The Impeachment Thread

Nah..... I don’t think he believes in some of these issues.....he panders to the right bc he has an R next to his name.
You don't mean to imply that Trump is being disingenuous with the American people do you? LOL.

I think you are 100% right... but you have to judge him by the policies he sets forth, not by what you think he truly believes, or in Trump's case, his own past words.
I do not believe for one second that you would defend Obama for the same thing. Your stance is pure partisanship.
How are those senators that are running for the job of the man they are sitting on judgment of capable of non-partisanship? Shouldn't they be recused from these proceedings?
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There is something there, if you choose to believe what is in John Bolton's book. It is very damning. It confirms the allegations made in Article I : Abuse of Power, in the Articles of Impeachment. Trump supporters understand this, and they are in overdrive trying to discredit John Bolton. I agree that Trump will be staying as the POTUS, for another 51 weeks.

How can you assert with specificty what was in John Bolton's book when only the NSA has the manuscript?
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You don't mean to imply that Trump is being disingenuous with the American people do you? LOL.

I think you are 100% right... but you have to judge him by the policies he sets forth, not by what you think he truly believes, or in Trump's case, his own past words.

Like when Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it?
How can you assert with specificty what was in John Bolton's book when only the NSA has the manuscript?
I'm going off of what has been leaked to The New York Times. If what they were running with was wrong, I believe that the Bolton legal team would have corrected them by now. They haven't.
By impeachable I meant justification for removal from office. Bill Clinton wasn't removed from office, despite admitting to the crime. If that doesn't get you kicked out, I don't see how this does.

Maybe admitting to perjury is not as bad as covering up election/foreign relations corruption.
I have seen most of his tweets..... he rambles from subject to subject..... I want him to be a good president and so far he has been imo.... I also wanted Obama to be a good president which I don’t think he was.... you make it sound like these are sports team..... I’m not on any team and would vote for a democrat as quick as a republican.... so far I have liked trump more than any republican or Democrat..... if you want to know the truth, trump is probably more of a democrat than a republican anyways.
Obama walked into a terrible situation. Trump walked into a pretty good situation.

Trump's been extremely irresponsible towards the environment
By impeachable I meant justification for removal from office. Bill Clinton wasn't removed from office, despite admitting to the crime. If that doesn't get you kicked out, I don't see how this does.

Bill Clinton did and admitted to everything the left charged Kavanaugh with. HR would have removed ole Billy C faster than Adam Schifts next article of Impeachment. 11 felonies launched against the slick one. 0 against Trump
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Personally, I would welcome this. Shouldn't we all be concerned about corruption - regardless if it's a D or and R doing it?

Of course, but we're more politically polarized now than any time since the civil war and Reconstruction. Tribes don't play well together in sorting out who's stirring up the crap.
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Trump is probably more representative of older democrats ... before democrats completely lost their way. You really should just go with the times and call what was the democratic party the socialist party and have just a bit of honesty about it all.
Best bull shiit of the day. He's nothing like Truman, JKF or even Jimmy Carter for that matter.
I'm going off of what has been leaked to The New York Times. If what they were running with was wrong, I believe that the Bolton legal team would have corrected them by now. They haven't.
The stache is trying to pre-sell a book the only thing he has come out and said is that he or his publisher didn't leak the "manuscript". This is all about money.
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By impeachable I meant justification for removal from office. Bill Clinton wasn't removed from office, despite admitting to the crime. If that doesn't get you kicked out, I don't see how this does.
I don't think you grasp the magnitude of this. This is not OK. This is removable conduct. Rudy should be in jail for his role in Trump's shadow government politics.
Obama walked into a terrible situation. Trump walked into a pretty good situation.

Trump's been extremely irresponsible towards the environment

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Paris climate accord my backside. Still good to see you openly distancing yourself as ever being anything remotely right if center.
Perjury comment refers to Clinton. Both sides will vigorously defend their own. I doubt treason would be enough for the 2020 Dems either if it was one of theirs facing the charge. Acting as if either side can claim a moral high ground is ludicrous.
I'm going off of what has been leaked to The New York Times. If what they were running with was wrong, I believe that the Bolton legal team would have corrected them by now. They haven't.

The new York times. Lol. When will you ever learn that they are as gullible as you when it comes to bombshell allegations. Keep dissapointing yourself.
Besides if they say anything at this point book presales come to a complete stop.
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I don't think you grasp the magnitude of this. This is not OK. This is removable conduct. Rudy should be in jail for his role in Trump's shadow government politics.
It's not impeachable conduct. You want it to be, your party leaders have told you it is, but it is not.
I don't think you grasp the magnitude of this. This is not OK. This is removable conduct. Rudy should be in jail for his role in Trump's shadow government politics.

Aid that was released by the set deadline without opening an investigation? How is it possible to argue that?
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Paris climate accord my backside. Still good to see you openly distancing yourself as ever being anything remotely right if center.
I didn't say a damn thing about the Paris climate accords. You're going to have to stop showing off that enormous brain power. You're making us all look stupid

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