I live 3 miles from Louisville Kentucky. I have watched this program go from having the world at it's fingertips to being in he same shape we r in to now being back to national prominence again "petrino kragthorpe strong" i personally look at the 3 years charlie has been at Louisville and look at the recruiting he has done to LOUISVILLE and i say we need this guy in Knoxville he is dynamic his players would run through a brick wall for him and he is extremely active in the community. I worked, with one of his former players he was recruited by petrino played for kragthorpe and charlie he says things that i would want to hear from our players he said i love coach strong he is the kinda guy that when he see's you in the hallways he stops says hello hows your family hows your mom calls her by her name that's huge if u look at when we had success it was when UT was a family he is a long term hire that can also make us win enough right away my vote is charlie 2013 ut head coach sorry this was done on my phone