The Impeachment Thread

The posts from a Political Forum is what you are going to use ? I haven’t watched a complete minute of it . I dont believe any of them are truthful or honest . To be completely honest I just like to argue facts and play devils advocate.

I already knew this.
Had the Bolton thing not emerged that might have happened.

But now? Not so sure.
Looks like we are gonna see witnesses Biden can't be happy about this...the Dem machine hates Bernie..who will be the candidate if Hunter gets called and people turn on Biden?
I'm for it anything that reduces our reliance on fossil fuels...but we gotta do something to increase charging stations or make longer lasting batteries for it to be a success
The Chevy Volt is dead; long live the Chevy Volt

It’s that longer battery life and the mileage you get is the huge problem . 235 miles in the city or suburbs is nice , on the road it’s nothing , and that’s at optimal battery power ( brand new ) . We all know from having smart phone really what that means .
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Sample sizes from were ? Who took the questions ? Were they being honest ?
These questions bring us full circle.
At the very beginning of the Trump catastrophe, the term gaslighting was often used.
It's clear those warnings were spot on and more than justified.
The ability of the American public to filter through information and separate fact from fiction is at an all time low.
Which was a key cog in the Trumpism machine from day one.
So let's get the full record out there. If the Republigoons wanna acquit, fine. But make them do it faced with the full universe of evidence so the American people know where their senators stand on this conduct.
Which is obviously the last thing republicans want.
Defending the indefensible gets tiring.
It would have bothered me had it not happened.
Most people want witnesses called.
Most people would actually prefer a fair trial.
Most people would like to have a better understanding of the truth.
The "bombshell leak" just increases the chances of providing what most people want, which also happens to be the right thing.

Most people would be interested in this if it had been treated as such in the House. As it stands, the House held a grand performance and a sub par investigative findings initiative, and are now trying to tell the Senate to do their job for them. The bulk of what they are asking for in the Senate trial was already available to them to deal with had they been interested in fair and right.

Most people get that just about any trial in any court in the country, will allow introduction of newly discovered witness testimony during the trial. It's how we do it. But, most people also know that these new bombshells already existed and were not part of the impeachment articles because they couldn't make it work for them. Now they are trying to spin it off on the Senate trial. Most people understand this is grandstanding and political BS and the Dems never were interested in fair and right till they spun it into the Senate.
These questions bring us full circle.
At the very beginning of the Trump catastrophe, the term gaslighting was often used.
It's clear those warnings were spot on and more than justified.
The ability of the American public to filter through information and separate fact from fiction is at an all time low.
Which was a key cog in the Trumpism machine from day one.

The absolute same can be argued from the right about the progressive left and their agendas .
Will go ahead and predict that Murkowski and Lamar call for witnesses (or at least Bolton) by end of day. Gonna be a good day!

How many people have we watched sit in front of congress and lie to them ? Is it right ? Of course not , is it done ? All the time . Did the managers in your opinion make it through their presentation without lying to Congress ? Hell we both know those lying senators that took that oath to be fair and not prejudge... was, did and is lying now .

Whatboutisims are so 2019. The boogeyman media and libtard congress aren't excuses for trump's overt and repeated lies. It fascinates me that one of the most cited reasons for choosing trump was because he wasn't as 'crooked' as Hillary, as it turns out, he is.
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Most people would be interested in this if it had been treated as such in the House. As it stands, the House held a grand performance and a sub par investigative findings initiative, and are now trying to tell the Senate to do their job for them. The bulk of what they are asking for in the Senate trial was already available to them to deal with had they been interested in fair and right.

Most people get that just about any trial in any court in the country, will allow introduction of newly discovered witness testimony during the trial. It's how we do it. But, most people also know that these new bombshells already existed and were not part of the impeachment articles because they couldn't make it work for them. Now they are trying to spin it off on the Senate trial. Most people understand this is grandstanding and political BS and the Dems never were interested in fair and right till they spun it into the Senate.
I don't think most people feel that way. Most people want the information.
Plus, most people realize the house had two alternative; one: spend months (probably years) having the courts force the witnesses to testify and force the release of documents and two: impeach based on the abundant information already available, and the let the senate expedite the process in the trial phase.
Grand jury - like.
Will go ahead and predict that Murkowski and Lamar call for witnesses (or at least Bolton) by end of day. Gonna be a good day!

Like anybody is still paying attention lol...the ratings are dismal...Trump is 4 points more popular than Obama..a majority are against impeachment time to #MoveOn and for the Dems to try to find a candidate from that mess that's running now

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