The gsvol compendium thread

Tree hugging commies and hippies. spit....

While everyone was laughing at Archie Bunker, I used to consider that he was right about a lot of his ideas. Not the racist ones, but he certainly was right about hippies.

When economies collapse and hunger and starvation sets in, people will be ripe for anyone that promises a fix. I think the history of Haiti could serve as an illustration here.

On June 2, as Congress debated global warming legislation that would raise energy costs to consumers by hundreds of billions of dollars, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) released an 880-page book challenging the scientific basis of concerns that global warming is either man-made or would have harmful effects.

The scholarship in this book demonstrates overwhelming scientific support for the position that the warming of the twentieth century was moderate and not unprecedented, that its impact on human health and wildlife was positive, and that carbon dioxide probably is not the driving factor behind climate change.

The authors cite thousands of peer-reviewed research papers and books that were ignored by the IPCC, plus additional scientific research that became available after the IPCC’s self-imposed deadline of May 2006.

Lithuanian reactor shutdown opens door to Russia plans.

To Lithuanians, however, the twin concrete reactor blocks of the Ignalina plant, rising amid lakes and oak forests near the country's eastern border, have been a symbol of energy independence since the small Baltic country regained its freedom after the 1991 Soviet collapse.

That is why the EU-ordered shutdown of the plant's last working reactor — considered too similar to the one that exploded at Chernobyl in 1986 — (even though Lithuania spent $800 million refurbishing the plant, gs) is making Lithuanians uneasy.

They now face the prospect of importing energy from Russia, considered an unreliable energy partner by many after its state-owned gas company shut off supplies through Ukraine last year and in 2006 over price disputes.

Lithuania will wake up Jan. 1 with 40 percent less generating capacity, a gap that has set off a race to build new, safer nuclear plants to supply electricity to the Baltics and Eastern Europe, a race Moscow is trying mightily to win.

On top of that, Lithuanians will pay more for electricity at a time when their economy is in a deep recession.
Dodd and Dorgan, aka dog and dogturd.



Possible dimcripple losses at a glance:

sure thing: ND

highly probable: DE, NV

probable: PA,

very possible: LA, CO

possible with good candidate: Wi, NY, CT

very long shot: IL, MA

no way in hell: CA

Then also there is the possiblity some dyed in the wool rino repugnicans could lose their seats also.
Good for him.

I hope he included a copy of the US Constitution in with the bill.
Abdulmutallab and the Obama Mindset.

When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was placed on the British government's watch list in May 2009 and banned from entering the country, the U.S. embassy in London (and by extension the U.S. State Department), as well as U.S. intelligence agencies, were notified of this move as part of information-sharing agreements entered into by a number of Western governments after the September 11, 2001 attacks, says a U.S. State Department employee on the condition of anonymity because of concern that by speaking about the situation, their job could be endangered.

This employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was flagged and given higher priority during the Bush Administration, but that since the changeover "we are encouraged to not create the appearance that we are profiling or targeting Muslims.

"I'm not saying that this kind of screw up might not have happened in the Bush Administration," the State source says, referring to the Christmas Day snafu. "I'm just saying that a number of us were encouraged to have a different mindset about such intel and such individuals, and today, we are encouraged not to have that same mindset."

Diversity visas.

The State Department roster of all countries whose nationals have received "diversity visas" to immigrate to the United States in 2010, for example, shows that 2 of these immigrants will be from Luxembourg, 3 from the Solomon Islands, 4 from French Guiana, 5 from Reunion, 6 from Cape Verde, 7 from Malta, 8 from Guinea-Bissau, 9 from Comoros, 10 from Suriname--and 72 from Yemen.

Nationals of the four states listed by the State Department as state sponsors of terrorism--Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria--also received "diversity visas" from the State Department to immigrate to the United States in 2010.

These include 98 from Syria, 298 from Cuba, 1,084 from Sudan, and 2,773 from Iran...
One last post and I'll leave you folkds alone for a while.

Don't know if this link works.

Citizens of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and the Gulf Co-operation Council states may enter Yemen without a visa. At least two thousand al Qaeda fighters, from Yemen, that fought in Iraq against our troops, returned home no questions asked:

Paraphrasing Pogo, "we have met the enemy ... and she wears a pants suit."

Don't try to get on at State unless you are and uber-liberal 100% person and can pass a screening that determines you to be just that.

Any other jihadist that wants to, from the above named countries, can go to Yemen for terrorist training, no questions, no tracking.....

