The Impeachment Thread

You can complete your sentence. Let me do the lol.

"The longer this drags on __________ ? Find your words.

The longer it drags on the antsier a few dim senators become because ole Joe is making hay on the campaign trail. Who knows the communist and the indian may have to side with the republicans so they can get back to work and keep Joe from stealing their delegates - or whatever you call them before the dems rig the nomination.
Schiff saying they could have impeached trump for many crimes but “abuse of power” is the worst ever. So they just went with that. 😂
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This is what Democrats do not want, under any circumstances, happening to their corrupt members
It's their greatest fear if Hillary is ever arrested and jailed for past crimes she's committed she knows too much.

View attachment 257505

I have a feeling she'd take out a bunch of republicans, too. Congress is caught in a web of mutually assured destruction if anybody turns on anybody else. Trump isn't one of them, and he has them scared sh!tless.
Lmao that article is a straight up lie. At no time even with recounts did Gore have more votes in Florida than Bush did
I just found the first article that had the Bolton quote, but it’s probably referring to the independent counts that took place after:

Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner

I don’t don’t care about the Florida recount, the point was to make fun of people who are acting like John Bolton is some double agent under the direction of Nancy Pelosi.
Schiff saying they could have impeached trump for many crimes but “abuse of power” is the worst ever. So they just went with that. 😂

I bet cha Schitt can't give you a definition of the "abuse of power" they are bringing those charges.
They don't know what that is .... it just sounds good for now.
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I just found the first article that had the Bolton quote, but it’s probably referring to the independent counts that took place after:

Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner

I don’t don’t care about the Florida recount, the point was to make fun of people who are acting like John Bolton is some double agent under the direction of Nancy Pelosi.
yea I agree. That’s a dumb take
I have a feeling she'd take out a bunch of republicans, too. Congress is caught in a web of mutually assured destruction if anybody turns on anybody else. Trump isn't one of them, and he has them scared sh!tless.
Deep down I believe this is, at least in part, why Democrats have been so against Trump from the start. I also believe it's why Repubs have given him some cover, it always seemed begrudging and half hearted to me.

I want Trump to do it, I can't stand what career politicians have done to this country. They enrich themselves at our expense. They, Dems and Repubs, are the same prostitute wearing a different wig.
I have a feeling she'd take out a bunch of republicans, too. Congress is caught in a web of mutually assured destruction if anybody turns on anybody else. Trump isn't one of them, and he has them scared sh!tless.
This is exactly what is going on and has been since 2016.
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Great 2 minute video.

And sh!t like this 👆🏻Is why nobody that has two brain cells bumping together, is buying the impeachment articles or the lefts calls for removal . It’s all political partisan games . There’s no desire for truth from the party leaders , the only thing that matters is scoring political points .
What I'd find far more interesting than the transcripts, tapes, or anything else would be just who was on that call ... and why. Actually who wasn't on the call might be shorter it would seem.
I find it interesting how many people think it’s ok to record the President without his knowledge or publicly share private discussions that have taken place with the President. The lack of respect for the office of the President, if not the man, is astonishing. Cue something stupid from Luther in 3...2...1...
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