The Impeachment Thread

These bleeding heart liberal pansies just keep prattling on and on about how elected officials should listen to the people. So quaint, isn't it?

LOL...anyone that has half a brain knows that's just common sense bombshell there w/that tweet.
Don't you have some lawyer ? work to do stay off VN PF & twitter or did you call in sick today?
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What's the check for Congress when the controlling party abuses their power or does something wrong? Be it the Dems or the Republicans, how do you check out of control partisanship in either chamber? Are elections our only remedy?

Unless the other branches step up their game, it is. Of course, good ole "honest" Abe once liked the thought of the people rising up if their government no longer suited them; so there is revolution. At something anywhere near a 50/50 split on political fixations and a largely passive population, revolution is pretty much off the table, so I think congress can sleep well tonight and every night.
There is no basis in fact for calling Alexander a RINO. It's either sour grapes or pure ignorance. He has a very conservative record and he rarely opposes the Republican Party line on anything.
I never applied that label. I said a few posts back that I basically agreed with what he said. You have in fact done what the rest of the Dims have done throughout this Schitt Show. Cherry picked texts and quotes. What did Alexander say in whole in this issue? Trump shouldn’t have acted towards Ukraine as he did however nothing here rises to impeachment. The same thing many of us said from the start. You cannot accept his statement in whole so you chose to attack a strawman on his political record. Congrats? 😂
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Now tell us about the rest of his tweets, why are you just focusing one 1 part?
I have discussed the totality of what he tweeted yesterday in previous posts, and said that it was reasonable. He is basically saying Trump is guilty of the allegation cited under Article I : Abuse of Power but this doesn't rise to being an impeachable offense or justify his removal from office. I have mixed feelings about that, but it is a reasonable position to hold. If this statement had been given in October... I believe things could have been handled differently from the Democratic side. Part of the disconnect here, was the refusal of Republicans to acknowledge that what Trump had done was wrong.
There is no basis in fact for calling Alexander a RINO. It's either sour grapes or pure ignorance.

Here are some examples of each to get you on the right track.
RINO = Alexander, Romney, Collins. Murkowski, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Cory Gardner, Ben Sasse

Conservative = Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert, Ronald Reagan, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Ron DeSantis
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It is somewhat gratifying to see at least a few GOP Senators admit that Trump has been lying all along about this.

On the other hand, it is sad to see all of the GOP Senators sell their souls to he and McConnell like this.
I never applied that label. I said a few posts back that I basically agreed with what he said. You have in fact done what the rest of the Dims have done throughout this Schitt Show. Cherry picked texts and quotes. What did Alexander say in whole in this issue? Trump shouldn’t have acted towards Ukraine as he did however nothing here rises to impeachment. The same thing many of us said from the start. You cannot accept his statement in whole so you chose to attack a strawman on his political record. Congrats? 😂
Damn near none of you have said that. @volfanhill has said that but he is a moderate. Your side has mostly pretended that Trump did nothing wrong.
There is no basis in fact for calling Alexander a RINO. It's either sour grapes or pure ignorance. He has a very conservative record and he rarely opposes the Republican Party line on anything.

Whut? Alexander is of the John McCain mold and worst kind of RINO, he should be a democrat but knows he couldn't get elected as one.
This is where the "separate and equal" executive branch should step in and start running counter coups - fostering new constitutional amendments that set term limits on the legislative branch just like the legislative branch did to the executive branch. There also has to be a way to limit congress to reasonable legislation rather than the bundled bunches of crap they put out. The line item veto was probably the only real attempt to manage the inclusion of poison pills; unfortunately that still is a very partisan process that can hide too much below the surface. It has to be a process that strictly limits legislation to small packages and keeps it all on topic. It isn't going to happen unless we continually keep the chain of progression from congress to the WH broken with outsiders.
I gave up voting for career politicians a long time ago. I'll still vote the party line in November elections even if I don't like the person with the exception of the John Duncan syndicate. I think a couple of terms in the senate and maybe 4 terms in the house is plenty long enough.

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