The Impeachment Thread

That is obviously not the portion of the statement where Senator Lamar Alexander acknowledges that Donald Trump's actions were inappropriate. How do you interpret these two texts from Sen. Alexander, as anything other than an admission of Trump's wrongdoing?

"There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a "mountain of overwhelming evidence." 3/15


"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation." 5/15
Still can’t finish the whole statement!!!😂

...and does not meet the US Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense!!

So... moral victory?🤣🤣🤣🤣
Still can’t finish the whole statement!!!😂

...and does not meet the US Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense!!

So... moral victory?🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have cited that part of the statement in other posts and said that it was reasonable. It wasn't relevant to that particular post I was quoting, however.
That is obviously not the portion of the statement where Senator Lamar Alexander acknowledges that Donald Trump's actions were inappropriate. How do you interpret these two tweets from Sen. Alexander, as anything other than an admission of Trump's wrongdoing?

"There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a "mountain of overwhelming evidence." 3/15


"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation." 5/15
Here ya go since you you seem to be struggling in keeping track of the whole statement. Tsk tsk... more cherry picking text and all 😂

Alexander Statement on Impeachment Witness Vote - Press Releases - United States Senator Lamar Alexander
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I have cited that part of the statement in other posts and said that it was reasonable. It wasn't relevant to that particular post I was quoting, however.
You’re ignoring “the rest of the statement” at every opportunity you can. So yeah... moral victory.

Again use hot sauce on that crow!
You’re ignoring “the rest of the statement” at every opportunity you can. So yeah... moral victory.

Again use hot sauce ok that crow!
No, I'm not. I'm just not addressing the whole 15 tweet statement with every post. I have said that the premise of Alexander's logic is sound. It basically is jury nullification, however. He believes that Trump is guilty as charged of Abuse of Power under Article I... Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump should be punished for it.
Adam Schitt is a crazy SOB.....he doesn't realize the fact he's drowning & there's nobody there throwing him a lifeline.
Schitt just might as well be talking to a brick wall. The Senators have turned their ears off at this point.

God....will somebody call a vote for witnesses already, geezus.....this is pure insanity what Schitt is doing.
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Schitt keeps on trying the method of intimidation and telling Senators they're dumb by not doing what he wants.
I'm surprised Schitt hasn't gotten down on the floor kicking & screaming out loud....."do as I want".
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No, I'm not. I'm just not addressing the whole 15 tweet statement with every post. I have said that the premise of Alexander's logic is sound. It basically is jury nullification, however. He believes that Trump is guilty as charged of Abuse of Power under Article I... Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump should be punished for it.
No you are not addressing it you are outright rewriting it. And the bolded statement above is the new lib talking point and factually wrong.

Alexander clearly states what Trump did does not rise to the bar for impeachment. That’s it. You twisting that into “ doesn’t think he should be punished for it” is your own inference and not supported by his own words.
No, I'm not. I'm just not addressing the whole 15 tweet statement with every post. I have said that the premise of Alexander's logic is sound. It basically is jury nullification, however. He believes that Trump is guilty as charged of Abuse of Power under Article I... Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump should be punished for it.

Were the findings in Clinton's trial "jury nullification"?
This goes back to her mary jane days of puff puff pass pass.....smoking that giggle pot stuff will do it.
This can make you so angry, and get your blood boiling, and makes you want to march to Washington and take her and the rest out by hand. No care in the world for our country, no dignity, no pride. We’ve had enough of the charade. What she was laughing about is the impeachment over all, and laughing at the hoax, and laughing at us voters that sent Trump to the White House.
Yep you’ve ignored several parts and rewritten others you didn’t like!
Wrong! I haven't "rewritten" a damn thing... and I have discussed Sen. Alexander's statement in it's totality. It is pointless to try and have a reasonable debate on here. Emotions come into play too much and other people's words are misrepresented. I've been thorough in fully interpreting what Alexander wrote.
These Dems keep stepping on a rake time after time. The Modern Day Democrats make the Three Stooges look like ballet dancers. Dems want to destroy our republic and it's institutions & then blame it as the Republicans fault.
Vote and end this failed coup attempt so the commie dems can get on with the second Mpeachmint
Wrong! I haven't "rewritten" a damn thing... and I have discussed Sen. Alexander's statement in it's totality. It is pointless to try and have a reasonable debate on here. Emotions come into play too much and other people's words are misrepresented. I've been thorough in fully interpreting what Alexander wrote.
You are 100% FOS! In your last reply you substituted your phrase of “he shouldn’t be punished” for “does not meet the high bar of impeachment”. Alexander has never said he shouldn’t be punished he clearly states what he did doesn’t meet the bar for the outcome that libs want but has not offered an opinion on alternative outcomes! You’re making that up plain and simple.

😘 <- just for you as they appear to be having the desired affect. Enjoy your crow!

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