The Impeachment Thread

If he hadn't been so vocal about his hatred of the government and how he was up in arms because Mueller didn't want to give that Russian company full unrestricted access to all of our governments information. He is such an anti government tool he would be happy to believe Russia over our own IC. Hog is no different than Trump.
Hogg has some serious trust issues. There's obviously some type of psychologically traumatic event hiding in his past, and that is what keeps me from judging him to harshly.
The new York times. Lol. When will you ever learn that they are as gullible as you when it comes to bombshell allegations. Keep dissapointing yourself.
Besides if they say anything at this point book presales come to a complete stop.
Hmmm... if you are counting on these allegations not being in Bolton's book, you are the one who is going to be disappointed. There is no way in hell that Bolton got that fat book deal, just so he could vindicate Trump.
But he is Bill Clinton without charisma.
No he's not. On his worst day, Clinton is smarter and more informed on any issue than the ignorant Donald. That's right up there with the previous BS. One reason why Clinton's sketchy character traits were tolerated because of his intelligence and keen political skills
That's what some of you want others to believe anyway.

If you don't think it's quite possibly the truth, then IDK what to tell you. I'm not very certain about anything, but I believe it is very likely that what happened is "impeachable". If it is true, then it's worse than what Clinton did, from a corruption standpoint.
Hmmm... if you are counting on these allegations not being in Bolton's book, you are the one who is going to be disappointed. There is no way in hell that Bolton got that fat book deal, just so he could vindicate Trump.

Not one allegation in 3 years has been proven. Not one. That's called a trend
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If you don't think it's quite possibly the truth, then IDK what to tell you. I'm not very certain about what I believe is the truth, but I believe it is very likely. If it is true, then it's worse than what Clinton did, from a corruption standpoint.

Worse than sexually be assisting someone and then lying under oath about it? You are right you truly don't know
I'm sorry you have to act so partisan because you like Trump. This is a line you're on the wrong side of.
lmao. That the best you got? Going back to the old "you must be a Trumper"? That's a pretty pathetic tact Mick. You're the one acting on partisan feelings. There is no case here. No concrete, Trump said it, testimony. The aid was released by the set deadline without any conditions. The Ukrainians have said they felt no pressure. I'd be arguing this way no matter who sat in the Oval Office, and we both know you can't say the same. It was unethical, but it is not impeachable. That's a Dem pipe dream that you're being fed, and you're eating up.
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I don't think you grasp the magnitude of this. This is not OK. This is removable conduct. Rudy should be in jail for his role in Trump's shadow government politics.

I'd certainly love to see Rudy somewhere else. Jail would be reasonable for the senile old fart. Loose cannons don't need enablers and cheerleaders.
Hogg has some serious trust issues. There's obviously some type of psychologically traumatic event hiding in his past, and that is what keeps me from judging him to harshly.
He has never taken responsibility for being wrong that first time he was wrong and it's really hindered his mental development. Now he just argues to argue in hopes someone he's arguing against might be wrong on a mynute detail.
I'd say Trump is more honest and less foolish than Carter, far less manipulative and underhanded than FDR, and more competent than JFK. However, I'm sure the revisionist history you've read says otherwise.
Trump's not more honest than anyone. I think you meant to say more dishonest.......It hasn't got anything to do with what I've read. It's what I know for a fact.

I really do hope this isn't your opinion...DAMN!
No he's not. On his worst day, Clinton is smarter and more informed on any issue than the ignorant Donald. That's right up there with the previous BS. One reason why Clinton's sketchy character traits were tolerated because of his intelligence and keen political skills
Clinton was tolerated because he had charisma. People liked him. And as such they made excuses for all the dirty **** he did, of which there was plenty. The comparison between Bill and Trump is more accurate than you want to admit.
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Worse than sexually be assisting someone and then lying under oath about it? You are right you truly don't know

It's grotesque, but the ramifications for America were inconsequential. It doesn't matter to us if POTUS got a BJ. It matters to us if POTUS is strong-arming allies into helping him take down his political competition.
lmao. That the best you got? Going back to the old "you must be a Trumper"? That's a pretty pathetic tact Mick. You're the one acting on partisan feelings. There is no case here. No concrete, Trump said it, testimony. The aid was released by the set deadline without any conditions. The Ukrainians have said they felt no pressure. I'd be arguing this way no matter who sat in the Oval Office, and we both know you can't say the same. It was unethical, but it is not impeachable. That's a Dem pipe dream that you're being fed, and you're eating up.
You have said yourself you like trumps politics. You're a Trumper.
Not one allegation in 3 years has been proven. Not one. That's called a trend
It was proven that Donald Trump paid hush money to a stripper/porn star named Stormy Daniels the month before the 2016 election. During any other presidency, that would still be hovering over the President as a major scandal. During Trump's presidency, it's been forgotten because of how much he keeps the news cycle flooded with one scandal after another.
Jimmy Carter caved to the guy Trump made assume room temperature.

Cool. That was such a great moment for America. I can't tell you how much it changed my life. Almost as much as the economic boom of the 1980's that was made possible by Carter's massive deregulation of various industries.
If you don't think it's quite possibly the truth, then IDK what to tell you. I'm not very certain about anything, but I believe it is very likely that what happened is "impeachable". If it is true, then it's worse than what Clinton did, from a corruption standpoint.
Read my previous response to Mick. It's unethical but not impeachable.

And Bill had his hands in more corruption than just Monica. Most of it got overlooked.
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Obama walked into a terrible situation. Trump walked into a pretty good situation.

Trump's been extremely irresponsible towards the environment
I disagree..... the Paris accord was a mess and we needed to get out of that....A lot of that regulation needed to be rolled back..... can you name specific examples where he hurt the environment?
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