The Impeachment Thread

What are you basing this opinion on?

I'm not arguing that Clinton was less corrupt than Trump. My position is that what Clinton was impeached for is child's play compared to these Trump allegations.

Clinton 11 felonies cited
Trump 0 felonies cited.
That's a lopsided score in snow sport except tennis
You're unrelenting defense of Trumps actions as not impeachable is the proof. It's not OK for a president to extort a foreign government to conduct fictitious political investigations.
Of course it's not okay, which makes it unethical. That doesn't make it impeachable.
It doesn't fit the parameters set by the Constitution, first of all, nor does it jibe with past precedent IMO. Do you honestly think Trump is the first President to act shady? Most Presidents simply get away with it without being called for it. Trump hate has led to the Dems calling him on it. This process is purely political. Not a precedent that should be set or allowed.

You will never win an argument with a lib citing the Constitution or facts.
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I don't have to make up ****. That's what you guys did with Russia collusion. Know your history Mick. And don't let your politics color your facts.
I guess you also believe that it's not colluding to seek dirt on a political opponent from a foreign country?
LMAO. The 12% inflation and in some cases 90% tax rates? If peanut guy was so great how did he let 50 plus hostages be held for over 400 days only to be set free the day his opponent was inaugurated?

You're focusing on short term issues with his economy (which he largely inherited) and ignoring the long term positive effects of his policies.

What's worse, the Iranian hostage crisis or trillions of debt on endless war that results in blowback for Americans and their allies?

When people judge Carter, they don't look at the big picture. I can point to every single president of my lifetime and show you how they massively ****ed us in the long run.
It's the Presidents job to look into corruption no matter where it leads. I would like any credible evidence that the Bidens were investigated and exhonorated in regards to Ukraine.
And because bowl brother said so is not credible evidence.
I don't have to make up ****. That's what you guys did with Russia collusion. Know your history Mick. And don't let your politics color your facts.
Were there people who peruse this board investigating the President?

Guys like you don't remotely understand divisiveness. Or the fact that you're proudly supporting a guy who doesn't give two shats about you or this country
Trump doesn't just lie all the time. He makes false claims about his policies and his meetings with foreign leaders. It's all on the record. These rubes either don't care or are too stupid to know any better

But we do have you here to tell us this BS all day & everyday......thank-you for these constant updates.
I can't sleep at night if you don't tell us this everyday. Got anything different than being a constant Trump hater?
Good God man, give it a this your calling in life? You suck at being a happy person as you claim to be.
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The constitution is completely vague and leaves it up entirely to the discretion of congress. What are you talking about?

It doesn't matter if Trump is the first or the last...or does your made up constitution have something to say about that?
It's not bribery and it's not treason. Does it fit "high crimes and misdemeanors"? I don't think so. And as far as leaving it up to Congress, are you going to accept his acquittal by the Senate or are you still going to argue he should have been removed?

lmao, made up Constitution. You guys get so irate when someone see things differently than you do. It's amusing. Interpretation of the Constitution shouldn't be political.
LMAO. The 12% inflation and in some cases 90% tax rates? If peanut guy was so great how did he let 50 plus hostages be held for over 400 days only to be set free the day his opponent was inaugurated?
The ww2 generation that had learned how to save money, made a fortune during the Carter presidency.

BTW Einstein, no one is saying he was a great President. We were talking about honesty, integrity and intelligence. Things you have no clue about
You're focusing on short term issues with his economy (which he largely inherited) and ignoring the long term positive effects of his policies.

What's worse, the Iranian hostage crisis or trillions of debt on endless war that results in blowback for Americans and their allies?

When people judge Carter, they don't look at the big picture. I can point to every single president of my lifetime and show you how they massively ****ed us in the long run.

President Reagan did not go to war with Iran yet those hostages were released on his inauguration day. He also destroyed the Soviet Union without firing a shot. You can't refute this. Ole peanut was not a foreign policy guy. He was a 55 saves lives guy. Terrible president. And West Berlin is thankful he lost.
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I guess you also believe that it's not colluding to seek dirt on a political opponent from a foreign country?

Did he receive dirt about a political opponent? No. Has any testimony actually provided a direct link to Trump that he ordered a QPQ? No. Did the Ukrainians say they felt pressured to receive the aid? No. Was the aid released by the set deadline? Yes. There is no case.
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The ww2 generation that had learned how to save money, made a fortune during the Carter presidency.

BTW Einstein, no one is saying he was a great President. We were talking about honesty, integrity and intelligence. Things you have no clue about

Oh that hurts now please say something about my mother...
Perhaps you are illiterate Huff said Carter is responsible for everything we now have that's good
Were there people who peruse this board investigating the President?

Guys like you don't remotely understand divisiveness. Or the fact that you're proudly supporting a guy who doesn't give two shats about you or this country
I understand divisiveness. It's what you're doing. You're ignoring the facts of the case because they contradict your feels. There's always a side that dislikes a sitting President, but they accept the fact he won the election and don't try every means necessary to unseat him.

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