The "I can't sleep" night before the first game thread. (admittedly off topic)

Checking in. Work 8:30 pm to 4:30 am and am on here constantly during the night. I'm so geeked up for tomorrow!!! Actually make that today!!! Game time is not far away!!! Ordered it on PPV last night!
I'm excited to see the Butch Jones version of the Volunteers, but my overall excitement for Tennessee(pro and college) football in general isn't as high as it used to be. I guess neither of my favorite teams(Titans/Vols) being worth 2 ****s in what feels like forever will do that.

I still get pumped about football season and watching football in general..but the results of the Titans/Vols games don't get me as up or as down as they used to. Go in to most games expecting a loss now adays. Back in the late 90s/early 00s it'd be considered an upset for almost any team to beat either the Titans or Vols.

Maybe we'll see them return to that soon.

This is end up being a good week for you. #1 U.T. will win and #2. The Titans will beat Pittsburgh.

I am a Pittsburgh fan but their age has caught up with them. The offensive line has maybe 6 players that are quality players so if they get any injuries on the offensive line, they will be in a big hurt.

They have no good running backs. The rookie they drafted in the 2nd round is too small and often injured.

They lost their biggest receiving threat to free agency in the off season.

Their defense is real old. Most of them are between the ages of 30 & 37. Too slow and recovering from too many injuries.

Titans to easily win this game. When the game is over, the Titans will be on their high horse and will take that attitude in to week #2. They will be too cocky from the effects of beating Pittsburgh and they will lose the 2nd game of the season.

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