The Impeachment Thread

Biden is done the Dems now have only Socialists to choose from for their nominee I once really respected Joe but he is same ole politician who caved to money and power
I told everybody months ago that Joe wouldn't be the nominee. I said that either he steps on his genitals one too many times ( bad gaffes), or he gets caught up in Russiagate, or his/his son's ties to Ukraine/China, or his health takes him out.
Biden is done the Dems now have only Socialists to choose from for their nominee I once really respected Joe but he is same ole politician who caved to money and power

That’s an opinion piece by a Trump supporter who is known for hyping up stories.

“Paul McCleary, writing for the Columbia Journalism Review in 2007, wrote that Solomon had earned a reputation for hyping stories without solid foundation.[19] In 2012, Mariah Blake, writing for the Columbia Journalism Review, wrote that Solomon "has a history of bending the truth to his storyline," and that he "was notorious for massaging facts to conjure phantom scandals."
I told everybody months ago that Joe wouldn't be the nominee. I said that either he steps on his genitals one too many times ( bad gaffes), or he gets caught up in Russiagate, or his/his son's ties to Ukraine/China, or his health takes him out.
You certainly did. I disagreed with you at the time then I watched him a few minutes in the debates. Yikes it’s brutal
Good luck....would these be the same doc's Ukes have been trying to deliver to our State Dept. for over a year but their visas were blocked by the corrupt Ambassador that was recently replaced?

The only folks that keep trying to make this about Biden are the Trumpers. Desperately trying to deflect and convince everyone to please, please, for the love of god please stop being mean to Trump and pay attention to Biden.

I'm not sure Biden's lost any votes, people who like Biden know he's part and parcel to the establishment.

This was all staged by Trump. He’s been doing it since he took office. These dumb asses haven’t figured it out yet.

But I will say, it’s cheap entertainment

If you truly believe this, then you are far, far more stupid than I ever could have fathomed. That would be difficult, so I chose to believe that you don't believe it.
The only folks that keep trying to make this about Biden are the Trumpers. Desperately trying to deflect and convince everyone to please, please, for the love of god please stop being mean to Trump and pay attention to Biden.

I'm not sure Biden's lost any votes, people who like Biden know he's part and parcel to the establishment.
Some of us just want the entire story out there, unlike you and your worthless pals in the media and lib politicians. I would wager 95% of cnn msnbc viewers have never heard of Crowdstrike or seen the video where Biden blackmailed the Ukrainians
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I wish Republicans were as ruthless as Democrats. Republicans should wage the same kind of scorched earth warfare against the next Dem president
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Keep thinking Trump is a dumbass, as he eats your lunch once again.

I had steak for lunch today, medium rare and sans ketchup. I don't think he'd be interested.

I would let him eat some of my cocker spaniels Iams though.
I wish Republicans were as ruthless as Democrats. Republicans should wage the same kind of scorched earth warfare against the next Dem president
Absolutely. While I believe Trump has helped them in that regard most, especially the ones in leadership roles are still too weak
Protocol most likely. Same reason that Pence was scheduled to meet with the Ukrainian President.
Probably, but Pence doesn't have a son working on the board of a major Ukrainian company, does he? I'm curious why no one saw the image having Biden deliver this message would create? Whether anything untoward happened or not, it represented a conflict of interest that someone should have seen at the time it happened. It just seems like someone either royally screwed up, or Biden did something he shouldn't have done. I'm not leaning one way or the other, but those seem like the choices.
Wish I had a dollar for every "The Democrats are doing X because they are terrified that X is about to come out" post here.
Wish I had a dollar every time some idiot liberal said “this is it, the walls are closing in on Donny now and he knows it”
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Bless your heart. I bet you still think Trump collided with Russians and Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist

Look at you, trying to decide set up an argument to knock over. Adorable.

I'll bet no one will notice your deflection.
Rudy is at the center. Not surprising.

Unlike some on here who think Rudy is crazy like a fox, I think Rudy is just crazy, and should be put out to pasture somewhere far far away. There's got to be something in the NYC water supply that leads to terminal hoof and mouth disease.

That said, there has to be an official process for whistleblowers, and I can't imagine it starts with a completely corrupt and politically polar institution like congress. That only leads to spinning the facts for political expediency instead of analyzing the event with honesty and without bias - assuming that is to be found somewhere in the national government because it won't be found in congress.
If biden was doing something illegal, it's the American justice system that needs to handle it, not the Ukraine. We have procedures for investigating American Citizens. There is no grey area unless there is an open investigation into Biden by the United States Government.

You think we'd let the Ukrainian version of our FBI walk in and investigate on US soil if it were the other way around?

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