The Impeachment Thread

Most of them have turned out to be not true or gross exaggerations. How many bombshells dropped over the past 3 years by anonymous sources eventually faded away?

I noticed the change in your claim, when called out. Pretty transparent.

Is this the analogy that resonates the best with Trump fans?

Probably not - it was in response to how action or inaction don't always show intent. Like why "payment" was delayed.

This morning I finally figured out what's been bothering me about this lunacy all along. You have one side portraying "withholding of funds" as abusive. On the other hand it looks like the funds were discretionary - how much, when, and if to be determined by DOD.

However in all this there's the point that always disturbs me about congress ... accountability. Congress directs the spending of massive amounts of taxpayer dollars, and often we're left wondering why money goes here for something that seems absurd vs somewhere else for a legitimate problem ... if the federal government should even be involved. Follow the money. Follow the damn money. Who initiated and introduced spending requests that congress approves or ignores, and that's a two parter. Who submitted the "need" in a budget request to congress, and who in congress picks it up and runs with it?

In all the silly impeachment process, not one person has asked who initiated the spending request for Ukraine, and not one person has asked how it percolated through the system to congress, and not one person has asked who the congressional sponsor(s) for the Ukrainian funds are. This is how congress remains anonymous in what they do - names aren't attached to the minutae. It's how campaign "donations" get turned into a few well buried lines of legislation that save wealthy donors and corporations millions and billions. And it's how appropriations get laundered to congressional friends and families. Obviously congress isn't going to ask questions, but people like us get caught up in the politics and ignore that real question. Why are we giving Ukraine aid, and who made the request, and of all those requests how did this one find a way through the system? Follow the money.

But we have no congressional oversight ... there is nobody to follow the money, and this impeachment process further ensures there can be no congressional oversight ... certainly not by the executive branch. Congress isn't going to implement some outside oversight any more than congress is going to implement ethics reform, campaign reform, or congressional term limits. Congress will do silly sh!t like this to keep the public distracted though.
I am convinced that the democrats realize they can't beat the POTUS at the ballot box so just try to impeach him. Obviously a novel and old idea dating back to November 2016.

And looking at this trial. The democrsts hope to pull at heart strings. Hope that enough peoples feelings will get in the way. The POTUS team is presenting facts.
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In all the silly impeachment process, not one person has asked who initiated the spending request for Ukraine, and not one person has asked how it percolated through the system to congress, and not one person has asked who the congressional sponsor(s) for the Ukrainian funds are. This is how congress remains anonymous in what they do - names aren't attached to the minutae. It's how campaign "donations" get turned into a few well buried lines of legislation that save wealthy donors and corporations millions and billions. And it's how appropriations get laundered to congressional friends and families. Obviously congress isn't going to ask questions, but people like us get caught up in the politics and ignore that real question. Why are we giving Ukraine aid, and who made the request, and of all those requests how did this one find a way through the system? Follow the money.
Are you seriously unable to figure out how the Ukraine aid got through Congress? Have you spend as much time googling as it did to write this post?
A mere 37% of Colorado voters have a favorable opinion of Donald Trump, according to a new poll from Keating Research. Even fewer Coloradans, however — just 33% — have a favorable opinion of the state's Republican senator, Cory Gardner.

Don't get why these guys fall on their sword for a guy who'd sell em out in a heartbeat for Forbes magazine spanking from Stormy.
Are you seriously unable to figure out how the Ukraine aid got through Congress? Have you spend as much time googling as it did to write this post?

I googled "minutae" to make sure I spelled it right because VN red lines it. No doubt the Ukranian aid was considered chump change and bundled (or bungled) in with everything else and passed. I think you missed the intent ... who initiated the aid because once it got to a certain point it becomes invisible until time to disburse. The real question is why is there no outside overview ... who tears stuff apart on an item by item, line by line basis for validity and fraudulent abuse of our money? As to the second part how can anyone view delaying what appears to be discretionary funds as abusive or contemptuous?
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Yes, and where I use to work for a living we also had dumb stupid rules for us to obey too.
We all hated those rules that were put in place that made no sense...but chocolate milk out of a bottle is childish.
The only thing I can think of is getting mad at someone & then throwing the empty bottle at that person.

We can only hope. If we can't get term limits or anything else useful from congress, some entertainment would be worthwhile.
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That's not true..President Bush said he couldn't be trusted years ago. And take a look at the post I started 3 years ago View attachment 257431

Again, you miss the point.

No one on the left complained that Bolton was dishonest or a liar. Just that his policy positions seemed extreme to us.

It is ironic that the right, that championed him for so long, is now calling him an extremist and a liar to discredit what he is saying. So if it comes down to believing Trump (who we all know lies at the drop of a pin) versus Bolton, who no one was claiming until now was a liar, I'll go with Bolton.

Especially given all of the other damning evidence of Trump. And especially given that John Kelly, the former Chief of Staff for Trump, says Bolton is telling the truth.
Don't get why these guys fall on their sword for a guy who'd sell em out in a heartbeat for Forbes magazine spanking from Stormy.

Money. He will golden parachute into a lobbying position where the lack of basic ethics and backbone he is exhibiting right now is the prime qualification required.

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