The Impeachment Thread

That Rino's beliefs and a couple of bucks will get you a medium coffee at Dunkin Donuts in the morning.
Lamar Alexander has voted with Trump 90% of the time. He never opposed an appointee from either the Bush or Trump Administrations. Anyone who is familiar with Alexander's lengthy career from his time as Governor of Tennessee from 1979-1987, knows damn well that he is a very conservative Republican. Your post is profoundly ignorant.
I said that I could live with Lamar Alexander's stance, which is to acknowledge that Trump's actions were wrong, but did not rise to the level of an impeachable offense or justify his removal from office. The problem up until now, is that no Republican in Congress has held that stance. Republicans have been giving Trump the defense that he wants, which is that his actions were completely appropriate and the July 25th phone call was "perfect". Alexander's statement yesterday was the first departure from that.
It’s just one mans opinion and that man is also not looking for reelection. Also it’s convenient you all leave out the other 14 parts of his tweet
He lost me voting not to repeal Obamacare and i'm so glad he's not running for reelection:rolleyes:
He voted against the amendment to repeal Obamacare without a replacement, which was a totally reasonable position. He has been an outspoken critic and opponent of the Affordable Care Act from the beginning. To call him a RINO just for that, is absurd. Republicans ran on the issue of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act for 2 years. They should have had a plan in place to replace it with when the time came. They didn't.
He voted against the amendment to repeal Obamacare without a replacement, which was a totally reasonable position. He has been an outspoken critic and opponent of the Affordable Care Act from the beginning. To call him a RINO just for that, is absurd. Republicans ran on the issue of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act for 2 years. They should have had a plan in place to replace it with when the time came. They didn't.
Hopefully a more conservative person will take his place in the Senate

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