The Impeachment Thread

If you can point to even one of your own previous posts, before today, in which you acknowledge that what Trump had done was inappropriate, then you will get a correction and an apology from me. Not much, I know... but I do admit when and if I am wrong about something.
I’m not gonna jump when you say jump and go search you can do that in your own. I know what I’ve said. I even had an exchange with @RockyTop85 on this exact topic when it started. I went on record stating that I would have said the same thing if Barry Hussein has done this. Don’t like the optics but doesn’t rise to impeachment.
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It is somewhat gratifying to see at least a few GOP Senators admit that Trump has been lying all along about this.

On the other hand, it is sad to see all of the GOP Senators sell their souls to he and McConnell like this.

I’ve said it all along when we were watching Pelosi being hailed as some kind of mastermind , Making fun of Mitch , brushing him off like he’s nothing , will bring you pain and sadness . Bo may know football , but Mitch knows the Senate and how to run it .
I’m not gonna jump when you say jump and go search you can do that in your own. I know what I’ve said. I even had an exchange with @RockyTop85 on this exact topic when it started. I went on record stating that I would have said the same thing if Barry Hussein has done this. Don’t like the optics but doesn’t rise to impeachment.
In other words, you can't do it. Fine. It's not important to me, but I would have admitted if I was wrong... I didn't think I was.
So you agree that what Trump did was inappropriate?

What is wrong with your fuzzy little minds? If I told you it doesn't matter what so and so did (not significant, I simply don't care, or whatever), I didn't say anything about whether the action was appropriate/inappropriate, legal/illegal, or anything else. You clowns ave a problem with jumping to conclusions and incorrectly inserting tab A in slot B. If an act or thought doesn't reach some trigger level (except in the eyes of a bunch of bigoted loons) then it's largely a non event. Don't like that, then try to structure how the president has to phrase everything and see how that goes, and don't forget that applies going forward to every following president ... precedent is a fickle thing.
Here are some examples of each to get you on the right track.
RINO = Alexander, Romney, Collins. Murkowski, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Cory Gardner, Ben Sasse

Conservative = Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert, Ronald Reagan, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Ron DeSantis
Alexander is more conservative than Meadows... Can you cite a policy of his which is liberal?
Here ya go a quick 30 seconds @BowlBrother85 is worth getting you to eat crow after doubling down a n your usual BS 🤣
The Fast has the Furious comes to mind immediately as a scandal.

Lois Lerner and her IRS buddies come to mind as another scandal.

Benghazi and getting American diplomats killed comes to mind as another scandal.

None of those were probably impeachable though. However ALL of them represented serious issues within our government and ALL were much more serious than this **** show.

Yet here we are talking about impeachment over this nothing **** show 🤷‍♂️
I thought it involved a Constitutional amendment and had to be proposed by Congress itself. Is that wrong?

It pretty much ensures that congress is an untouchable, self perpetuating POS. A body that polices itself and writes its own rules pretty much falls under the definition of a dictatorial tyranny. When senators served as direct appointees of the individual states, there was oversight - they got that erased some time back ... the will of the people is too divided, fragmented, and wimpy to accomplish much.
There ya go LG! Rationalize this as a moral victory! 🤣🤣🤣

Its not a moral victory for me. But come the debates, when Trump again says the call was "perfect," Biden is going to chime in, "No, it was cheating. You tried to yet again get a foreign government to meddle in our election process. And even GOP Senators said as much, they just could not muster the courage to do what was right, and run you out on rails. You do not have the character or dignity to hold this office, and those Senators who voted to let you keep it even though they knew you had done this and knew you were lying do not deserve to keep theirs, either. Shame on you. Shame on them"
Its not a moral victory for me. But come the debates, when Trump again says the call was "perfect," Biden is going to chime in, "No, it was cheating. You tried to yet again get a foreign government to meddle in our election process. And even GOP Senators said as much, they just could not muster the courage to do what was right, and run you out on rails. You do not have the character or dignity to hold this office, and those Senators who voted to let you keep it even though they knew you had done this and knew you were lying do not deserve to keep theirs, either. Shame on you. Shame on them"

Oh please let this exchange come to pass.

My guess is if Biden is the nominee the last thing he'll want to mumble about is Ukraine.
Its not a moral victory for me. But come the debates, when Trump again says the call was "perfect," Biden is going to chime in, "No, it was cheating. You tried to yet again get a foreign government to meddle in our election process. And even GOP Senators said as much, they just could not muster the courage to do what was right, and run you out on rails. You do not have the character or dignity to hold this office, and those Senators who voted to let you keep it even though they knew you had done this and knew you were lying do not deserve to keep theirs, either. Shame on you. Shame on them"
Oh I am absolutely looking forward to Creepy Joe forming a coherent rebuttal to anything in the general election debates! 😂
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Am I missing something? In that post, you don't admit that Trump withheld aid to the Ukraine to facilitate an investigation into a political rival, and that it was wrong. In fact, you never even mention Trump.
LMAO! Keep at it strawman!

I made the assertion that I would have said the same thing had this occurred on Obama’s watch. I did a 30 second search in this thread on my name and Obama. Boom. And gave examples of much more egregious issues which Obama did that still didn’t rise to impeachment! The message is clear. Put a little hot sauce on that crow 😂
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Good, they're finally getting around to calling this what it is: jury nullification, not acquittal

Yep, I read your post last night and you are correct about this. You have a juror who agrees with the prosecution's case, but is deciding to acquit because he doesn't believe that the guilty party should be punished.
Yep, I read your post last night and you are correct about this. You have a juror who agrees with the prosecution's case, but is deciding to acquit because he doesn't believe that the guilty party should be punished.

Welp, there is precedent.
LMAO! Keep at it strawman!

I made the assertion that I would have said the same thing had this occurred on Obama’s watch. I did a 30 second search in this thread on my name and Obama. Boom. And gave examples of much more egregious issues which Obama did that still didn’t rise to impeachment! The message is clear. Put a little hot sauce on that crow 😂
Then you weren't admitting that Trump did anything wrong. You were playing "what-about-ism". Not the same thing.

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