The Impeachment Thread

A "political" opponent who shook down an ally under seige by Russia at the time by witholding approved aid until the firing of a prosecutor who was about to open an investigation against a company that this "political" opponent's son was a board member.
What is this about to open an investigation? Sure he was.
I'm sure they didn't call every witness that every democrat wanted.
They certainly didn't hear from the witness from whom they most wished to hear.
They did call some of the witnesses from the republican list.
Some on the list had no relevance with the investigation and the repubs were well aware of that fact when they placed the names on the list. They purposefully provided names that they knew would rightfully be rejected so they could have it as a propagandized talking point for the gullible and unthinking.

Such as the non whistle blower whistle blower Eric C? He had no relevance? And just why dont we have access to the ICIG transcript? The transcript that only Adam Schift has access to?
The fact that the Ukrainian President is on record as saying that he was not pressured? That is the height of lib hacks hypocrisy. In thinking that it is not relevant what the man says. We are Democrats and we have a Christmas deadline for Impeachment and we know much more what he was thinking than he does. LMAO election night and the next 2 Trump terms are going to be great watching you snowflakes meltdown.
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You defend it every day when you come in here and make any argument FOR Trump. By continuing to defend that man you support ALL of his behaviors, his actions, and his influences. Turn a light on and look at your hands, they're dirty!

Ok what is it that he has done. Since there's so much enlighten us
See my response to Coug. Believing in doing things the right way is not a defense of Trump. If anything, it's a defense of the Constitution and our country. If roles were reversed, and a Dem was facing this EXACT situation, I'd feel the same. It's wrong to make the impeachment process political, which is exactly what the left has done.
What does it say about Impeachment. You dgaf about the constitution and the idea of separation of powers. The arguments have been that impeachment is a "political" process otherwise Trump would be sitting in court right now and not hiding behind the GOP.
Good lord and that didn't raise alarm bells for Trump to get rid of the CIA point man on Ukraine corruption.

Now you have finally made a point thanks for confirming contributing. So you are of the Trump should have immediately fired everyone upon election like President Obama did?
What does it say about Impeachment. You dgaf about the constitution and the idea of separation of powers. The arguments have been that impeachment is a "political" process otherwise Trump would be sitting in court right now and not hiding behind the GOP.
The left is trying to get rid of Trump because they don't like him, not because they've proven he's done something wrong. They've searched for reasons since day one. And when the Senate acquits, you guys will screech about the GOP protecting him while ignoring the Dems didn't have a legitimate reason, other than their hate, to impeach him to begin with.
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Again, I completely agree(except for the not recognizing irony part - I saw the incredible irony in that very claim)
There is a colossal difference in defending a position and refusing to recognize fact - that is exactly the current issue in the Senate.

What fact is the senate refusing to recognize?
What does it say about Impeachment. You dgaf about the constitution and the idea of separation of powers. The arguments have been that impeachment is a "political" process otherwise Trump would be sitting in court right now and not hiding behind the GOP.

I just felt my IQ declining after reading this.
That would be true if my arguments were actually FOR Trump. They're not. My arguments are about whether he deserves to be impeached because the left doesn't like him.

You guys are willing to tear the system down just to get rid of one man. I mean, screw the Constitution, right?
He doesn't deserve to be impeached because the left doesn't like him, but the fact that the left and much of the middle rightfully despises him certainly increases the chances that he will be impeached. You give more leeway and benefit of doubt to good and decent people than to horrendously despicable people. That's the way it should be. Trump has not earned one sliver of trust, leeway, or benefit of doubt; he has worked to insure the opposite. A little of that reap what you sow dynamic in play.

Tear down the system? That's why Trump was elected. Someone said on here earlier today that DC needed to be burned to the ground and that Trump is doing just that.
Working to get rid of Trump is not tearing down the system, it is protecting the system.
At best you could claim that they are both attempting to tear down parts while protecting others.
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They can make the worst arguments ever and still win because it takes 60 votes and only a couple, if that, will break rank on either side.

He doesn't deserve to be impeached because the left doesn't like him but the fact that the left and much of the middle rightfully despises him certainly increases the chances that he will be impeached. You give more leeway and benefit of doubt to good and decent people than to horrendously despicable people. That's the way it should be. Trump has not earned one sliver of trust, leeway, or benefit of doubt; he was worked to insure the opposite. A little of that reap what you sow dynamic in play.

Tear down the system? That's why Trump was elected. Someone said on here earlier today that DC needed to be burned to the ground and that Trump is doing just that.
Working to get rid of Trump is not tearing down the system, it is protecting the system.
At best you could claim that they are both attempting to tear down parts while protecting others.

Don't attribute the arguments of others to me. I'm not a part of some larger group think.

And the left is absolutely trying to subvert the system. What have I said to you since the beginning? Beat him in the next election. My message never waivered. The process the left is using is setting s dangerous precedent that will come back and bite them. When it does, the Dems will whine and cry about it, but they have no one but themselves to blame.
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I'm pretty sure some of the posters on this board still believe this as it relates to their particular party.
I couldn't name one. (but there are a few approaching that with their godlike worship of Trump)

Personally, I am acutely aware they all lie on a continuum.

Only a fool would regard them all as equally good or equally bad.
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