The Impeachment Thread

Do you believe he is guilty as charged?

Obstruction of congress , NO . The left played the game , took a gamble and is losing badly for it . Abuse of power ... probably to some degree . YES . Now I’ll add that I believe every president does , its part and parcel to being POTUS . You’ll have to run some tests and ratios to determine where it falls on the continuum. That’s why ( to me ) it doesn’t rank high enough to be a removable offense . The left got its Asterisk beside Trumps name , that’s probably as much as you are going to get . But you knew that when you sent the articles over using the wing and prayer delivery service .
Elizabeth Warren proposes criminal penalties for spreading voting disinformation online

This should be good. Totalitarians on the march against free speech. Funny how the side that has championed virtually anything as "free speech" has evolved ... again. So now the question is "who gets to decide what is information and what is disinformation?" Remember those "so and so voted against veteran's benefits" ... because there was a poison pill in the legislation?

You just have to go to a college campus to realize what they are all about. Really is mob rule with no dissension. Policy can never be questioned and any bad results are blamed on something else.
You just have to go to a college campus to realize what they are all about. Really is mob rule with no dissension. Policy can never be questioned and any bad results are blamed on something else.

This chick will say anything to get elected . She’s impressively out pandering all comers and has zero shame .
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Not sure if it is pandering or if she really means it.

It’s hard to tell really . I do believe she’s the least stable one running , and would cause everything positive happening right now in this country to reverse course . If she tried to follow though on just a tenth of her policies she’s been promising .
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It’s hard to tell really . I do believe she’s the least stable one running , and would cause everything positive happening right now in this country to reverse course . If she tried to follow though on just a tenth of her policies she’s been promising .

She always sounds like she is going to cry. Tough call between the stability of her or LegHairs.
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Actually, luther, I don't think you'd recognize irony if it bit you on the ass. There is, however, a difference in defending a position and refusing to recognize fact. Stating a position as fact doesn't make it so ... and yes, that's not limited to one side in a debate.
Again, I completely agree(except for the not recognizing irony part - I saw the incredible irony in that very claim)
There is a colossal difference in defending a position and refusing to recognize fact - that is exactly the current issue in the Senate.
Again, I completely agree(except for the not recognizing irony part - I saw the incredible irony in that very claim)
There is a colossal difference in defending a position and refusing to recognize fact - that is exactly the current issue in the Senate.

All the while glossing over the fact the House called every witness the Democrats wanted and did not extend the same offer to the President.
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Obstruction of congress , NO . The left played the game , took a gamble and is losing badly for it . Abuse of power ... probably to some degree . YES . Now I’ll add that I believe every president does , its part and parcel to being POTUS . You’ll have to run some tests and ratios to determine where it falls on the continuum. That’s why ( to me ) it doesn’t rank high enough to be a removable offense . The left got its Asterisk beside Trumps name , that’s probably as much as you are going to get . But you knew that when you sent the articles over using the wing and prayer delivery service .
Fair enough, he abused his power (as acknowledged by the vast majority of people - even Senators) and has used his power to obstruct (hinder, stonewall) the investigation into that abuse of power. The only question now being, not if he is guilty, but if the guilt rises to the level of removal from office. Additional witnesses and documentation would obviously add clarity as to the level of his acknowledged abuse.

But yea, it was always known that the senate would almost assuredly stand with Trump.
All the while glossing over the fact the House called every witness the Democrats wanted and did not extend the same offer to the President.
I'm sure they didn't call every witness that every democrat wanted.
They certainly didn't hear from the witness from whom they most wished to hear.
They did call some of the witnesses from the republican list.
Some on the list had no relevance with the investigation and the repubs were well aware of that fact when they placed the names on the list. They purposefully provided names that they knew would rightfully be rejected so they could have it as a propagandized talking point for the gullible and unthinking.
You defend it every day when you come in here and make any argument FOR Trump. By continuing to defend that man you support ALL of his behaviors, his actions, and his influences. Turn a light on and look at your hands, they're dirty!
That would be true if my arguments were actually FOR Trump. They're not. My arguments are about whether he deserves to be impeached because the left doesn't like him. I've stated on multiple occasions he shouldn't have been elected. Our choices should never have been Trump and Hillary. Neither of them should have had the chance to be President based on character. But that's who the choices were. And Trump won. The left doesn't get to undo an election simply because they hate Trump. I've routinely said, beat him in the next election. But the Dems have it in their head that they can use the impeachment process as a political tool to get their way.

You guys are tools. Seriously. Anyone who disagrees with you MUST support Trump. That's idiotic. You guys are willing to tear the system down just to get rid of one man. I mean, screw the Constitution, right? Have to get rid of Trump no matter the cost. There's another process for that called an election, but apparently you guys don't think you can win that. And with the weak ass candidates the left has put forth, I can see why.

Find something worthy of impeachment and I'll support it, but I won't support perverting the system to such political ends, And take off your blindfolds and stop marching in lockstep with your party leaders. It's not okay to subvert the Constitution to get your way. If I'm a Trump supporter, you're an anti-American Nazi. But neither is the actual truth. Stop letting your feels get the better of you.
The abuse is using the office to ask a foreign government to investigate a political opponent.

A "political" opponent who shook down an ally under seige by Russia at the time by witholding approved aid until the firing of a prosecutor who was about to open an investigation against a company that this "political" opponent's son was a board member.
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Your defense for Trump are the deflections and false equivalencies.
See my response to Coug. Believing in doing things the right way is not a defense of Trump. If anything, it's a defense of the Constitution and our country. If roles were reversed, and a Dem was facing this EXACT situation, I'd feel the same. It's wrong to make the impeachment process political, which is exactly what the left has done.
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