The Impeachment Thread

But we do have you here to tell us this BS all day & everyday......thank-you for these constant updates.
I can't sleep at night if you don't tell us this everyday. Got anything different than being a constant Trump hater?
Good God man, give it a this your calling in life? You suck at being a happy person as you claim to be.
I don't like the President. That in itself doesn't make me unhappy. Just sad at times that we've been completely dumbed down by this feckless coward serving in the oval office
I understand divisiveness. It's what you're doing. You're ignoring the facts of the case because they contradict your feels. There's always a side that dislikes a sitting President, but they accept the fact he won the election and don't try every means necessary to unseat him.
If you can find a quote of mine where I say he should be removed, please knock yourself out. I'll save you some time because the quote doesn't exist. I'm thinking that maybe you shouldn't be talking about feels
How old were you when Carter was ruining the country when he was president? I voted for the turd and he made me a republican for life.

Me too.....Jimmy Carter made a lot of people that were real Dems back then into Republicans for life....Carter turned out to be a dud......he was an embarrassment to America when he was POTUS.
(1) The evidence will be in Bolton's book, apparently.

(2) Yes, it does. It doesn't use the specific word "leveraged" as I did, but that is the activity which is being described in paragraph 2 in the Articles of Impeachment, under Article I : Abuse of Power.

(1) So, you're talking out of your ***? You say he's done it, and give us assurances from non-evidence. Not evidence. It's claims. It's not even claims that Trump leveraged military aid. It's claims that Trump discussed leveraging military aid. Ouch. You keep hurting yourself more and more.

(2) The activity being described is supposed intention/desire as opposed to action. Try to keep up.

So, unproven allegations aside, can you point to where Trump leveraged military aid against Ukraine? I used that word "precisely" for a reason, because I knew you'd show the Democrat bluff, losing hand.
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I won't disagree that some regs needed to be rolled back. That being said, he's rolled back many others that shouldn't have been touched. The most recent rollback against streams and wetlands could have dangerous consequences
Didn’t he just give that right back to the states...... the states should regulate that.... just bc something works in California doesn’t mean it is best for Tennessee and vice versa
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It's not bribery and it's not treason. Does it fit "high crimes and misdemeanors"? I don't think so. And as far as leaving it up to Congress, are you going to accept his acquittal by the Senate or are you still going to argue he should have been removed?

lmao, made up Constitution. You guys get so irate when someone see things differently than you do. It's amusing. Interpretation of the Constitution shouldn't be political.

This is the word that ruins your argument. Misdemeanor means "minor wrongdoing".
Hilarious. Here is # 11
11. President Clinton abused his constitutional authority by (i) lying to the public and the Congress in January 1998 about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky; (ii) promising at that time to cooperate fully with the grand jury investigation; (iii) later refusing six invitations to testify voluntarily to the grand jury; (iv) invoking Executive Privilege; (v) lying to the grand jury in August 1998; and (vi) lying again to the public and Congress on August 17, 1998 -- all as part of an effort to hinder, impede, and deflect possible inquiry by the Congress of the United States.

Trump has one hundred infractions that would be listed here.

You just convicted Trump. Removal looks more justified than ever.
(1) So, you're talking out of your ***? You say he's done it, and give us assurances from non-evidence. Not evidence. It's claims. It's not even claims that Trump leveraged military aid. It's claims that Trump discussed leveraging military aid. Ouch. You keep hurting yourself more and more.

(2) The activity being described is supposed intention/desire as opposed to action. Try to keep up.

So, unproven allegations aside, can you point to where Trump leveraged military aid against Ukraine? I used that word "precisely" for a reason, because I knew you'd show the Democrat bluff, losing hand.
(2) Withholding military aid to the Ukraine does qualify as action. The July 25th phone call is circumstantial evidence that Trump was trying to use this aid as leverage for a personal favor. Bolton can cement the evidence with first hand corroborating knowledge.
Hilarious. Here is # 11
11. President Clinton abused his constitutional authority by (i) lying to the public and the Congress in January 1998 about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky; (ii) promising at that time to cooperate fully with the grand jury investigation; (iii) later refusing six invitations to testify voluntarily to the grand jury; (iv) invoking Executive Privilege; (v) lying to the grand jury in August 1998; and (vi) lying again to the public and Congress on August 17, 1998 -- all as part of an effort to hinder, impede, and deflect possible inquiry by the Congress of the United States.

Trump has one hundred infractions that would be listed here.

You just convicted Trump. Removal looks more justified than ever.

Reading comprehension still not your strong. Suit. Please cite the Hindi infractions and show me where they're listed in the Impeachment articles?
What are you basing this opinion on?

I'm not arguing that Clinton was less corrupt than Trump. My position is that what Clinton was impeached for is child's play compared to these Trump allegations.
The constitution is completely vague and leaves it up entirely to the discretion of congress. What are you talking about?

It doesn't matter if Trump is the first or the last...or does your made up constitution have something to say about that?

I'm not sure you've fully thought your stance through.
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(2) Withholding military aid to the Ukraine does qualify as action. The July 25th phone call is circumstantial evidence that Trump was trying to use this aid as leverage for a personal favor. Bolton can cement the evidence with first hand corroborating knowledge.

If aid is released before the deadline can it factually be characterized as withheld?
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Did he receive dirt about a political opponent? No. Has any testimony actually provided a direct link to Trump that he ordered a QPQ? No. Did the Ukrainians say they felt pressured to receive the aid? No. Was the aid released by the set deadline? Yes. There is no case.
Yes he knew they had the emails well before the Trump Tower meeting. Of course you would have to believe that the Trump administration would take stolen information they know they couldn't use if it was given to them. That's where Wikileaks comes in. God you're not very smart or logical. Trumper's also exhibit those traits. You really don't separate yourself from them; you are them.
This is the word that ruins your argument. Misdemeanor means "minor wrongdoing".
Then why haven't multiple Presidents been kicked out of the office in the past? Countless examples of past Presidents caught in minor wrongdoings could be cited, yet they never faced impeachment.

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