The Impeachment Thread

Acquittal without exoneration by a proper Senate trial is actually the worst outcome for Trump personally.

Yes, even worse than being removed, because this process will now just move to SDNY and back to the House. So Trump will face actual criminal culpability, not just political repercussions. In addition, his political prospects just dimmed.

This was not a power play by the Democrats; they aren't that smart. This was a power play from Mitch McConnell. He sent his close friend Lamar Alexander out with a "Trump is guilty as hell and yet we are going to acquit without hearing the case" letter. Who in their right mind would think such a letter would be anything but strychnine in the Trump re-election well?

This time next year, Mitch believes he will be the only power in the GOP again, having effectively hamstrung Trump's re-election while pretending to have his back. The Swamp always wins.
This is a great take on the situation.
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Actually many of us here have consistently said that while we don’t like the optics of this nothing rises to the level of impeachment and it will backfire. Guess who wound up being right? 😂
We will see how much it "backfires".... every poll that I have seen so far shows that a large majority of Americans wanted witnesses called, and a slight majority of Americans were in favor of Trump's removal from office. I don't believe that the Republicans have helped their case here, by refusing to allow Bolton to testify... even if that decision can be justified. The complaint for months from Republicans was that there were no first hand witnesses, but when we had one who was willing to testify, Republicans wouldn't allow it.
We will see how much it "backfires".... every poll that I have seen so far shows that a large majority of Americans wanted witnesses called, and a slight majority of Americans were in favor of Trump's removal from office. I don't believe that the Republicans have helped their case here, by refusing to allow Bolton to testify... even if that decision can be justified. The complaint for months from Republicans was that there were no first hand witnesses, but when we had one who was willing to testify, Republicans wouldn't allow it.
Neither would schiff so take your bitching up with him
We will see how much it "backfires".... every poll that I have seen so far shows that a large majority of Americans wanted witnesses called, and a slight majority of Americans were in favor of Trump's removal from office. I don't believe that the Republicans have helped their case here, by refusing to allow Bolton to testify... even if that decision can be justified. The complaint for months from Republicans was that there were no first hand witnesses, but when we had one who was willing to testify, Republicans wouldn't allow it.
And once again $$$F53257E3-7716-493F-B1D2-6EA1FFF52411.jpeg
These bleeding heart liberal pansies just keep prattling on and on about how elected officials should listen to the people. So quaint, isn't it?

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