movements are ripping congregations apart as we speak and I guarantee BLM movement, which is political, is spoken in black churches.

I do know that I have been to church before and the minister has to be very careful in his words. Anything said could be considered "political", even the morality of many issues.
Let people speak their minds, and in Houston I saw it first hand during the Hero Law. People scared to speak and that is not America, but political pressure.

Maybe the solution is there should not be a "non-profit" classification period. I get your point about the 1st Amendment. In fact, there's an issue currently that deals with a PAC (I believe) being forced to divulge donor names. The argument is that naming donors violates the 1st Amendment by claiming the donation is free speech. The point is that if any group uses the non-profit classification, it has no business in voicing any political belief. You are right; I was too restrictive in just talking about churches.
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As much as I don't like gerrymandering, if the other side (GOP) is gonna hold all game and the refs (SCOTUS) aren't gonna call it, you'd be stupid not to hold as well.
There it is. That rationalization that you don’t care what your side does you’ll ignore it while screeching about the other side. By any means necessary woman 🤡
Lol are you claiming the left hasn’t been holding (Gerrymandering) all game?
She would never make such a claim. As that would acknowledge both sides are equivalent. Instead she will just ignore the call outs of her side doing the same thing. She’s a clown shill.
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It wasn't an insurrection. It was mainly a peaceful & patriotic protest by Trump supporters voicing their displeasure w/the government. Most Trump supporters would never act out to destroy gov. buildings like Antifa/BLM.
Antifa & BLM members infiltrated "some groups" that caused a mob scene in trying to cause chaos inside the Capitol building. It was democratic lunatics that the left-wing Democrats back & support to burn it all down making it look like the supporters of President Trump the guilty ones on that terrible day....
None of those clowns who stormed the Capitol are patriots.
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None of those clowns who stormed the Capitol are patriots.

Extremely subjective based on skewed narrow line of sight . Bear with me here while I ask a a couple of questions … Was George Washington and the signers of the declaration patriots ? Was Benedict Arnold a patriot or a trader ?
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Extremely subjective based on skewed narrow line of sight . Bear with me here while I ask a a couple of questions … Was George Washington and the signers of the declaration patriots ? Was Benedict Arnold a patriot or a trader ?
Totally irrelevant questions. Don't know what Arnold TRADED
Yes, I consider Washington to be a patriot. Not remotely similar to January 6 act

Washington was a traitor to his then government. He lead a revolt that caused a revolution that overthrew his government . See where this is headed ?

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