The Impeachment Thread

I appreciate that you’re actually making an effort to articulate the case rather than just pounding the table screeching that he’s guilty. I still think it’s plausible that Biden is crooked, but if his son wasn’t even caught up in the investigation, it seems even more thin.

Biden’s inability to muster a strong response to this is still going to kill him in the polls, anyways.

I would think as a board member, Hunter was just window dressing and access for Burisma. Happens all the time. Who knows, the investigated corruption could be time lined before he was even a board member.

This is not about Hunter. Burisma was under investigation and Joe's action should be under scrutiny. In the New Yorker article from months ago, Hunter stated that he spoke with Joe once about it and Joe was concerned, at least with appearances. Joe did contradict this the other day when he stated he never spoke to Hunter about his businesses, which contradicts Hunters statement in the article.
Haven't been keeping up with this. From what I gathered the claims against Trump have evolved from the original. And nothing has been proven yet?
Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine Years Ago. Then the Right-Wing Spin Machine Turned the Story Upside Down.

Same author.

Apparently, the US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2015 knew that in 2016 Biden would demand shokin’s resignation to help his son and gave a speech to provide him political cover for when President Donald Trump tried to turn it into a story in 2019.

When can ****ing elect THAT guy?

You mean the same recently disgraced and replaced Ambassador who held the visa's up of those trying to deliver the evidence to our State Department that is finally being revealed?
Wait so this whistleblower's 2nd and 3rd hand account might not be accurate? I'm shocked I tell ya 🙄

Yeah, go with that. He or she can cite sources, it's not like it's spiderweb of bag drops and ciphered text.

Also, there's the actual tape - if needed to be housed on the special, 'we're all f'qed if this gets out' server - it must be secure from being deleted. Surely Trump will want to go to the tape to flick boogers at the whistle blower, right?

Donny's calling for that, right now - isn't he?
Yeah, go with that. He or she can cite sources, it's not like it's spiderweb of bag drops and ciphered text.

Also, there's the actual tape - if needed to be housed on the special, 'we're all f'qed if this gets out' server - it must be secure from being deleted. Surely Trump will want to go to the tape to flick boogers at the whistle blower, right?

Donny's calling for that, right now - isn't he?
Maybe your girl hill can teach him how to wipe it clean, ya know like with a cloth
Yeah, go with that. He or she can cite sources, it's not like it's spiderweb of bag drops and ciphered text.

Also, there's the actual tape - if needed to be housed on the special, 'we're all f'qed if this gets out' server - it must be secure from being deleted. Surely Trump will want to go to the tape to flick boogers at the whistle blower, right?

Donny's calling for that, right now - isn't he?

Make sure to donate to the whistleblower’s gofundme.
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Haven't been keeping up with this. From what I gathered the claims against Trump have evolved from the original. And nothing has been proven yet?
I don’t think that’s accurate. The call memo was pretty damning. The complaint raised additional issues.

Things have changed. Trump’s defense has gone from “is anybody dumb enough to think I would do this with people listening?” To “of course I asked for his help. Why was anybody listening?”
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I don’t think that’s accurate. The call memo was pretty damning. The complaint raised additional issues.

Things have changed. Trump’s defense has gone from “is anybody dumb enough to think I would do this with people listening?” To “of course I asked for his help. Why was anybody listening?”
YGTAN! You've got them all now.
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I don’t think that’s accurate. The call memo was pretty damning. The complaint raised additional issues.

Things have changed. Trump’s defense has gone from “is anybody dumb enough to think I would do this with people listening?” To “of course I asked for his help. Why was anybody listening?”
To be clear, which most of the time y’all aren’t he asked for help into Crowdstrike.

Not too long ago dems were concerned if anyone tampered with our election
LOL, looks like the pressure trump put on campaign for dirt worked. Good for him, now... back to Donny's problem.

Good luck....would these be the same doc's Ukes have been trying to deliver to our State Dept. for over a year but their visas were blocked by the corrupt Ambassador that was recently replaced?
Biden is done the Dems now have only Socialists to choose from for their nominee I once really respected Joe but he is same ole politician who caved to money and power
I have no idea if Biden did something wrong or not, but if he was indeed "chosen" to deliver the message, I'd just like to know who thought that was a good idea? Call it curiosity.

Protocol most likely. Same reason that Pence was scheduled to meet with the Ukrainian President.
I don’t think that’s accurate. The call memo was pretty damning. The complaint raised additional issues.

Things have changed. Trump’s defense has gone from “is anybody dumb enough to think I would do this with people listening?” To “of course I asked for his help. Why was anybody listening?”
Trump, and team, sticking their owns foots in their mouths is a given.

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