The Impeachment Thread

Looks like we're headed toward what is the meaning of "is" if this line continues. There was fraud and corruption in the FISA process by FBI staff ... now whether it was with the blessings of or just "unintentionally" initiated by FBI outsiders within the Obama administration and/or DNC is the question.

Oopsie, we didn't mean to get caught with our hand in the cookie jar.....
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Looks like we're headed toward what is the meaning of "is" if this line continues. There was fraud and corruption in the FISA process by FBI staff ... now whether it was with the blessings of or just "unintentionally" initiated by FBI outsiders within the Obama administration and/or DNC is the question.
I take it you didn't read Horowitz's report. Those questions are answered and i suggest you read it before continuing.
Oopsie, we didn't mean to get caught with our hand in the cookie jar.....
So what if they get caught? There is no punishment associated with it. Who goes to jail? Only those without money and political power, that's who.

Meanwhile lawyers will argue and try to convince you that it wasn't their client's hand and there was no cookie jar. Even is it was their client's hand and there was a cookie jar, there is no controlling legal authority that makes it a crime.
Sorry, I pegged you as a dim rather than a never Trumper.

I don't even disagree with your analysis of Trump. In fact what I was trying to imply (apparently not well) was that given enough rope, Trump would likely have hung himself. However, by making him play defense, dims have achieved just the opposite. We tend to be a nation who defends the underdog, and it takes a lot of effort to put Trump in that role, but the fools on the other side of the agenda have managed.
Well at least we can twist it so the blame once again falls on the dems.
The fact that so many willingly go through such contortions to blame Trump on the dems should tell you something.
So now if he is re-elected, the fault rests on the dems?
I don't think so.
The fault would fall squarely on the people who pull the lever for Trump.
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A Dem senator said on Fox News that shed like to see witnesses to see if Trump can show hes innocent. My God...
That's because he's already been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

That's like the convict who is being led away in chains screaming he is innocent........but he never attempted to defend himself and failed to provide requested witnesses and documentation that "supposedly" would proven his innocence.
Elizabeth Warren proposes criminal penalties for spreading voting disinformation online

This should be good. Totalitarians on the march against free speech. Funny how the side that has championed virtually anything as "free speech" has evolved ... again. So now the question is "who gets to decide what is information and what is disinformation?" Remember those "so and so voted against veteran's benefits" ... because there was a poison pill in the legislation?
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That's because he's already been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

That's like the convict who is being led away in chains screaming he is innocent........but he never attempted to defend himself and failed to provide requested witnesses and documentation that "supposedly" would proven his innocence.

Wrong.... and horrible analogy.
DC is one of those few places on earth that you have to destroy ... burn to the ground to save. Since sometime around 1812, nobody's had the balls to do the job right.
So he hasn't changed anything?
What is he doing in DC that is going to make it better?
All I've seen is him making it worse.
That's because he's already been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

That's like the convict who is being led away in chains screaming he is innocent........but he never attempted to defend himself and failed to provide requested witnesses and documentation that "supposedly" would proven his innocence.
Disagree but weve been down this road.
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Of course it's unprecedented. That in no way means it's invalid.
How can you obstruct an RSVP request? They lacked enforceable subpoena authority because they never took a whole House vote..the only charge they have is Orange Man hurt our feelings by not showing up to our impeachment party
And then there is 1... Obstruction of Congress charge is eliminated

That is fair, but that isn't the Article of Impeachment with meat on the bone. It's all under Article I : Abuse of Power... and specifically, the 2nd paragraph, which John Bolton's book is apparently going to corroborate.
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He has been. The vast majority of the public, and even the senate knows that he is guilty as charged.
They are now hanging their hats on the proverbial "but it's not impeachable" defense.

You are assuming . I’m going to assume here to and say you can’t read minds .
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I would ask if you saw it on a Trump poster, but then I realized the irony of the question.

Actually, luther, I don't think you'd recognize irony if it bit you on the ass. There is, however, a difference in defending a position and refusing to recognize fact. Stating a position as fact doesn't make it so ... and yes, that's not limited to one side in a debate.

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