By returning Gitmo Yemenis back to Yemen so they can repeat their terrorist acts against us all over again, Democrats have politically corrected themselves to accept American citizen deaths as acceptable losses (GI and citizen). It's not an opinion, it's Obama policy.

Inviting more Yemini's in among us who may overstay their visas and scatter within the 50 states is downright dangerous.

There are thousands coming here legally by the truckload as children/cousins/wives/sisters/ ad nauseum of US citizen Yemenis.

But Americans have to get an entry visa to enter Yemen......hmmm. Who do you think the government of Yemen considers their enemy to be?

Not only that jihadists who have fought in Afghanistan or the Balkans have little if any trouble moving about most anywhere in the mideast.

We never talk about places like Paraguay where there are muslim training camps that also teach the Spanish language and give undercover muslim jihadists passports with Spanish sounding names.

Concerning the watch list and no-fly policies of the Obama admin; over half a million on that big list of possible terrorists and they have moved "dozens" onto the do-not-fly list.

DOZENS? 3 DOZENS is 0.0072%. That press release is supposed to make us feel safe, that Obama has it all under control???

Let's see if TOTUS tells him to say dozens. The next administration will have a prosecution field day should Holder set the precedent.

From this list.

NIGERIA = 6,006



Some Middle Eastern/Northern Africa online news websites, in Arabic, have the usual news stories about al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorism or attempted terorrism somewhere in the world--like the underwear bomber over Detroit.

Then of course there is the comments section for reader feedback. No shortage of these in some cases are online jihadists wannabees (in words at least, maybe some actually in action) and go on to praise the terrorist act(s) talked about, "Allahu Ahkbar", "Power to the Brothers", "Thus always to infidels", all this kind of crap. (Keep in mind now, all of this is in Arabic.)

And right off to the side is, in one or two cases, a floating internet ad, with Obama's photo, in English, placed apparantly by the State Department or a broker of some sort, encouraging people to sign up for lottery system FOR VISAS TO LIVE IN THE U.S.A. under this so-called "Diversity Visa" system of the U.S. Government.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, 52% now disapprove of Reid while only 35% approve, his worst ever.

Seventeen points is a lot to overcome, notwithstanding he is a long time incumbent and even with a five or six point boost from dead acorns he is a dark horse jackass in this years race.
Well, he will fit right in. Hes accustomed to taking money to play ball.


Looking ahead to 2100, here are some of the more notable news items of the century:

Hell freezes over; global-warming deniers exploit incident to mislead public.

Terror trial in New York ends in guilty verdict to America; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed T-shirts outsell Che Guevara by 300%.

Nobel Peace prize awarded posthumously to Neville Chamberlain; 'only now is his genius apparent,' says Committee.

Climate hasn't officially changed since 2008 election of Obama, but experts promise imminent catastrophes if Democrat is not elected next year.

UN votes to restore Pluto to planet status; industrialized countries to send reparations and humanitarian supply of own air proportionally to GDP.

Harvard researchers find new proof that national deficit of $500 trillion is Bush's fault.

Tax Dept. announces new tax on taxpayers who resist taxation on existing taxes.

Last living Republican succumbs to euthanasia; few even remember the name of outlawed party in post-political era beyond 2030.

India's consumers annoyed by broken Hindi spoken at US-based call assistance centers.

Hollywood studios: John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and Humphrey Bogart to be airbrushed out of all movies and replaced by Matt Damon, George Clooney, and Denzel Washington.

Microsoft releases Windows 2100 to fix bugs found in Windows 2099, 2098, 2097, and 2096.

Public education reaches important milestone as all New York schools report 100% identical test scores in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Male silverback gorilla elected to serve on PETA board of directors; feminist gorillas resign in protest.

Britain outlaws use of the word 'Britain' as jingoistic and discriminatory toward militant minorities.

US Supreme Court declares 1st Amendment unconstitutional because 'it was enacted without input from minorities in violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment'.

National Endowment for the Arts awards first prize to sculpture of US Constitution in bucket of urine.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum bans all works on canvas as 'offensive to canvas-less cultures' and 'inimical to progressive modes of thought'.

Dan Brown publishes new installment of The Obama Code , in which Tom Hanks discovers that Barack Obama’s mother was African-American and her alleged 'whiteness' was a ploy concocted later by Fox News revisionists.

Man gets 10 years hard labor for starting a business in competition with government services.

Bethesda, Maryland community welcomes new 1,000-acre palatial complex to house the 89 czars and their 800,000 staff members.

It's Ramadan time and British Prime Minister Jacqui Smith once again prepares to be raped in the House of Lords by Muslim peers as a manifestation of their grievances.

