The Impeachment Thread

I would take this trade everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Hunter Biden clearly profited off his name, as is common with just about every marginally talented person with family connection. Case in point, the Trump brood.

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Posts from the Trump supporters say otherwise. The Piece of Sh!t they have propped up on some pedestal and defended with their words are just not interested now?

They are all pieces of lying , hypocritical, pandering , money grubbing , pieces of donkey poop Mick . Just be honest with yourself and your blood pressure will drop a couple of points . 😊
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Not really, what difference does it make when the information comes out? Should they wait until it's all over? You guys are for more concerned with trivial nuggets than it's implications that Trump has lied, again.

Apparently many simply refuse to or can't see the forest for the trees.

Or don’t care because it doesn’t rise to the level of removal and it’s all a partisan political pandering production for votes . Just being honest .
I would take this trade everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Hunter Biden clearly profited off his name, as is common with just about every marginally talented person with family connection. Case in point, the Trump brood.

That's the real quid pro quo. The Biden's are very corrupt and Graham has said when this sham is over the Senate will start looking into their massive corruption.
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Or don’t care because it doesn’t rise to the level of removal and it’s all a partisan political pandering production for votes . Just being honest .

So let's get the full record out there. If the Republigoons wanna acquit, fine. But make them do it faced with the full universe of evidence so the American people know where their senators stand on this conduct.
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Avoiding questions they would rather not answer?

I would take this trade everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Hunter Biden clearly profited off his name, as is common with just about every marginally talented person with family connection. Case in point, the Trump brood.

Ummm, the Dems wouldn’t have a say in who is called. But yes, let’s call them all and drag this out for months.
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Or don’t care because it doesn’t rise to the level of removal and it’s all a partisan political pandering production for votes . Just being honest .

I tend to agree that the initial act didn't rise to my arbitrary threshold of removal. That doesn't do anything to address my assertion that he's lying and continues to lie about his actions, covering up even trivial 'issues' and lying to congress isn't OK irrespective of the feelz of how you got there. It's fascinating that so many of his sycophants know he's lying but simply don't care due to the tribalism.
So let's get the full record out there. If the Republigoons wanna acquit, fine. But make them do it faced with the full universe of evidence so the American people know where their senators stand on this conduct.

Full disclosure on how I see it .. it the left ( Pelosi ) hadn’t made such a huge celebration of the signing , kept the obvious partisanship to a minimum and made it look like an actually investigation, hadn’t been so smug in saying he’s still impeached . They might have gotten more help in the Senate . Trump is a huge target and you guys just keep shooting yourselves in the foot . You’ve burned through just about all your political capital with starting on him from day one and spending 3 years trying to remove him , now you want the Rs to help you do it ? Come on you really should know better . The left has made this personal and purely partisan from the start , because of that you’ll have to do it on your own . ( IMO)
I would take this trade everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Hunter Biden clearly profited off his name, as is common with just about every marginally talented person with family connection. Case in point, the Trump brood.

How is the charge of pursuing a fake investigation against the Bidens in Ukraine best refuted by pursuing a fake investigation against the Bidens in Washington?

This doesn't seem like a sound strategy. Not that anything matters to those who still support the Party Of Trump.

And don't most of the worst people on the left already want to purge moderates like Biden?

I get that Trump wants to run against Bernie, but Hillary wanted to run against Trump and that bit of genius got us here. Next stop, we're all homeless scrounging for scrap metal so we can pay college tuition for the millionaires. There are likely to be soup lines though. We know Bernie loves those.
As soon as the President's lawyers are done there should be an immediate vote to dismiss both fraudulent articles and end this latest hoax out forth by the radical far left.
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I tend to agree that the initial act didn't rise to my arbitrary threshold of removal. That doesn't do anything to address my assertion that he's lying and continues to lie about his actions, covering up even trivial 'issues' and lying to congress isn't OK irrespective of the feelz of how you got there. It's fascinating that so many of his sycophants know he's lying but simply don't care due to the tribalism.

How many people have we watched sit in front of congress and lie to them ? Is it right ? Of course not , is it done ? All the time . Did the managers in your opinion make it through their presentation without lying to Congress ? Hell we both know those lying senators that took that oath to be fair and not prejudge... was, did and is lying now .
I would take this trade everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Hunter Biden clearly profited off his name, as is common with just about every marginally talented person with family connection. Case in point, the Trump brood.

I'm just curious what they would ask him. And if Roberts would be ruling on relevance.

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