The Impeachment Thread

Next two hours looks like I am going to have to suffer through the History Channel Ancient Aliens for more believable stories than the mismanagers are spewing... was hoping for Ukrainian Sasquatch revelations.

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Schiff has been reduced to reading today's NYT as some sort of fact input in closing arguments.

Did Bull Shitft mention this from the NYT:

Mismanager Lie: This impeachment process began after an anonymous whistleblower filed a complaint through the proper channels within the Office of the Inspector General.

Fact: An article published on Oct 2, 2019, by the New York Times proved Schiff received an early account of the whistleblower’s complaint despite his persistent denial. This gave Democrats time to come up with an impeachment plan before any information was released to the public.
Why didn’t Schiff release the 18th transcript- from the IG? Guess he didn’t need it with all that proof he had. LMFAO!!!!!!

Schitt is now a very well known good liar and being such he has been crowned as King of all the Liars.
Schitt wrote the handbook for liars to be used now for all Democrats to model themselves after.....
You have no idea what a conservative is. In your head, you just think that means racist.
I have followed Alexander's career for close to 40 years. He is a conservative and a good man. This is nothing but sour grapes on your part and very childish. He did nothing more than admit the obvious.
Also, this whole **** show has reinforced my opinion we need Congressional term limits, but we'll never see them because neither party wants to give up the power that comes with being a lifelong Congressional member. It doesn't serve the public to have the same people elected over and over again. It serves the partisan mindset of power.

This is where the "separate and equal" executive branch should step in and start running counter coups - fostering new constitutional amendments that set term limits on the legislative branch just like the legislative branch did to the executive branch. There also has to be a way to limit congress to reasonable legislation rather than the bundled bunches of crap they put out. The line item veto was probably the only real attempt to manage the inclusion of poison pills; unfortunately that still is a very partisan process that can hide too much below the surface. It has to be a process that strictly limits legislation to small packages and keeps it all on topic. It isn't going to happen unless we continually keep the chain of progression from congress to the WH broken with outsiders.
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