Iceland declared pariah nation for failure to live up to UN racial diversity standards.

As Iran resumes missile bombardment of European cities, EU intensifies pressure on Israel to dismantle settlements

White House: Air Force prepared to nuke random American city to show Iran we’re serious about peace.

Airlines show profit as crashes with affirmative-action pilots down 20% from last decade.

Native population of Paris grows from 8 to 9 percent; chief imam of France warns of Muslim backlash.

Junior school teacher found guilty of abuse for failing to educate students on dangers posed by heterosexual relations between consenting adults.

Code Pink denounces Stalin as 'insufficiently progressive' due to 'lack of interest in the plight of the transgendered'.

Court faces hate-crime quandary as Hispanic teen attacks gay man protesting construction of mosque.

Former CEOs of tobacco companies executed; hunt is on for mayonnaise manufacturers.

Chicago Olympics threatened by advancing glaciers; police round up local global-warming deniers as a preventive measure.

60-member Congressional Muslim Caucus sets new time record of 'uninterrupted seething' by remaining in this state for a period of three months.

Court rules to dismantle US beef industry, convert barns and pens into rest homes for elderly cows, bulls, and the transbovined. (I kept a stratight face as long as I could but dammit boy, I had to laugh at that one.)

Northern Minnesota community refuses to accept Maoist history textbook; National Security battalion moves in to “restore tolerance”.

Necrophiliacs demand marriage rights; gravediggers’ union threatens walkout.

First transgendered mute paraplegic pygmy to win Miss America.

Rhode Island converted into wind farm; new electricity generated is expected to serve all of Cape Cod.

Eight year-old boy faces charges of violating the Children’s Civil Rights Act of 2016 for failing to meet diversity quotas in playground game.

CIA under fire for forcing prisoner to spend eight hours in hotel room with no Internet service.

Sixty Minutes reveals: Winston Churchill was illegitimate child of English mother and Kenyan alcoholic father.

Quarterback suspended from NFL for fondling his female center.

Vermont court outlaws construction boots as offensive to women and minorities.

Congress fills healthcare budget gaps by selling all 'unnecessarily complicated' medical equipment to Burkina Faso.

Embittered by divorce, Nobel Committee Chair Barack Obama threatens to retract all ten of Michelle Obama’s Nobel Peace prizes.

Helen Thomas to be inducted into Museum of Natural History.
Geithner's fielding a fresh round of criticism after e-mails surfaced last week that showed he forced insurance giant AIG to keep quiet about tens of billions of dollars in payments it made to several Wall Street banks -- payment that represented full payouts funded by taxpayer cash that the banks otherwise wouldn't have received.

The payouts were first revealed a year ago and were seen by many as a "back-door bailout" of Wall Street by Geithner. It was only learned last week that the Treasury chief moved to cover up the payouts.

For people like me, (and probably most of you), if I do the crime then I expect to do the time.

It doesn't seem to be that way for top government officials, expecially in this administration.

If they get caught violating the law, then the worst that can happen is that they have to resign, in which case they will more than likely be rewarded with a postition with their crooked friends that pays a huge salary.
1. Divert critical CIA resources and spy satellites away from hunting terrorists to track global warming.

2. Release captured al Qaida terrorists from Gitmo (most of whom were caught on the battlefield in Afghanistan) and send them through America's criminal court system.

3. Rather than aggressively interrogating captured al Qaida operatives for vital intelligence (which actually works), give them lawyers and plea bargains while politely asking them to betray their allies.

4. Misrepresent one terrorist attack after another as a random crime by a "victim of stress" or an "isolated extremist" while tirelessly perpetuating the myth that Islam is a "religion of peace."

5. Put airline passengers through absolute hell to avoid enacting policies that actually giving extra scrutiny to those who have committed virtually 100% of the attacks on our airlines--young, Arab, Muslim men.

6. Create a culture of fear within the CIA by vindictively prosecuting agents who fail to read foreign terrorists their non-existent rights.

7. Surrender missile defense as Iran and North Korea go nuclear with impunity.
Sorry for the long delay. What was the plan? (besides investing it all in an overvalued stock market?)

Didn't sound like that great a plan to me either but at least it doing something and infinately better that what we are currently doing.
So, to clarify, that was the "plan to save SSI" you were speaking of? Yes or no?

Yes but it isn't that simplistic.

Even investing SS income into treasury notes might be a bandaid on the terminal hemorage we are currently experiencing.

Don't tell me you believe in the urban mythical lock box.

How did Goldman Sachs report profits of $100+ million daily during a recession last summer for a record 47 days, (and still counting the last I checked.)?

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