The Impeachment Thread

It is somewhat gratifying to see at least a few GOP Senators admit that Trump has been lying all along about this.

On the other hand, it is sad to see all of the GOP Senators sell their souls to he and McConnell like this.

Do not forget the 2-3 Dems in the HoR who voted against impeachment.
All the socialists here so giddy about Alexander's statement should read it all and not just listen to the part MSNBC and CNN tells you. I will help you all a little but I'm not going to post all 15 parts of it, I will rely on velo or el to do that

The continually amazing part is how "Even if the House charges were true" keeps being misconstrued as an admission that Trump did something wrong. Did reading or listening for context die sometime during the previous century?
I have discussed the totality of what he tweeted yesterday in previous posts, and said that it was reasonable. He is basically saying Trump is guilty of the allegation cited under Article I : Abuse of Power but this doesn't rise to being an impeachable offense or justify his removal from office. I have mixed feelings about that, but it is a reasonable position to hold. If this statement had been given in October... I believe things could have been handled differently from the Democratic side. Part of the disconnect here, was the refusal of Republicans to acknowledge that what Trump had done was wrong.
And that's the right move because he didn't do anything wrong
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In other words, you can't do it. Fine. It's not important to me, but I would have admitted if I was wrong... I didn't think I was.
Still waiting. I proved exactly what I asserted. You’re trying to parse my method of proof however my assertion was proven.

And you’re even wrong on the method attack 😂
Republicans have mostly denied it, up until now.
Bullchit. Every Trump supporter on this board has said Trump is a POS and mostly likely did some of the stuff he is accused of. We have all said all along that it wasn't illegal, wasn't impeachable and that you guys were dying on the wrong hill. Dems haven't accepted that up until now.
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Bullchit. Every Trump supporter on this board has said Trump is a POS and mostly likely did some of the stuff he is accused of. We have all said all along that it wasn't illegal, wasn't impeachable and that you guys were dying on the wrong hill. Dems haven't accepted that up until now.
See post # 40,910 from @volfanjustin from up above. It's 3 posts above yours. That is much more typical of what I've read on this forum, and also seen from Republicans in Congress. Complete and total denial.
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Giving Kushner security clearance against the wishes of people that know a thing or two about national security is right up there with having your lawyer and assistant review the emails to give to the FBI to investigate whether she disclosed classified information to someone that didn't have clearance.

We don't know the reasons for that ... perhaps it was simply trying to "rush" a clearance through the "overworked" system. Did you know the military too back responsibility for security clearance in the past few years because the system was so screwed up. Civilian bureaucrats had allowed well over half a million clearance backlog.

If you want to argue about the security risks that political staffers bring and better vetting, I'm right there with you ... starting with the people elected themselves. There's no way in hell Obama could have been granted a security clearance under normal rules.

This is why the Pentagon is taking over security clearance checks
The continually amazing part is how "Even if the House charges were true" keeps being misconstrued as an admission that Trump did something wrong. Did reading or listening for context die sometime during the previous century?
That is obviously not the portion of the statement where Senator Lamar Alexander acknowledges that Donald Trump's actions were inappropriate. How do you interpret these two tweets from Sen. Alexander, as anything other than an admission of Trump's wrongdoing?

"There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a "mountain of overwhelming evidence." 3/15


"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation." 5/15

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