The Impeachment Thread
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And if those anonymous sources are correct?
Would you rather know now or when the book is released?

That should be y’alls theme song. “If the anonymous sources are correct this time”. Maybe one of our more creative members can put that to music.
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That should be y’alls theme song. “If the anonymous sources are correct this time”. Maybe one of our more creative members can put that to music.
They seem pretty spot on more times than not.
Set to the tune of the Andy Griffith theme.
So how do you feel about all the proven lies and false claims made by the President? Is it ok? Do you care? Do you believe the President hasn't lied and made false claims about anything?
No..... it doesn’t matter what he says..... it matters what he actually does..... so far, I have been pleased with what he is accomplishing.
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So next Romney will be a hero to the far left, I can't wait to go grab comments you all said about in when running against barry
Got some factual info for you: It's not just the far left who want Trump out. It's also the center left, the middle and the center right.

It's so funny how so many of you believe that everyone that dislikes Trump is a far left ideologue. There's a reason why this country's brightest and most accomplished entrepreneurs and business leaders speak out against him. There's a reason why this country's most accomplished military leaders speak out against him. Why do you think these groups, by and large, don't support him?
No..... it doesn’t matter what he says..... it matters what he actually does..... so far, I have been pleased with what he is accomplishing.
That's cool. You're right it does matter what he actually does and many don't care for his behavior or the fact that he's put himself ahead of the country
No idea because he blocked every witness called by the Rs so what was he hiding?

Also he didn't want to go through the process to call Bolton or others so why bring it up now?
They don't have anyone to call that exonerate POTUS...if they did, those witnesses would have already given testimony. POTUS won't allow those who know the truth to testify. OF course, EVERYONE is lying but Trump
So since you didn't answer, I will answer for you.
No - Biden's son is not receiving taxpayer dollars
Yes - Trump's kids are receiving taxpayer dollars.

They are all unqualified and only in the positions because of their daddy.

Unqualified because you say? What makes you qualified to say they are qualified. If qualifications include not being thrown out of the military for drug use then that's a Big YES! Second qualification not impregnating strippers and then refusing to pay child support. DJTJ was forced to testify for over 30 hours about a 25 minute conversation. Hunter did one softball interview regarding his tenure with a corrupt foreign company.
Libs don't understand the difference between working for something and sitting on a board because your dad ( who is being paid with tax dollars) is running point for the President and shaking down said country.
This guy has been destroying Pencil Neck Schifty and the dims talking points!😎
They are leaving out quite a bit of the testimony to make their point, but I'm sure you could say the same thing for the other side. That's why they need witnesses like John Bolton to clarify.
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